If you’re gonna make a claim (cough @pepesgrandma cough) I want sauce!! All of it!!! Not snippets of twitter dms or bs articles. I want every text every screenshot time stamped IP address verified the whole Enchilada.
You’re gonna come on here and make everyone believe that somehow only you knew about the “cue” group SIX MONTHS BEFORE IT BEGAN?!!!!
If you ain’t got it sit down and STFU!!
The insider knowledge trick is old!! You ain’t the only one who has tried this. You won’t be the last.
They all come up with some story claiming how they knew or came to know it was a larp. And most claim they knew somebody that knew somebody etc.
In the subpoena that was issued against Annie Farmer there were several photos attached. All but two have been redacted. Pgs 30-31 (storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…)
1. Many msm post links to documents. Ignore what they say and read the court doc.
2. If they don’t show the court doc, search titles or quoted excerpts from the court doc. Click on each link until they show the actual doc.
3. If the court doc shows a case number. Search the case number at courtlistener.com. Courtlistener is a free source.
4. You can also search court case files on pacer.gov. (Official source)
5. Pacer.gov requires you to set up an account. You will receive a letter in the mail with a code to complete registration. After registration you can search. (IMPORTANT: searches cost 10¢ and documents cost 10¢ per page (up to $3 if file is more than 30 pages))
Now let’s break down the listed patents and see what find.
PS. It’s real good 😏😏😏
First up we have two patents that tell us clearly that an AUDITING TRAIL is created. And that it enables election officials to verify that ballots are processed correctly.