As for I the only one who remembers how @GanucheauAdam's glowing coverage of Tate in 2019 helped Tate beat Waller and Hood?
Regardless, AG hasn't said anything critical of Tate recently that Supertalk hasn't also said. (Them's not the liberals.)
Moving on from attacking AG for citing Tate for bad behavior by a man who may be from Ohio, YP then attacks @ashtonpittman for citing Trump. Ain't Ohio in America?
YP says MS Free Press with having a "strong bias against conservatives. Is that true?
Tate and Delbert both appointed Brice to chair powerful MS Senate committees. I am struggling to find YP's evidence that Donna is biased against Republicans...
Perhaps YP has a major victimhood complex and cherry-picks examples—defining "mainstream media" as @laynebruce at one point, as @GanucheauAdam or @ashtonpittman at another—ignoring contrary evidence from them and from Supertalk, in order to ordain itself the MS Speech Police?
I mean, if someone should be cited for intentionally misleading news coverage in MS, I would say it's whoever decided to report COVID was "down" in Neshoba when Neshoba had the highest case rate in MS, while MS had the highest case rate in the world. 🤷♂️
THREAD: Today's protest against vaccines in Oxford appears to have been organized by Dr. John Witcher—an MD from Flowood, pictured below, with a lengthy history of ethical violations that resulted in his license to practice medicine being suspended in 2011. 1/
The MS State Board of Medical Licensure's investigative director filed charges against Witcher in an affidavit available here:… 2/
The 2011 affidavit begins with a recitation of background information about Witcher's prior incidents, including arrests for domestic violence, trespassing, assault, and other charges. 3/
I see that @SenatorWicker, after four years of hiding his light under a bushel, is spontaneously worried about the ability of Christians to enter the United States as refugees.…
Roger has passed up a great number of opportunities to express this concern over the past four years.…
Pretty much every major media outlet in the United States covered the US closing our doors to persecuted Christians abroad.…
THREAD: I have devastating news for Mississippi parents who don't want health mandates on their schoolchildren.
I that describes you, please sit down and have tissues ready before I tell you about MS Code § 37-13-134. 1/
MS Code § 37-13-134 is the so-called "Comprehensive School Health Education Program."
But even if you thought it was really based on "health," it's not just "health education. Nope, it's not enough or the #MSleg to make your child listen to their propaganda. 2/
No, the state demands ACTIVITY.
That's strict authoritarianism right out o the gate. Right there in Section 1. I mean, if this isn't communism—what is? 3/
☑️ Mail postcards to MSians to ensure everyone knows vaccines are free and where they are available
☑️ Send push-messages to cell phones with public health information about COVID-19
☑️ Require employers to post public health info
☑️ Require schools to send public health info home to parents (and require parents to sign that they received it)
☑️ Hold town halls for vaccine-hesitant constituents (like Arkansas' Republican governor is doing)
☑️ Resume holding regular press briefings
Seth Keshel—a Sidney Powell/Michael Flynn fanboy I've never heard of before—gave a presentation at Flora United Methodist Church arguing that Trump won the 2020 election.
He then "appointed" the congregation to be "defenders of the constitution."
The phrase "CRITICAL RACE THEORY" on the screen behind Keshel brings to mind the contrast between the apparently all-white attendees and the makeup of Flora, MS, which is 42% black.
A group called "Mississippians for Election Integrity"— which is not a registered organization in Mississippi but appears to be associated with the event in Flora—later put out an ad inviting followers to doubt our own elections here in Mississippi.
One method I repeatedly propose is to send postcards, like the cards @MississippiSOS sent before last year's elections, to be sure people know vaccines are free, where they can get one, debunk common myths, etc.