The Character, Attributes, and Perfections of God
________________________________________ #HearHim #LetGodPrevail #DezNat
Who/what is the Godhead?
We believe they are 3 distinct Divine and related individuals who are unified in purpose and nature through a Covenant and who govern the Universe.
Two have bodies of Flesh and Bone while the Holy Ghost only a Spirit Body currently.
The Head Presiding God is God the Eternal Father.
He had a Resurrected and Celestially Glorified body before our spiritual birth to Him. He is literally the Father of our Spirit Bodies which were born into these [temporal] bodies and will be raised to immortality through Christ
While we are all children of the Father Spiritually, Christ is the 'Anointed' Son of God. Chosen in pre-existence He is;
-Firstborn in the Spirit
-Only Begotten in the Flesh [mortal mother/Divine Father]
-Jehova of the Old Testament [A Spirit body then, having not yet been born]
What was He 'Anointed' or chosen to do?
To perform a Divine/Mortal Atonement to redeem mankind and bridge the gap of death, both spiritual and physical, introduced to the Earth by the Fall of Adam and Eve in the beginning.
A way for us to be "at one" again w/God conditionally
Because of this Atonement and the Authority from the Father which he has been anointed with - he is our Mediator and the only Name by which we can attain unto Salvation.
We must follow Christ's Doctrine, or rules, as the condition to receive the same Glory as He and the Father
When we are Baptised by Christ's Priesthood and by Immersion - it is symbolic of death and laying down our temporal/mortal body of Sin and being "Born again" Spiritually through Jesus Christ's name and rising in His Resurrection. This is why He is also referred to as the 'Father'
I love Jesus, I'm far from perfect, but He is the Perfect Example and He answers when you knock diligently. You must make covenants with the Father through Him, our Just and Holy Brother, our Merciful Advocate.
Back to the text:
Before the Restoration - it was a war of opinions and speculation.
Joseph saw the Heavens open and two men with two distinct and separate Resurrected Bodies spoke separately to him.
The Holy Ghost - is a 'Ghost' because he's a Spirit Body and thus can dwell physically within our worthy Tabernacles.
The Scriptures testify of the individual nature of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
The Apostles understood this - especially after handling the resurrected Christ's body. Joseph Smith personally witnessed their individuality too. We have many many witnesses!
We must progressively learn more and more, line upon line, precept upon precept about God - the ultimate goal is be like Him and know as He knows.
It is impossible for us to fully comprehend Him in this mortal life - but the more we seek Him, the more He reveals Himself to us
In fact - we have the right to live the laws of the Universe accordingly so that we too may see Him, and be taught personally by Him, as did the Brother of Jared, or Moses, or as have many who have walked with the Lord and who part the veil.
We are living below our privileges.
Today the Restored Melchizedek Priesthood is required to see the Father.
God has provided the necessary Priesthood Keys and Covenants through the ecclesiastical body of the Latter-Day Church.
To fear the Lord is to Love the Lord. To pay homage, to reverence.
With this simple doctrinal understanding you strip away all power in the atheistic whine, "why would a 'loving' God want you to fear him?" - multiple meanings do exist and the stubborn heart will ignore the truth
God has all power and wisdom.
"If he is lacking in "wisdom" and in "power" then he is not supreme and there must be something greater than he is, and this is absurd."
God is;
Omnipotent = all powerful
Omnipresent = in and through all things
Omniscient = all knowing
"Without the knowledge of all things God would not be able to save any portion of his creatures;"
P.s. Study the Lectures on Faith ⚡🙏🏼
Glory is amplified through creation and exaltation - expanding the eternal family of light.
This is how God "progresses", by expanding his creations - not by increasing in knowledge
A few examples of false notions about how God progresses and about whether or not his omniscience is perfect, or relative.
"He comprehendeth all things, and all things are before him, and all things are round about him; and he is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things; and all things are by him, and of him, even God, for ever and ever"
"It is not because the Lord is ignorant of law and truth that he is able to progress, but because of his knowledge and wisdom"
He uses His knowledge to perform his work and glory and progress as mentioned before.
Here an interesting argument is mentioned, and then it is humbled.
God knows all.
These two snips are an elaboration on a good question brought up by the King Follett doctrine of God once working out his own exaltation like us according to the same laws. How can an unchanging God do that?
Remember what you've learned of the eternal nature of intelligence
These next sections are a heavy reminding hand that Divine Names are sacred and powerful, we are commanded to take not the Lord's Name in vain.
Teachings also on how profanity and blasphemy are filthiness - I know I can be better at being more careful about what I think and say
This next section is a bit particular and hit me in the gut, given I make a type of consecrated music - it definitely gives me pause and an increased reverence for how I choose to include the Lord's names in my creative works - regardless of good intentions
After expounding on how NOT to use the Lord's name - these next few sections dive into the 'proper' way to use His name.
Interesting distinction he makes about using "the Christ" versus "Christ" alone.
Chapter 1 ends with a few comments on Scriptural experiences where traditionally it was speculated that it was the Father who was "visiting" these Prophets.
It wasn't - not in the case of Abraham and the 3 visitors or in the case of Jacob and his "wrestling" on Peniel
Hugh Nibley called Abraham's Facsimile 2 a "hologram" - "one of the best you can find"
The whole hypocephalus is a micro-map of the cosmos. It was placed under the head of the deceased in funeral rites to guide their journey into the afterlife.
The central panel is a clear representation of the widespread global motif called the 'Axis Mundi' or world axis by all ancient cultures and cosmologies.
It is represented as a mountain, a tree, a ladder, a column, a pillar, a stairway, and more.
The greatest threat to the Church in the Latter-days is the godless conspiracy to strip the world of her freedoms and agency.
The same premortal conflict carries on here.
Communism and Socialism are the weapons of this conspiracy
The 3 specific materials recommended above are:
-President McKay's Pamphlet on Communism
-The Naked Communist by Cleaon Skousen
-None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen
Just reading and digesting these will give you the substrate needed to identify the conspiracy
It wasn't just Ezra Taft Benson raising the warning. Those who bristle at this line of conversation in the Church intentionally ignore the other Prophets who also spoke out about Communism/Socialism like President McKay before and President Hunter after.
Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration
The Council in Heaven is a bigger doctrinal reality than most realize.
Not only were Prophets and Church leaders chosen in pre-existence, before the Earth was formed - but Kings and ministers and lesser roles were also covered and assigned.
Yours included!
Joseph Smith was chosen along with Christ, Michael, Abraham and Moses!
Joseph came as an Elias to prepare the way for the 2nd Coming.
"No prophet since the days of Adam, save, of course, our Redeemer, has been given a greater mission."
I do not pride myself on being able to remember the details or famous lines from any movies or shows that most find noteworthy (with the exception of "If it bleeds we can kill it" from The Predator).
Pop culture is cancer.
In its place I put the cosmic elements of the Gospel.
This is tough in a world of small-talk with people who increasingly have 'social-anxiety' issues.
I end up holding my tongue more and more and just smiling and only responding if asked directly or leaning into whatever they want to talk about.
Me: Should I be stronger in my desire to speak to deeper issues?
Me2: Nah, I'll just come off weird.
Me: Should I just bear testimony of things I'm studying?
Me2: I'll just come off like a try-hard Peter Priesthood
How many times in the recent years did the MAINSTREAM Media, with their reputation as "reliable", promulgate narratives and agendas that solely relied on unamed and unsources "anonymous" tips or leaks?