Many critics on the latest article by @the_ayeminthant in the new narratif (expected cuz it’s a hard swallow for the NUG). That said, we can’t dismiss the important point that NUG will need to be clear how it’ll hold the PDF groups that engage in IHL violations accountable.
NUG published code of conduct and made clear that civilians’ safety and well-being come first, which set them apart from the TMD. But they’ll need to follow through with strategizing how. Given the decentralized nature of the resistance atm, this will be difficult to achieve.
The way I see it, it’s important for us to be cautious of the pitfalls of learning how to make indiscriminate weapons, outlawed by IHL, by some rando who’s probably a nut right-winger from abroad. Even more important for an NUG minister to be cautious not to engage w/ this.
Unfortunately, conflicts aren’t so black and white. We need to prepare ourselves mentally for nuances and violators on our sides too. I know. It’s exhausting. We are all exhausted.
The declaration of #DDay and defensive war means a series of implications: 1) TMD's scrutiny of underground youth resistance groups is expected to increase. Already, we are seeing TMD taking bases in supermarkets etc.
It's worrying that we might see indiscriminate roundups of youths in urban areas. 2) Looking at TMD's movement in navy and fighter jets etc, it seems that TMD is alrdy preparing for an intense crackdown. On the other hand, we aren't sure of how prepared the @NUGMyanmar is.
3) The military might and could take many preemptive actions: village raids, airstrikes, internet shutdown etc. I hope that the declaration took into account these considerations and has contingency plans on how to mitigate them.