Interesting thread highlighting the reimergence of the Flu in India. Lots to consider in addition to the fact that C19 is now endemic. Lets ponder a bit more. 1/
With C19 going endemic at a seroprevalence at 66%, we now have a reasonable assessment of HIT. This was achieved naturally as only 10% of the population was vaccinated. 2/
Impressively, this endemic state was achieved with a low death rate and for a fraction of the cost blown by western governments including Canada. There was no silly drama driving India off an economic cliff.
Thus, India enters the realm of countries like Sweden who successfully navigated C19 with minimal distruption. Canada is a clear loser and destined to be remembered for its folly driven by poor leadership and terrible policy. End.
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Anders Tegnell, Sweden's chief public health officer, has been an anchor point of common sense and decency during C19. He was ridiculed early for classifying C19 as a "hard flu" and for following the standard pandemic playbook. Boring and practical was the new "radical". 1/
What stuck in my mind was his constant refrain, "lets talk in a year or so and see where we are". He knew the test of time reveals all about the choices a society makes and whether they are wise. 2/
Here we are 18 months later and Sweden won in a blow out. Practicality and honesty won the day in every imaginable category. From age adjusted death, to maintaining an intact functional society. They are finished with C19. 3/
The truth is always the first causality of war, an axiom that equally applies to the C19 response. Without the common bond forged by trust, the enactment of public policy becomes difficult without the application of force. 1/
Public health has long ago burnt trust to the ground. Blundering and blind, Canada's C19 response has been a cavalcade of poor decisions, long on hardship and short on results. Collateral damage has spread to all segments of our society.
The collapse of trust is observable in Canada's ongoing federal election. Canada's left of center tradition, especially under 50, has shifted decidedly rightward to upstart parties like the PPC. Suddenly, working age Canadians find freedom and smaller govt key values. 3/
With time, Canadians will come to realize that the entire C19 escapade, from the chaotic policy response to the mountainous spending, were literally for nothing. There is no documented evidence that public health saved a single life in this country.
What we are witnessing is political hubris combined with rank governmental incompetence. Public health didn't know what a respiratory virus was, thus they blindly followed the crowd, implementing failed policy after failed policy. It was a shocking waste.
Human life was snuffed out in the thousands, the potential of our youth squandered by a careless rabble focused on power and making bank. As our economy sunk, they doubled down blaming others for their ineptitude and lack of foresight.
Julius Ruechel has been a clear insightful voice throughout this reckless public health response. His long form essays synthesize the day-to-day information into a broad understandable pattern. Lets look a bit deeper. 1/
Mr. Ruechel casts a harsh light onto the public/commercial interests driving this public health response. He cuts to the bone, noting how these interests misrepresent data and common knowledge to build demand for an end product, an ongoing vaccine subscription service. 2/
It's a provocative view, one built on a retrospective analysis of the literature, pandemic history and daily newsworthy events. His take home message is that a con is being played on the unwitting public. 3/
Another day, another C19 bombshell lands on the Canadian public. Our rambling and incoherent policies are driving a lose of confidence and a shrinking of our economy. An iceberg is ahead and we better pay attention.…
Many months ago, our public health community (PHAC, OPH, and OST) assured us of their abilities. You see...their draconian actions would spur recovery and everything would be sunshine, lollipops and unicorns. Those policies have clearly failed and they were wrong again. 2/
This is just the tip of the iceberg and for a more thoughtful analysis of our self-induced economic quagmire, this is an excellent article. One of the authors is a Canadian economist. It's time for all of us to face reality. 3/
Canada is living through the largest social policy failure in its history. It's monumental and how we act as individuals and collectively as a nation will determine our fate. There are dark paths ahead if we aren't careful. 1/
Canadians must ground themselves on a simple set of facts and use reason to craft sound policy. A small but important list.
1) There is no "Canadian" pandemic, we meet none of the traditional criteria. There is a viral concern. Perspective is important. 2/
2) The public health response, as crafted by PHAC, was a high risk gambit with no historical or scientific precedent. It's a monumental mistake as a simple comparison to Sweden shows. 3/