✅Discuss a rare cause of acute ischemic stroke
✅ Review thrombectomy safety w thrombocytopenia (tcp)
✅Review dx and pathophys of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
✅Review the treatment of TTP
3/ Our patient with plt of 24,000 /uL is taken for #thrombectomy. Would you send your pt w/ severe thrombocytopenia for thrombectomy?
4/ Many thrombectomy trials exclude patients with thrombocytopenia:
🧐MERCI, multi-MERCI:<30,000 /uL
🧐MR CLEAN: <40,000 /uL
🧐SWIFT PRIME and EXTEND IA: <100,000/mL
🧐DAWN and DEFUSE-3: <50,000/mL
5/ Data suggest thrombectomy for pts w/ thrombocytopenia is safe:
✅ No⬆️ risk of ICH
✅ No⬆️ risk of groin complications
PT/PTT: normal
LDH ⬆️
Indirect bili ⬆️
Schistocytes: ✅
Haptoglobin ⬇️
Fibrinogen ⬆️
HIT assay: negative
What's the diagnosis?
11/ What is TTP?
✅ It's a problem with ADAMTS13, an enzyme that ⬇️ protein-platelet complexes
✅ Von Willebrand factor (vWF) multimers form protein-plt complexes on endothelium
✅ If ADAMTS13 ⬇️ vWF + plt aggregate -> thrombus formation ⬆️-> ischemia
✅ There's a scoring system to assess probablity of TTP
✅ PLASMIC score created by Bendapudi et al.
✅ mdcalc.com/plasmic-score-…
✅ Score >5 suggests high probability of TTP
13/ Our patient's score is 7! We send for ADAMTS13 activity. Let's review the facts:
💡TTP has ⬆️ mortality if untreated (>90%)
💡 We use PLASMIC score to assess probability given gold standard ADAMTS13 activity won't result for 3-5 days
💡 TTP needs to be treated early
14/ You place a pheresis catheter and start plasma exchange (PLEX) because:
🚨 Neuro sx can be the initial presentation of TTP w/ low normal or normal plt = atypical TTP
🚨 All classic 5 features of TTP (fever, tcp, hemolytic anemia, neuro sx and renal dz) present in <10% of patients with TTP
🧠 Headache
🧠 Confusion
🧠 Seizures
🧠 Strokes
🧠 Other focal signs (transient or otherwise)
23/ What about platelet transfusions in TTP?
💡Generally, not recommended...unless you have to (bleeding, invasive procedure)
💡The antibody to ADAMTS13 will continue to wreak havoc
💡But...it may be safe
1/ 🧵Pt p/w headaches and 2 weeks of progressive left sided weakness. No history of immunosuppression. Open image of selected MRI brain w/ and w/o sequences ⬇️