I have so much respect for the way our teachers have managed the last 18 months. And such frustration with those making teachers' and students' lives harder right now. Per @devalpatrick, we too often yell our hatred as we whisper our love. The case for yelling our love (thread):
1/ First, respect for our teachers who during the past year have had to figured out how to keep students engaged in person, fully remote, hybrid and all flavors in between with spotty wifi and health uncertainty. They are heroes.
2/ Second, respect for parents (especially moms!) who've had to adjust their own lives to accommodate kids at homes, no busses, no childcare and COVID ever-present in their family and communities.
3/ Third, respect for the kids - especially in the younger grades, where no one is cooler than your teacher. They've missed the exercise, the social development, the changing locations. They have no "normal" to evaluate this new baseline against and are disoriented.
4/ So here we are, 18 months later. We still haven't vaccinated enough people to reach herd immunity. The vaccine isn't available for kids under 12. Lots of teachers, students and their families have someone in their life who is immunocompromised.
5/ What's the most responsible thing to do in that situation if you're a healthy kid, finally getting back to school after a year off? This is not a question. Just wear a mask. It slows the spread and buys us time. It makes it safer for everyone to get back to nearly-normal.
6/ What's the most responsible thing to do as a parent of those kids, or teacher, or caregiver? Again, this is not a hard question. Wear a mask. It's the right thing to do scientifically.
7/ And if you're down on science (or you just like post one of those "follow the science - ignore science!" signs in your yard, it's the right thing to do for moral and religious reasons. Matthew 25:40 comes to mind.
8/ "Whatever you did for the least of these, you have done for me."
9/ This shouldn't be controversial. And yet all across the country, hate-mongers and political dead-enders are putting up signs, yelling at school board members, even yelling at children on their way to school. Just because they are wearing masks and trying to keep people safe.
10/ So here we have children, wearing masks, being responsible and loving their neighbors as they love themselves. Thanks, kids.
And here we also have maladjusted adults yelling at them, mocking them with stiff-armed salutes. Shame on them.
11/ I would call this behavior childish, except that would disrespect the kids who are showing the way. It is evil, perpetrated by people who's hatred for schools, science and teachers surpasses any shred of morality that might remain in their charred, shrivelled souls.
12/ If any of those haters are still reading, give this a read. Show some decency. Show some empathy. Model the behavior you expect from others. washingtonpost.com/health/2021/09…
13/ But for everyone else, know that decency is ascendant. Nearly 2/3 of the country has gotten at least the first dose. Most of you are wearing masks. We will beat the virus because most folks are good, decent and loving people.
14/ We're not there yet. But to all the good folks in that majority, take a moment to stand up. Thank a teacher. Check in on the kids who are getting dragged into this. If the knuckleheads in the minority are going to yell their hatred, drown them out with our love. /fin
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This is an equity issue. But it's also a financial stability issue. All of this capital moving around the country is going to be extremely disruptive, especially for regional banks. And it's accelerating.
This is why @brianschatz and I have been pushing our financial regulators to treat climate change as a systemic risk and make sure we have monitors and buffers in place "avant le deluge". casten.house.gov/media/press-re…
This is a good read to understand what to make of the conversations about whether it is fiscally prudent to spend $3.5T on additional infrastructure spending, but leaves out one important point (brief thread): cbpp.org/research/feder…
1/ First, the $3.5T we are talking about is gross spending. It is not a net amount. Focusing on that number alone is one hand clapping, akin to judging whether someone is paying too much for rent and groceries without knowing their income.
2/ Second, this is a 10 year figure. The current federal budget is about $5T/year, or $50T/10 years. $3.5T (net of offsets, per prior) is not especially large relative to current annual federal spending, or to our ~$21.4T/yr ($214T/10 yr) total GDP
This logic from Sinema is fatally flawed, insofar as it implicitly assumes that our founders were wrong about the idea that hard questions are best decided by the will of the majority. Brief thread: washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/…
1/ Today, with the filibuster in place the Senate is prohibited from DEBATING bills that are opposed by the minority. Not voting. Debating. It serves no purpose but to sustain ignorance.
2/ But since the Senate can't vote on a bill until they've debated it, it also blocks the vote. Ergo, our founders idea that hard questions should be resolved by the will of the majority has been inverted. Hard questions are now resolved by the will of the minority.
Read Sotomayor's dissent. She understands the stakes, both for women and for the very legitimacy of the Supreme Court. I wish I could say the same of the majority of the justices. supremecourt.gov/opinions/20pdf…
"the Texas Legislature has deputized the State’s citizens as bounty hunters, offering them cash prizes for civilly prosecuting their neighbors’ medical procedures"
"By prohibiting state officers from enforcing the Act directly and relying instead on citizen bounty hunters, the Legislature sought to make it more complicated for federal courts to enjoin the Act on a statewide basis."
This is heartbreaking and going to become ever more common. Moral issues inseparable from economic issues inseparable from climatological issues. No easy answers but one: we'll get it wrong if we keep punting on hard questions. Thread: nytimes.com/2021/09/02/cli…
1/ Per the latest IPCC report, 1-2 feet of sea level rise by mid-century is already locked in. (That's a global average, so higher in some spots). Huge parts of the SE US and eastern seaboard are underwater at that level. This is within our lifetime.
16 years ago, the company I was running had just shipped a power plant to a factory in Pearlington MS. We were waiting to schedule commissioning when we heard that a storm, headed for New Orleans had veered east and our customer was now right in the target.
That was bad for us but widely understood at the time to be good for New Orleans because it meant Katrina wouldn't be quite as bad for the folks who lived there.
Sharing only because this sentence scares me: "The powerful Category 4 storm made landfall on the same date Hurricane Katrina ravaged Louisiana and Mississippi 16 years earlier, about 40 miles (64 kilometers) west of where Category 3 Katrina first struck land."