22/ “Philip says he “looked ahead 10 to 20 years and saw ourselves older and possibly without family, with diminishing ability to travel, in a country where I didn’t see whites, let alone Jews, being a priority.”
32/ Israel’s education ministry: “Such integration may harm the cultural and family roots of the students and create a unification of cultures in a manner that would erase and blur the identity and the community from which they come.”
On @elonmusk Nazi salute, @JGreenblattADL and the ZIonism-antisemitism connection.
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Once upon a time a self-proclaimed “free speech absolutist,” Musk found himself at odds with Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Zionist lobby group
2/ and self-styled “anti-hate organisation” the Anti-Defamation League (@ADL), after airing his views in an X space with far-right antisemites and conspiracy theorists Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes, among others.
3/ This sparked a backlash from advertisers, which Musk dismissed with typical bravado.
Yet this kerfuffle appears to have marked his 'come-to-Zionism' moment.
On @PiersUncensored and the normalization of genocide.
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Since October 7, 2023, white settler propaganda has ramped up through two insidious tactics targeting western audiences.
2/ The first rationalizes Israel’s brutality under the pretext of “self-defense” of a supposed “civilized” western democracy in a barbaric region, exploiting the conflation of Zionism with Judaism and dehumanizing all Palestinian people as “terrorists” to legitimize the ongoing
3/ genocide in Palestine and suppress dissent in the United States. The second aims to normalize genocide and Zionism, making mass violence more acceptable by breaking societal taboos, delegitimizing and attempting to destroy international law and weaving them seamlessly into
Here's a thread of hit pieces I've written over the years, targeting the full range of Zionist apologists, from the "liberal" propagandist to the overtly genocidal.
Recent research has advanced understanding of why people participate in genocide.
2/ Influences like peer pressure, group norms and obedience to authority often outweigh deeply held beliefs or ideologies. Class, economic inequality and lack of resources also make some individuals more vulnerable to coercion. items.ssrc.org/insights/dehum…
3/ Several studies highlight the role of dehumanizing propaganda in promoting and shaping genocidal violence. While such rhetoric may not convince everyone, it shifts social dynamics by promoting the repression of dissent, theintercept.com/2024/02/07/gaz…
Zionist genocide of Indigenous Palestinians did not start on October 7, 2023, as some claim. It has been ongoing since the early 20th century.
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2/ Nationalistic propaganda merges the perception of ‘self’ with that of ‘nation’ into a cohesive identity loyal to the ruling class. Zionist propaganda fused Jewish longing for safety with white supremacist, messianic and fascistic ideologies aimed at land theft.
3/ Settler colonialism often relies on depicting targeted territories as inhabited by dehumanized, primitive barbarians unworthy of land. Contrary to the reality of an historically continuous Palestinian society with an educated and politically engaged urban elite and a
On Project Esther: A Trumpian blueprint to crush anticolonial resistance
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Created by the same minds that brought us the authoritarian, Christian nationalist “Project 2025”, “Project Esther” syncretises the story of Queen Esther,
2/ the Jewish heroine celebrated during Purim for saving Jews of ancient Persia from extermination at the hands of Vizier Haman, with modern day Zionist narratives of defence and victimhood to depict her as a defender of Jews against activists, academics and progressive
3/ members of Congress in the US who oppose racism, apartheid and genocide. The strategy paper, supposedly designed to be “a blueprint to counter anti-Semitism in the United States”, includes several fundamental aspects of fascistic thought and practice