'Just spoke with a mates wife, my friend a fireman was rushed to hospital last night whilst on shift, he collapsed with a bacterial infection which gave him arthritis in his left leg and ankle? Throwing up and abdominal pain!!
..He had his 2nd jab last week!'
'..lovely male relative of mine in his 40s had a serious stroke from a blood clot 3 weeks after his 2nd vaccine. .. fed thru a tube for 3 months & can’t even talk yet. Please does anyone have up to date reliable stats of clot cases post vaccine? Thank you'
Jacqueline Clark
'Got my 1st Pfizer shot last week. In hospital this week. First migraine of my life. Transient aphasia aura, my brain forgot how to read for 30 minutes. Thought I was having a stroke. This is why it's morally and ethically wrong to mandate medicine'
'.. 51-year-old female
- 7 days after the 1st dose of the #CovidVaccine: acute left middle cerebral artery occlusion (⇒ acute ischemic stroke)
- Standard ELISA detected high levels of anti-PF4 antibodies (⇒ autoimmune reaction)'
'My cousins son aged 40 found dead in his bed .. a friends father Inlaw 68 found dead in bed ... Maxine status both doublers ... either that or beds are dangerous and should be banned'
Friend told me her son asked her to 🙏 for his girlfriend who is for the first time in her life suffering from severe migraines following 💉
'I caught COVID last year and was only sick for two days, then perfectly back to normal.
Now I have a family member who got the shot about 10 days ago and is in the ICU, terribly ill with “COVID”.
I’m praying for their full recovery..'
'NINE Children with Myocarditis and/or Pericarditis.
Three following the first dose of Pfizer, six after the second.
Eight boys and one girl.
Aged 16 - 17 years old. '
Informed Medical Options Party - IMOP
'My friends brother just had a massive stroke. Please pray for a miracle. He has a wife and two very young kids. On a side note, he was a young healthy father, whose job forced him to get the vax a few days ago against his wishes.'
'A good friend of my husband's just died of an aneurism from the Syringe. We are really upset and so sad for his family.'
'A vaccinated family member has blood clotting spots in the mouth mucosa, which come and go. Went to the Dr. to do a D-Dimer test. Dr. didn't call with results so the family member called them. Dr. said, he didn't call because they're re-running the test. Bad sign'
'...recently.. 2 young men come into emergency at our local rural hospital. Both had heart irregularities and 1 had pain in his chest. They were worried because they’d had the clot shot Syringe
I wonder if this is just the start and if MSM would ever report it.'
Robb in Hood @hoodrobbin06
'The first friend I made in Amherst, is now laying in palative care, with no chance of surviving, after having taken 2 shots & developed a very aggressive form of brain cancer.
Bob was Pro-V but will not be receiving any more'
'This might be anecdotal, but I have had multiple people contact me to say that they or their loved ones have had significant side effects from the vaccine, and they wished they had waited. It is so saddening. People have been put in a really shitty position.'
'I know two people who died within a week of their shots. One was a healthy, young man, he died in 24 hours. I also know 3 people who got long Covid after their first jab. Another man was paralyzed after his first jab for a month.'
'26 year old niece - super fit & healthy - had her 1st Pfizer vaccine. Within 24 hours she has Bell’s Palsy. Can’t close her left eye ( jab in left arm ) and left side facial paralysis .
Wake up people - these vaccines are extremely dangerous.'
'A friend just told me that her brother's girlfriend died today as a result of the jab she took about a month ago, and that the wife of another friend got the 2nd jab and came home and died in the kitchen about 1/2 hour after getting home. ..'
'my brother was 67 he had sugar diabetes under control got the poison two weeks ago he had no heart problems was told he had a strong heart , had a massive heart attack at 7.20 this morning sadly missed already, he is survived by his son ,'
'Spoke to friend today whose sister (spina bífida & learning difficulties) got jabbed & within 2 wks developed Bell’s palsy symptoms & other neurological damage
They are now giving her weeks to live..'
'I know no one who died of Covid, but I know 3 people who died after their second shot. 2 heart attacks and a stroke. I also know 2 people who are permanently damaged after their shot and both regret taking it. '
Laura Teolis Lester (FB post)
'Ok. I wasn’t sure whether to post this. I have had one jab. Since then I have developed myocarditis. I am a very fit and healthy man who hasn’t ever had any significant health problems until now.'
'I’ve had inflammation of the nervous system for 5 months from about a week-10 days post-2nd AZ,..'
'Alpa Tailor, 35, fell ill a week after getting first dose of coronavirus jab in March
She complained of a headache before she suffered stroke-like symptoms
Was diagnosed with vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) '
'A work colleague got the #clotshot and a week later has blurred vision and a blood clot behind his eye.'
'..with a group of Portuguese health.. providers and policy influencers. One of the hot topics was the apparent jump in sudden death (cardiac, cerebral vascular events) leading to car crashes, death on the street.. associated with recent receipt of vaccine'
The Mindsculpter @TheMindsculpter
'A guy at work tells me his 2 dosed daughter has gone totally blind in one eye and the other eye is slowly deteriorating.
His response "This has all happened within 2 weeks, it's just come out of the blue. We don't know why this has happened"'
Fearless Teacher 2021 @LuLu99882995
'My sister’s funeral was today and it was very nice.
She never had the virus but got the jab and blood clots. She was a good person who believed a lie.'
Paula Cross @PaulaCr90082297
'So angry, my mum just told me her ex (who was my step dad for many years). Has Bell’s palsy now after having the stab. This is out of control, he is one of many I know with bad reactions'
The Roller @Corleone_Roller
'Just spoke to a friend that I know through work.
I haven't spoken in quite sometime.
She is mid 50s and poor health.
She had her 2nd Pfizer jab.
Now got Bells Pallsy.. her Dr says it wasn't from the jab! ..'
Charlotte Wright
'World Wide Freedom Rally in Birmingham; My first ever live public speaking about the loss of my husband to AstraZeneca....I'm a bit shaky..'
'Work colleague didn't turn into work this morning. Just been informed that her brother passed away at the weekend, from a blood clot. He was only in his 30s and yes, he was double jabbed with AZ vaccine. Make of that, what you will'
'Just been asked at my Breast screening if I was juiced. I asked why they need to know my vax status and she said because women are presenting with enlarged lymph nodes after being vaxxed.'
'family friend's 15yr old daughter has suffered from vertigo, irregular heart beat, loss of appetite, sickness, severe sluggishness and more for 6 solid weeks after 1st dose... Can't get an exemption for the 2nd.'
'We just had dinner with my wife’s old school friend. She works in pathology on the Gold Coast. Says 2-3 people being tested for myocarditis and pericarditis every day. Range of ages. All recently vaccinated...'
'.. warning vaxxed individuals to avoid MRI scans, especially for the 1st few weeks, as some people have been severely affected by the electromagnetism it produces.
The most severe cases have resulted in the death..'
'Been having these crazy headaches since I got the second dose of the vaccine and it’s like when is it gonna stop because I can’t keep popping pain killers every day.'
'.. I felt silly going to A&E with just a headache, but blood tests revealed low platelets and a very high d-dimer. I have VITT from the vax, blood clots on my lungs and liver.'
'My daughters school started this today, her friend who had the jab (our daughter didn't) watched as a boy collapsed and started fitting after receiving his jab a few minutes before - I know the girl and her family extremely well and spoke to her directly.'
Copied from Telegram
'My friend in the Uk had a heart attack and died after getting it. 36 and healthy prior'
Bill Sadler @BillSad02694899
'... do not know anyone... that has had the disease BUT we know at least 5 people who have had serious adverse reactions to the supposed protection of the disease. And we have been working in a remote indigenous community. Not a large population.'
'After 18 months of the damn government pandemic
I have no patients dead of Covid
I have no long haulers.
I have 2 dead of clots
1 stroke/and dissected Carotid
3 pericarditis
2 kidney failures
4 myocarditis - ablation needed
1 on ECMO' posted by @CovidRights
'My friends mum is in hospital after the second Pfizer jab with heart & breathing problems that she didn’t have before.
This is the 2nd person that I know of now who has been hospitalised & another man died in my brothers community due to jab.'
posted by @aussie000050
'My wife’s best friend got the jab back in April. Had an immediate reaction, went anaphylactic, they got her straightened out and then she passed away from a heart attack that night. She lived in Cali. She was forced to take it by her employer.' Posted by @CatapultTactic1
'Our friend had similar experience. Early 40s. Has permanent damage.' Posted by @FreshOuttaFkks
'in all this time I directly know only one person that has had C19, on the other hand I know two people that have had serious adverse reactions to the Syringe.'
Posted by @Steve_Grillo
'My uncle is in hospital 2 days after taking the jab with a heart problem.' Posted by @tmr318xr
Sep 26
'Healthy mother-of-two, 35, dies after AstraZeneca vaccine caused blood clots on her brain a coroner has ruled. Relatives say she had jab to 'protect her family''
Posted by @belwalsh1
'Bevan Costello: 65-year-old Australian indigenous elder receives second Pfizer mRNA injection during televised event, dead six days later.
He believed he was doing the right thing by encouraging his "hesitant" community to receive the lethal injections.'
'I have just arrived home from work
My wife has delivered some devastating news
our 26 yr old Daughter-in-law
Can not walk she had her 2nd Pfizer jab yesterday
And she is very ill' posted by The People's Republic of Australia @Vax2023
'3 cardiac arrests today in my ICU; all recently 💉💉 Ages 38, 44, and 52. No prior health history….'
posted by
RN Patriot God & country Freedom🇺🇸🩸🩸 @kcrnicu
'Just met someone who told me a friend’s husband had his second you know what a week ago. So I asked how is he doing. He responded : “oh he’s dead! “ '
posted by Gillian McKeith @GillianMcKeith
'My RN daughter told me that on her shift last night at our Capitols hospital, 3 patients in their 30’s, fully Syringe, died from cardiac arrest. Another fully Syringe in his 40’s died from blood aneurism to lungs.
There’s only 8 “C” patients on her floor!'
posted by @leslibless
'Just heard a friend died a couple of days after his 2nd shot, he was fit and healthy prior to the 2nd shot. So sad !!!'
Posted by Yarrajewel 🛍 @yarrajewel
'Boss had both jabs. 30s. Never been well since. Now normal cold turned into pneumonia? ADE?'
Posted by @jane2465
Tristan Elliott @ETito604
'I got absolutely rocked by my 2nd Pfizer dose. Very sick for multiple days. Hot flashes 3 days later. Sicker than I've been in ages.
.. (early 30s and healthy), unlikely that Covid would've been worse.
'Every condition people have had after getting vaccinated has been described as "rare". My father had the vax and now his heart will not stay in rythym. His doctor said he had 9 other patients with the same issue. That is not rare.'
Carol @Carol32748214
'A good friend has had a stroke, blood clot on his brain, his brother in law the same, coincidentally both had AZ vaccine both 52, and healthy...'
'So heard tonight my father who took the Astra Zeneca Vaccine has shingles and Bells Palsy. But according to my step mother it's not because of the vaccines.'
Peter @Peter26715908
'I personally know 3 people in their 30s, who have suffered mild heart attacks, all within 8 days of receiving Covid vaccines...' Ian Clayton @AI_Clayton
'Similar situ with me Ian. My own relative sadly passed away of a stroke post AZ 2nd dose. And I know several others who have suffered serious life-changing adverse reactions. ..'
CaitlinGrey Cherry blossom @GreyCaitlin