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Connecting all things to Jesus Christ, the Son of God Righteous mind control ___ Ephraimite : Rap Bard
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May 14, 2024 21 tweets 8 min read
The Prophets of our day have not minced words.

The greatest threat to the Church in the Latter-days is the godless conspiracy to strip the world of her freedoms and agency.

The same premortal conflict carries on here.

Communism and Socialism are the weapons of this conspiracy The 3 specific materials recommended above are:

-President McKay's Pamphlet on Communism

-The Naked Communist by Cleaon Skousen

-None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen

Just reading and digesting these will give you the substrate needed to identify the conspiracy

Jul 10, 2023 57 tweets 33 min read
《《Read-along and commentary》》

Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration
________________________________________ Image The Council in Heaven is a bigger doctrinal reality than most realize.

Not only were Prophets and Church leaders chosen in pre-existence, before the Earth was formed - but Kings and ministers and lesser roles were also covered and assigned.

Yours included!

May 7, 2023 27 tweets 16 min read
《《Read-along and commentary》》

_______________________________________Evolution Origin of Life
______________________________________ Image The origin that is fundamental to all macroevolutionary theory is abjectly false according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mankind did not - nor did any life on this Earth - appear spontaneously by "chance" or "luck" or by some cosmic happenstance.

All things were organized. ImageImage
Mar 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I do not pride myself on being able to remember the details or famous lines from any movies or shows that most find noteworthy (with the exception of "If it bleeds we can kill it" from The Predator).

Pop culture is cancer.

In its place I put the cosmic elements of the Gospel. This is tough in a world of small-talk with people who increasingly have 'social-anxiety' issues.

I end up holding my tongue more and more and just smiling and only responding if asked directly or leaning into whatever they want to talk about.
Mar 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This is how normies/mormies are led by the nose. Superficial habits/refusal to go past the first layer of presentation & look under the hood.

Truth is available, yet the gift of discernment requires usto wade through uncomfortable things that don't have immediately clear answers In GC 2018, President Oaks said: ImageImage
Dec 6, 2021 36 tweets 24 min read
《《Read-along and commentary》》

Michael Our Prince
#DezNat Image We believe that Adam is the name of the first man on every new Earth.
The Adam of this Earth is Michael the Archangel of pre-existence.

You too had a name and title before you were born. Like Jeremiah, we were all known before the womb.

Adam was a man, but different from us ImageImageImage
Oct 17, 2021 18 tweets 11 min read
《《Read-along and commentary》》

The Earth: its Creation and Destiny
#DezNat Image This planet and all planets are created to host and provide for the children of God to receive immortality and eternal life.

This Earth is patterned after a general template, a sandbox probationary environment - where spirit bodies receive a carbon sleeve and are tested by Faith

Sep 6, 2021 42 tweets 26 min read
《《Read-along and commentary》》

The Son of God The Only Begotten Son
#DezNat Some say that Jesus was fathered of the Holy Ghost - this is not so. He is the Only Begotten Son of the Father *in the flesh*.

Mortal mother - Immortal/Celestial Father, literally.

(Remember, Adam was born immortal, without blood, Celestial Mother and Father)
Sep 4, 2021 29 tweets 18 min read
《《Read-along and commentary》》

The Character, Attributes, and Perfections of God
#DezNat Image Who/what is the Godhead?

We believe they are 3 distinct Divine and related individuals who are unified in purpose and nature through a Covenant and who govern the Universe.

Two have bodies of Flesh and Bone while the Holy Ghost only a Spirit Body currently. ImageImageImageImage
May 28, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
I'm calm.

I know what will be said when the Lord starts preaching His sermons.

This ain't it.

All of this circus is the manifestation of evil earthly men. A precursor.

"See that ye be not troubled"

This is the imitation show, brought to you by the enemy of God. Read the 2nd half of that amazing passage in the Pearl of Great Price known as the JST Matthew.

God's plagues will come with terror in the sky and death from the Heavenly Hosts [from planets]. It will be literal catastrophe, enough that men will die of fright.

This is coming.
May 23, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Eliza R. Snow -
Thou, earth, wast once a glorious sphere
Of Noble magnitude,
And didst with majesty appear,
Among the worlds of God But thy dimensions have been torn
Asunder, piece by piece,
And each dismembered fragment borne
Abroad to distant space.
May 17, 2020 84 tweets 31 min read
Yes. Dinosaurs are real. ImageImage There are fundamental considerations necessary in order to go deeper into my perspective.

- The history of the Earth/Creation
- Catastrophism v. Uniformitarianism
- Gravity problems
- Plasma discharge and fossilization
- Implications for "Time" and scientific "dating" methods
May 4, 2020 13 tweets 8 min read
One of the talking points of those who wish to cheapen the doctrines and revelations of the Latter-days, is to point and scoff and ridicule & mockingly state that members of our faith believe they will receive their own planet.

I will explain why this is. Fools mock.
#DezNat We believe that Celestially/spiritually, we are literal Children of God - passing through a test of incarnation through lower states (a fall).

In mortality:
Chicks become chickens
Calves become cows
Seeds become the parent plant
Children become men
-Like after likeness-
Apr 20, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
Jesus Christ orchestrated the creation all things we see.

All the stars and their planets in nursery that we can comprehend are the workmanship of that Holy Son.

So why is OUR Earth so special as to be the only sphere to which Jehova came to perform his probation of flesh? How special does that make you?

You who was born to the same planet that is to be crowned with the highest Celestial Glory and be the abode of the Eternal Savior.

Why are you here? Why you?
Apr 11, 2020 59 tweets 29 min read
My initial thoughts on the new unforgettable @Ch_JesusChrist symbol as a faithful Elder in the testimony of Jesus Christ and in sustaining his prophet on the Earth today @NelsonRussellM
This is not exhaustive. These are just some thoughts that increase my faith.
#DezNat I will start by stating that symbols are eternal. They are the language of the divine.

Symbols are powerful REMEMBERING and thought control tools. This is why Temples and prophecy are full of symbols. Even the child or the unlearned will still understand great wisdom in symbol
Mar 10, 2020 13 tweets 6 min read
#CFM Deep Thoughts:
Anyone who paints this [Jacob 3:8] as a modern racist thing fails to understand the true nature of our bodies and our post-mortal destiny - the Resurrection.

Let me go step by step
#DezNat The nature of God is misunderstood by all because of the Fall and Apostasy.

Joseph Smith's First Vision restored specific truths about the nature of Celestial Beings.

A major heresy to the Christian world is Joseph's claim that God the Father is a GLORIFIED MAN.
Mar 2, 2020 30 tweets 17 min read
Short thread in development touching on "cloven tongues", the flux capacitor and Joseph Smith's prophetic calling.

Hang on to your shorts Morty, I mean Marty.

#HearHim Here we go -

"On a subsequent visit to Hiram, I arrived at Father Johnson's just as Joseph and Sidney were coming out of the vision alluded to in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants [D&C 76], in which mention is made of the three glories. ...
Feb 29, 2020 9 tweets 8 min read
Planeta = Wandering STAR. Let's talk literal interpretation. God wins.

Abraham and Lot were saved by a planet. [Destruction of Sodom..]

Moses and Israel were saved by a Planet.

Joshua stopped the Earth and parted the sea, as Moses was taken up to walk with God, by a Planet. There are more - but skip ahead - what was the SIGN of Jesus' birth that was obvious to the Wise Magi and the secret societies of sorcerers of Herod that prompted mass infanticide [like Nimrod and Abram, Pharaoh and Moses and the heathen and their molochs]?

A star. A Planet.
Feb 12, 2020 26 tweets 19 min read
Deep thoughts on Amos 7
*A thread on the plumbline*

I will share why to me this is more than a metaphor for building our "Temple" (personal body, actual edifices or social body [like the church]) to a celestial standard of verticality.

The root of the symbol is cosmic.
#DezNat Consider the JST of Amos 7:6.

This part of the book of Amos is a sequence of 5 recorded visions in short paragraphs.

I will focus on these 2 visions
[4-6] & [7-9] for now - though I believe all are prophetic snippets and have Latter-day apocalyptic/cosmic applications
Feb 4, 2020 46 tweets 31 min read
War is a ritual act of consolidation.

The layer of Latter-day kingdoms in Daniel's prophetic visions have been divided and rejoined through global conflicts we call the major world wars.

Some light thoughts on Daniel 7.

"behold, the enemy is combined" ~1831 ImageImageImageImage My take sits on the assumption that the "Latter-days" == ~1830-present.
*I can go into more detail if needed*

The restoration of the Church did not STOP the Great Apostasy... that corruption continues to roll forth ever increasing

The restoration salted [preserved] the Earth ImageImageImageImage
Jan 22, 2020 15 tweets 10 min read
If you could hie to Kolob, in the twinkling of an eye.

This was FIXED in the northern sky. The immovable Sun - the first Sun/Son.

This was visible in the sky during the Terrestrial phase of the planetary Fall - the Patriarchal Era from Adam to Noah. The Land before Time... at least as we know it according to a new star.
D&C 130