Thread (1)
On 9/11/16 I was assigned to cover the 9/11 memorial service for #breitbart news. During the ceremony @hillaryclinton passed out and was removed quickly. For over two hours reporters from various outlets refused to report anything had happened because they “couldn’t…
(2) go off of a FoxNews tweet. This is a picture I snapped of Hillary’s press pool she left behind. They stood there for two hours waiting on permission from the campaign to report what had happen.
Shortly after this photo was taken The #clintoncampaign comms director came…
(3) over and took all the reporter behind another building except for #Breitbart and #foxnews. About two minutes after they went behind the building the story broke on all the major networks. I was horrified watching the Clinton campaign’s chokehold on the media.
(4) This is what I witnessed first hand in 2016 at the 9/11 memorial. Then I witnessed how the mainstream media covered it up and lied to protect @HillaryClinton for hours. If it had been #DonaldTrump the story would have pushed out immediately.
1: Does anyone else find it strange that George Soros seems to think that he can count on John Roberts to help him destroy nationalism? Don't take my word for it, here he is at Davos in January where he fanboys the Chief Justice, twice
2: Yesterday's important ruling upholding religious liberty against the jew-hating Nursing Home Killer in my beloved New York sure seems strange considering the whole oath to the Constitution he took....
3: Roberts' dissent against Cuomo's blatantly unconstitutional dictates caught the eye of his fellow Justice Neil Gorsuch who accused him of “a serious rewriting of history” to justify his ridiculous vote. Is Chief Justice Roberts being blackmailed?