Thread: Who is funding the #CARecall effort to get rid of Gavin Newsom? Luxury real estate developers, radical Christian supremacists, and hedge fund fat cats.
Please join me down the rabbit hole and share, if you wouldn't mind.
The biggest donor to the #CaliforniaRecallElection effort against Newsom is Geoff Palmer. He's a luxury condo developer who hates Newsom's plans to make more affordable housing in CA.
Next on the list is John Kruger. He's a big donor to right-wing Christian schools focused on getting them government cash.
He originally tried to hide the $500,000 he donated to the recall effort behind a corporation named after a Bible verse, Proverbs 3:9. ...
Eventually, under pressure from CA officials, he revealed his name.
Kruger also disclosed that he was funding the recall because Newsom had followed safety precautions early in the Covid pandemic and closed religious gatherings to protect people…
Before we continue, I should credit @CalMatters for compiling a list of the biggest donors. They don't have a lot of info on them though so I am making this thread. Here's the link as we continue.…
@CalMatters Another big #CARecall funder is Saul Fox. He's a vulture capitalist specializing in leveraged buyout takeovers of ailing businesses. He gave $200k.
@CalMatters National right-wing dark money groups have mostly not gotten involved in the #CARecall. But there are two California-based ones that have. The biggest giver was the Lincoln Club of Orange County. A SoCal bundling organization which does not disclose its members
@CalMatters There are multiple Lincoln Club groups in CA. The Orange County one bundled the most for the recall with $213,000. Unsurprisingly given the proximity, they are boosting unqualified radio host and libertarian ideologue Larry Elder in the second question.
@CalMatters Next on the list of donors looking to recall Newsom is Boyett Petroleum. That's a Modesto-based oil and gas company that operates Boyett Petroleum, Cruisers and Kwik Serv gas stations among other businesses.
It gave $198,000.
@CalMatters And rounding out this list is "California Revival PAC." It's a group headed by former CAGOP head Tom Del Beccaro. He's currently a columnist for the conspiracy website Epoch Times. In 2016, he ran for Senate against Kamala Harris.
His group donated $162,000.
@CalMatters All of these organizations and individuals only got into the game after the recall got enough signatures, however. The group that funded that is called the "California Patriot Coalition" which is a straight-up Christian supremacist group.
@CalMatters On the CPC website, the group claims that the U.S. Constitution was divinely inspired (apparently the slavery parts too). Of course, it says that "Faith" is its organization's top organizational value.…
This is who is bringing you the #CARecall, a $276 million waste since Newsom already faced election in 2022.
Make no mistake, the recall is the latest twist on the GOP's decades-long effort to impose minority rule on America. More details here:… /end
PS: I forgot to add that another donor to recall groups has been HuckPAC, the campaign group of Mike Huckabee. It gave $250k.
Huck said repeatedly he would criminalize all abortions on day 1 of his presidency. He's also addressed white supremacist groups…
If you liked this thread, please consider following me. I do several big articles and threads like this every week about right-wing extremism. And I know a lot because I used to be a former GOP activist. Here's more about me, in case you are interested…
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Now that the #CARecall has collapsed and Larry Elder has lost overwhelmingly, let's talk about the history and future of CA Republicans (1/n)
First thing to remember is that like all Western states, California was historically Republican. This was true all the way through most of the 20th century. The only two presidents from CA were GOP, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.
The future looks bleak for CA Republicans but it has been visible for decades, beginning in the 1990s when the state GOP ran ad campaigns trying to hit typical right wing fear campaigns of religion and immigration. They backfired though and actually drove voters away.
The Texas abortion law bans enforcement by “any person, other than an officer or employee of a state or local governmental entity in this state.”
This is how black Texans were deprived of their right to vote a century ago.
Because of the 14th Amendment, Texas could not explicitly ban former slaves from voting. What it did instead in 1923 was to ban them from voting in party primaries. This was struck down by SCOTUS in 1927 in Nixon v. Herndon.
This was an essential thing to say. Republican voters don't realize that their elites are vaccinated but have been lying to them in order to monetize ignorance.
If I had to guess, I would say that the reason Biden said "even Fox News" is because of a new Democratic strategy memo that shows how Americans are sick of GOP covid obstructionism. More from @ThePlumLineGS here:…
This is a strategy that has never been tried by Democrats before, telling Republican voters the truth: Their party manipulates to them constantly.
It is a strategy that actually has been proven by someone--Donald Trump. His entire 2016 primary campaign was based on it.
A lot of people think that the effort by California Republicans to recall Gavin Newsom is just a ridiculous joke. It's anything but.
In fact, it's part of a decades-long conservative tradition of using legal trickery to shape the electorate so that they can with w/a minority.
This idea was stated explicitly in 1980 by Paul Weyrich, a Christian nationalist activist who started the Heritage Foundation, ALEC, and the predecessor to the Christian Coalition.
Exactly. It's a grave error to claim that people like Melissa from Florida just have mental problems. They may very well. But millions of ppl share her beliefs of fighting daily with Satan and his demons.
People like Melissa from Florida are the core audience of Alex Jones, QAnon, Donald Trump, & any other right-wing grifter you can imagine. She and her church friends are the people they prey upon.
Jones et al have weaponized religious extremism for money and for political power.
It works bc right-wing media is a politico-religious "Matrix" for the weak-minded. People are totally mentally occupied w/an enormous array of programming across many formats.
The video of "Melissa," the disturbed woman from Lee County, FL, provided a great example of just how detached from reality that many far-right evangelicals have become.
This thread will show also how her delusions were being cheered on by right-wing elites and why (1/n)
First of all, if you haven't seen it, here is the clip via @RonFilipkowski. Melissa repeatedly states that she believes Covid masking is being pushed by "demonic entities," aka possessed human beings. This is "mark of the beast" delusion.
@RonFilipkowski People like her used to be shunned, even by conservatives. I know because people like her would crash the mic at Republican events I attended.
The one exception was donors. If they were crazy, that was loved. And monetized. See earlier related thread: