THREAD: Content Warning: abortion, Texas, rape, and the military.
As someone with PTSD, sometimes it can take time for me to put words to emotions.
I believe I have the words now.
As most of you know, I was raped while on active duty in 1995. That rape resulted in a pregnancy, which resulted in an abortion. Then AND now, we did not usually report our assaults because we are required to report to the chain of command 2/
The chain of command does not want assaults on their record. The chain of command includes your rapist. The chain of command is Chad from Florida who has no training in advocacy or law. The chain of command often retaliates against you for reporting. 3/
THREAD: I have a story for you about the media. When I was living in Los Angeles and working at the Department of Veterans Affairs, our homelessness task force successfully contacted EVERY LAST homeless veteran in the city and offered them services and housing. 1/
During that year, we halved veteran homelessness, but there were many veterans who did not want the assistance. Nonetheless, the media kept repeating the narrative that we failed because we didn’t house them all. 2/
I’ve seen several anchors on @CNN ask on Twitter how it could possibly be wrong to ask questions of leadership about Afghanistan. I 100% agree you should ask questions, but to mislead the public by insinuating we abandoned a large number of people is dangerous. 3/
Four United States Marines are dead. ISIS-K has known since trump inked a deal with the Taliban that the US was going to withdraw. To insinuate they haven’t been planning these attacks since trump surrendered without Afghanistan at the table is incredibly Naive. 1/
My heart is with my fallen shipmates, their fellow service members, and their families. And my rage is where it belongs: squarely on the former president’s narrow, cowardly shoulders. 2/
Do not let anyone gaslight you into believing trump gave a damn about the lives of our service members. He referred to us as suckers and losers - and as a purely selfish and transactional man - he was and is wholly incapable of understanding sacrifice. /END
WHAT IF - and I mean what if - the Taliban takeover and afghan surrender were already going to happen and Biden just saved US Troops and Americans in the region from danger?
THREAD: In 2020, trump pressured the afghan government to release 5000 Taliban fighters including some that had murdered US and allied troops.…
Let’s not forget that Putin - the guy trump owes his presidency to, and the guy that can bail him out of $1B in debt - put bounties on US allied troops for Taliban forces.…
And Trump worked HARD to leave Syria which abandoned our Kurdish allies & fortified Russia, ISIS, and Erdogan (the guy that gave $20M to trump when he was broke, the guy trump tried to stop the Halkbank indictment for, & had Flynn lobby for him)…