Beyond the Naomi Osaka controversy, there are now good articles emerging about why many tennis stars -- who have everything society tells us we should crave and need most for happiness: money, fame, career success -- end up so unfulfilled and unhappy.
Even before the pandemic, there were loudly blinking red sirens in the west about rising mental health pathologies: depression, suicide, anxiety disorders, addition, etc.
Clearly, modern western society is not providing what many humans need to be happy:
In the early part of the epidemic, I interviewed two mental health experts, Andrew Solomon and @johannhari101, about the likely harms of even temporary COVID isolation. Hari has controversial views but his TEDTalk on addiction is really brilliant:
I've recommended this documentary before - "Happy" -- that examines how happiness manifests in different cultures around the world and also the research about what makes humans happy (and what doesn't). Highly recommended if you can watch it:
Today's DOJ indictment of a Hillary/DNC lawyer who spread lies as part of Russiagate is a huge deal. And it's absolutely true: the NYT & @charlie_savage this morning -- before anyone could see the indictment -- cast it in the most favorable light possible, as it if were trivial:
Most media outlets mindlessly spread the fraudulent Trump/Alfa-Bank story because they spread anything they were fed without caring. To its credit, the Intercept -- led by @samfbiddle & @lhfang -- pointed out the glaring flaws in the story at the time:
It wasn't just Hillary's lawyer who got indicted today, or their media servants, who spread this fraud about Trump's secret server with a Russian bank. Hillary herself endorsed and spread as her lawyer concocted the whole fraud in the first place:
The Special Counsel investigating the various frauds of Russiagate, John Dunham, is about to indict a Perkins Coie lawyer for feeding a fake story about Trump and Alfa Bank to the FBI and media, then lying by denying he represented the Clinton campaign:
The scam that Trump was using a secret server to communicate with a Russian bank was promoted by Hillary herself, and touted by media outlets led by @Slate. Like so much that comprised Russiagate, it was a total fraud concocted by the DNC & media allies:
In sum, a DNC-linked lawyer -- partners with Clinton lawyer @marceelias -- fabricated a Trump/Russia link, fed it to DNC operatives masquerading as journalists, had Hillary trumpet it, then lied to FBI about who he worked for.
Democratic Party YouTubers trying to dictate to @NICKIMINAJ what she can and can't say, who she is and isn't permitted to cite, what partisan box she must stay in.
It went poorly for @JoyAnnReid when she tried and I doubt it will go better for these 2 DNC socialist soldiers.
The only thing that enrages liberal gatekeepers more than urging people to make their own decisions rather than getting bullied into obedience is refusing to submit to their partisan prison. But since she's who she is, she can say what she wants, making it more dangerous still.
In about two years, Twitter and Facebook will just be Chris Hayes, Amy Klobuchar, Jen Rubin and Adam Schiff arguing about whether Nancy Pelsoi is or isn't more awesome than Kamala Harris and everyone else will be banned.
A few points to highlight about the above-linked video report we just published on the attempts by Sen. Warren & Adam Schiff to demand Amazon suppress certain books.
First, this is part of a year-long campaign by Dems to use their majority power in DC to mandate censorship.
There are so many reasons why this attempt by the Democratic Party to commandeer Big Tech censorship power for themselves is so dangerous.
Perhaps the gravest is that this is all about imposing a framework where dissent from or questioning of decrees from authorities is banned.
Adoption of orphans and other children with no parents to care for them is one of the most beautiful acts humans have managed to create, and - as we saw during the Amy Coney Barrett nomination - these hate-filled, miserable, selfish ghouls are trying to degrade it as racist evil.
If you can't stomach looking at yourself in the mirror -- figuratively and literally -- because you know you do nothing in your life for others and your political values are empty words, the solution is to change, not malign others who aren't plagued by your selfish emptiness.
In 2017, I did extensive reporting in the Brazil context on the kinds of adoptions being demeaned and maligned by this deranged ideology. We produced a short documentary on an adoptive family which these theories are aimed at. Judge for yourself:
One thing that interests me most are political projects that erode pointless left-right divisions, to unite people for actual results. @davidmirandario's police project in Brazil is to fund more mental health services for police officers: helping them & reducing brutality/abuse.
The chances that a police officer will be killed in large Brazilian cities is higher than soldiers in war zones. Many have PTSD, mental health pathologies & very high suicide rates: confronting hideous violence for low pay. Funding programs like this reduces brutality and abuse.
When Rio City Councilwoman Marielle Franco was assassinated in 2018 (still unsolved), many on the right accused her of being anti-police: until mothers of slain police officers stepped forward to say she was the only one to help: taking public buses for hours to provide aid.