1/ Judge : Ejei
Head of the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic
Re: Dariush Omranzadeh,
My name is Dariush Omranzadeh
I am writing on behalf of myself and the signatories at the bottom of this letter. #Covid_19IR #NO2IR
2/ We hereby file a complaint against @khamenei_ir the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic regime, for spreading lies and disturbing the public opinion by his speech on IRIB (national TV & Radio) on Jan 8/2021
3/ in which he officially banned the reliable #Covid_19 vaccines approved by the @who and promoted his superstitions and unscientific beliefs about the deadly disease .
4/ According to official numbers , COVID - 19 has killed more than 113,000 Iranians so far , and based on officials ' admissions , that number is in the several hundred thousand innocent people . #COVID19IRAN
5/ I demand necessary punishment be meted out. His illusions and dictatorship have caused an irreparable catastrophe. This is a clear example of disturbing the public and spreading lies that have led to crimes against humanity
6/ Therefore , according to Article 107 of the Constitution , which explicitly states that the " Supreme Leader ” should be treated equally before the law as the rest of the country , demand a criminal prosecution and punishment for him
7/ It should be noted: Considering that anyone who has spoken against the regime and its dictator , Ali Khamenei , has been dealt with” in various ways, such as torture imprisonment and even assassination , from now on , if anything happens to me is on the IR regime
1/ شکایت سرگشاده
ریاست قوه قضائیه جمهوری اسلامی @Ejei_com
احتراما اینجانب : داریوش عمران زاده از رهبر انقلاب اسلامی آقای @Khamenei_fa سیدعلی خامنه ای بدلیل نشر اکاذیب و تشویش اذهان عمومی از طریق سخنرانی در صداوسیما به تاریخ ۱۹/۱۰/۱۳۹۹ #کرونا
2/ که در آن رسما دستور ممنوعیت واکسن های معتبر جهان و مورد تایید @WHO را صادر کرد و همچنین ترویج خرافات و باورهای غیر علمی خود مبنی بر خواندن دعای هفتم صحیفه سجادیه برای درمان #کرونا که این دستورات طبق آمار رسمی تا کنون جان بیش از صد هزار نفر
3/ و طبق آمار مردمی چند صد هزار انسان بیگناه را قربانی توهمات و دیکتاتوری وی کرده و این مصداق بارز تشویش اذهان عمومی و نشر اکاذیب که منجر به جنایت علیه بشریت شده است میباشد .