Rest is the only way. Not like eat healthy veg/do a daily run rest, but Do Nothing rest. Reduce stimuli of all kinds, try to eat somewhat regularly, engage in SpIns if it helps. But mostly rest…lots of time being/hearing silence. “Exposure therapy” approach is counterproductive.
This point by Hantu is also key: “If you only want to recover from burnout to get back to where you were, it's a bit hard to accept where you are at.”
You’ll likely never be the same as you were before, best to accept that and be open to what is still possible or not.
Important is to ignore most NT/work burnout advice, it won’t help and can make it worse while also making you feel worse about yourself and your “recovery process” 📈📉📈📉🌀➰🌀➿📈📉😵💫💀
I’m going to keep quoting here cos my words are still burnt out too, but maybe all these things together can be a good resource /Autistic collector of tweets
I don’t talk about it a lot, but I’ve been off work for 2 years & am being assessed for permanent disability. I’m not trying to scare anyone (I think my case is extreme?), but I want to highlight the importance of RESTING as often as possible before burnout turns catastrophic
TIP: If you think you're Autistic, act as if you are! Follow rest/recovery advice from #ActuallyAutistic won't steer you wrong even if you're NT.
What you should NOT do is go all in on NT self-help/wellbeing advice--I reckon that has made my burnout much worse.
A good way of looking at #AutisticBurnout from a gaming perspective: