Letter from the Producer Live #66 starts in 1 hour. Topics include Endwalker job adjustments and battle system updates.


Starting shortly! Image
'Endwalker' title screen. Image
'Endwalker' title screen (video).
Three major topics for tonight:
• Endwalker job adjustments
• Endwalker battle system updates
• Other updates
The team asks to keep in mind that not all changes will be detailed in this broadcast; there will be a media tour soon where press & influencers will be detailing updates after the embargo lifts.
Murouchi says the timing of the new media tour information will be deployed in mid-October.
The information the team is detailing tonight is subject to change as the Endwalker expansion is still in development. Yoshida says he is not angry, just tired!
Before jumping into the job adjustments section, Yoshida states that, as a baseline, they are adjusting jobs from where they are in 5.0 (Shadowbringers). With the new level cap, there are new actions but no new overall systems.
A small group of you desire the complexity of the 3.x (Heavensward) job actions, but they would like to continue with the current direction experienced in 5.x etc.
Recast time of primary abilities will be adjusted to align with 60 or 120 second timers.
This is primarily for end-game raiding, and factoring burst damage, items, food, etc. They want a similar tempo in battle when you switch to an alt job. However, not all abilities have been adjusted to this 60/120 sec. tempo.
For example, the Black Mage's Leylines will still be 90 sec., etc. Yoshida laments as his main job is Black Mage.
Please keep this new tempo in mind as the team rolls new footage - it is the Endwalker 'Job Actions' trailer. It's 20 minutes!
The moment you've been waiting for! Image
Dragoon, Warrior, Red Mage, Scholar ImageImageImageImage
Dark Knight, Dancer, Machinist, Gunbreaker ImageImageImageImage
Bard, Astrologian, Samurai, White Mage ImageImageImageImage
Ninja, Black Mage, Sage, Monk ImageImageImageImage
Summoner, Reaper, and finally Paladin. ImageImageImage
As previously mentioned, Endwalker will be evolving the path taken for job actions in Shadowbringers.
For tank adjustments, using defensive enhancements at optimal times will grant greater benefits. Defensive buffs will be more rewarding to use in conjunction with other actions.
Adjustments will ensure combos are not broken by ranged attacks. For example: a warrior's Tomahawk will work better with your rotation and cooldown.
If you have to run out for a AoE, some players don't want to break a combo when using a ranged attack before moving back in. They think this will help tanks in their strategy.
There will be parity between the physical and magical damage attributes of weapons at the same item level, and accompanying changes to action potencies.
Raiders know to discern between physical/magical attacks which have formulae for how damage is calculated. In A Realm Reborn, they made sure the programming would have space for future updates and space was left open to adjust those formulae.
When they were deliberating adjustments, the magical damage formula is a bit more complicated with base values being a bit higher. With characters at level 80, this did not change, they had to adjust the physical base damage values to match the magical ones.
With these base, fundamental values changing - the potencies may be adjusted downward to compensate. When media and influencers get a crack at Endwalker next week and screenshots are shared, people might get the impression that potencies are nerfed.
Ultimately, it's in service to addressing this balance of the fundamental battle formulae.
Please stop calling him "Yoshi-nyan", he is 48 years old and very tired, not angry.
• Paladin:
Requiescat will now be equally effective regardless of remaining MP. A three-attack combo starting with Confiteor will be added.
Paladin's Intervene has been adjusted where you can rush in from an additional 5 yalms.
• Warrior:
Damage up effects can now be triggered and extended by AoE combos. Storm's Eye can be trigged & extended even if you use AoE combos. Onslaught and Upheaval will no longer the Beast Gauge.
A new action will be available upon execution of Warrior's Inner Release. The recast timer will be adjusted to 60 seconds. The frequency is intended to be used more often. Onslaugh will have a total charge of 3 and the new action that stems from it allows for more mobility.
Nascent Flash also benefits from this as well.
• Dark Knight
Salted Earth will now affect the area immediately around you, and make a new action available. You had to place it before, but now it appears where you are standing. Your simulacrum will also gain a new action when you acquire one of the new job abilities.
The rotations are clean and straightforward. Delirium recast has been adjusted to 60 seconds, so the frequency may be more often, as highlighted in the overall adjustments. Plunge will be usable from 20 yalms away. A new action is a single target defense buff.
• Gunbreaker
Savage Claw and Wicked Talon will now swap in for Gnashing Fang on the hotbar, reducing the number of inputs. Your cartridge combo starting with Gnashing Fang will be a 1-button combo, and will swap in subsequent actions.
This will save space for the Gunbreaker's hotbar, and will accommodate abilities weaved in with your combo. Continuation will be able to be used following Burst Strike. A trait will raise the maximum amount of cartridges to 3.
Rough Divide has been adjusted to match the other tanks' gap closer actions - usable from 20 yalms away.
Next up are melee DPS adjustments. Feint's effect will be changed to reduce physical damage dealt, and will also reduce magical damage dealt (physical damage reduction will be more potent.) Those of you who raid may discuss when it's placed, but this has been adjusted.
Sometimes the auto-attack that follows a tank buster hurts a lot and after a tank has used their defensive cooldown. There will be an additional effect of mitigating magic damage, but you would still want to use a caster's Addle.
Adjustments will ensure combos are not broken by ranged attacks. This is similar to the tank adjustments if you, say, need to duck out for an AoE/mechanic.
There will be parity between the physicals and magical damage attributes of weapons at the same item level, and accompanying changes to action potencies. As previous mentioned, the potencies may be revised down but this isn't a nerf per se, just in line with system level changes.
• Dragoon
AoE rotation will be expanded, but retain a clean and straightforward rotation. A new action will be available upon successful execution of weaponskill combo rotation. It's flashy!
Blood of the Dragon is now a trait, and the actions it uses will be adjusted. Spineshatter Drive will have an extra charge. Lance Charge recast will be changed to 60s.
• Monk
Chakras will be unlocked at a lower level. You will no longer stack Greased Lightning, but Chakras will take over here.
When conditions are fulfilled, Perfect Balance will allow for the execution of a Masterful Blitz. The available Blitz changes depending on the weaponskills used when under the effects of Perfect Balance. There will be a yin and yang chakra, activating different skills.
The concept of quickly going through skills for Monk hasn't changed, but with the implement of Masterful Blitz this will continue. True Strike/Twin Snakes will not longer have a directional requirement.
Shoulder Tackle will be removed, but in its place there will be a gap closer. You don't use your fists with this action. It's simply going to be moving around, but you can target a party member and rush over to them.
It's not dissimilar to what's in Black Mage's kit, but with this new action you can target a specific party member and move towards them.
Showing off footage of Masterful Blitz now, please keep in mind this is with the downscaling previously announced for this expansion implemented. Image
Note the chakra gauge and how chakra build up yin and yang for the activation of abilities. Image
• Samurai
Effects granted by Jinpu and Shifu can now also be applied by AoE combos. A new action in the vein of Iaijutsu and Tsubame-gaeshi will be available.
They wanted to expand Samurai with "pure melee DPS" in mind. It's a straightforward evolution from 5.0, they have added new actions. Tsubame-gaeshi and Meikyo Shisui have been adjusted to 2 charges. There's more wiggle room in your opener this way.
When you are under the effect of Meikyo Shisui and in the third part of your rotation, you'll be granted the effect of the second action in your rotation.
• Ninja
Actions linked to Raiton, Doton, and Huton will be added. An action making it easier to apply Huton will be added. Ninja's quite busy with the mudra, so they tried not to make it busier. No plans for a fourth mudra.
Shadow Fang has been removed so the DoT will be gone. Raijin and Bunshin will have a specific action attached to them as well.
• Reaper
To recap, they use a scythe to attack in tandem with their avatar, and can serve as the avatar's vessel to unleash more powerful attacks. They are able to grant enhancements to the party. Image
In the job actions video, it looked the Reaper was taking something from the Bard... There are unique and specialized actions that give them an edge in -specific- combat situations.
In the Job HUD, the top gauge is the 'Soul Gauge.' This charges up and can be used with actions. The bottom gauge corresponds to unleashing your avatar which will enhance the damage output of your attacks.
Showing off Reaper in combat now: Image
When possessed by your avatar, you take on this appearance. "It's very emo." There's a gap closer which allows you to move forward or backwards. It looks like opening a gate, which is present for a short amount of time - you can return to that position. Image
You could drop the gate within melee distance, move out for a mechanic, and use it to zip back in quickly.
The tempo of these actions is quite fast and it's not necessarily a single target focus. The playstyle is quite different than previous melee DPS classes.
You'll need to be mindful of your resources and managing your gauges accordingly. They expect the class to be popular so they didn't want a high difficulty, but at the same time the team says it's fun to master. The base combo has no positionals, but the avatar does.
They can't show the Reaper's LB3 due to the limitations of the media tour build, but if you've seen or played the Endwalker benchmark you will see it.
Time for 10 minute break!
Resuming now!
Physical ranged dps adjustments will include parity between the physical and magical damage attributes at the same item level, and accompanying changes to action potencies, like other roles.
Buffs that mitigate damage that this role uses have had their cooldowns adjusted to 90 seconds.
• Bard
Each of the 3 songs will make available a new action that applies a party-wide enhancement. Feedback has asked for more support using songs as Bard, and the team wanted to take the existing songs and add a party buff. A new action will be available when using Apex Arrow.
Wanderer's Minuet and Battle Voice have been adjusted to 120 sec, per the system-wide adjustments.
• Machinist
A new mechanically themed action called Chain Saw will be added. A new action will be added for the Automaton Queen. Reassemble is now 2 charges.
The remaining adjustments include actions, but the overall design of Machinist has not been overhauled.
• Dancer
Weaponskill effects such as Flourishing Cascade will now be shared across single-target and AoE skills. New actions will be available upon the execution of Technical Finish, Improvisation, and Devilment.
Dancer's has been kept largely the same, and the procs between single and AOE target combos will be made simpler. The buttons will be switched to single or AoE "mode" based on the Step you have selected to conserve hotbar space.
For the Dancer themselves, Esprit is guaranteed to build.
Adjustments to damage are still underway for all the jobs in this role.
For magical ranged DPS, Addle's effect will be changed to reduce magical damage dealt, and will also reduce physical damage dealt (magical damage reduction will be more potent.) It's similar to Feint, but conversely, will have some amount of physical damage reduction.
• Black Mage
Enochian will become a trait that is automatically applied while under the effect of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice. This was a difficult decision as it was causing a disparity with regard to player skill, so they decided to proceed with adjusting based on this.
Under certain conditions, swapping between Astral Fire and Umbral Ice will make new actions available including one flashy action that looks like a combination of fire and ice.
Similar to Samurai, they wanted the image of this job to be that of a pure damage dealer. Regarding Enochian, it was hard to grasp for new players and adjusting to the Black Mage's kit.
The proc for Fire IV and Thunder has been extended so that it helps with the Black Mage's rotation, there are additional repeated steps in the rotation - so this was adjusted accordingly.
Fire II and Blizzard II will have one more step so your AoE rotation will change. Yoshida jokes: "Fire V??? It's difficult with the -ra -ga- nomenclature." They debated this with the Final Fantasy brand committee.
Because the franchise has a long-running history, it's actually big deal to add another tier. Kitase-san, the new FF brand manager, said he trusts Yoshida to come up with a nice sounding new suffix. Yoshida said he got freaked out. He went with "High Fira" or "High Fire II"
Black Mage has another action with an additional charge.
To clarify, Sharpcast has an additional charge. These adjustments are in line with adjusting the battle tempo overall.
• Red Mage
A new action will be available upon the execution of Scorch. Verflare, Verholy, and Scorch will be changed to AoE actions, as part of an AoE rotation. A defensive party-wide enhancement will be added.
It's called "Magic Barrier."
There are a lot of small-scale changes, and new actions. Weaponskills have been adjusted as well. Black and white mana depletion amount has been reduced.
Manafication has been adjusted where the burst rotation at the start of a battle will be more potent. As is, the spellblade proc becomes too often, so they adjusted the black/white mana accretion accordingly.
Displacement and Engagement's potencies will now be the same. Embolden recast is now 120 seconds, and Manafication is 110 seconds.
• Summoner
There have been -significant- changes to this job, almost a full overhaul. All actions applying damage over time have been removed. Since 2.0 there has been feedback that SMN is just a 'DoT-placer'.
Summoners can summon Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan-not just egis. "Ifrit Ruby" "Garuda Emerald" and "Titan Topaz" that are summoned through jewels.
Augment abilities with elemental properties by summoning. They wanted to bring out a traditional summoner feel with this update.
In terms of the the rotation, you will still summon Demi-Bahamut, then you will have an elemental property bestowed, then summon Ifrit/Garuda/Titan with those elemental properties. When depleted, you finish with Phoenix.
Ifrit/Garuda/Titan doesn't require a specific summoning order. A lot of actions will be condensed according to the summon. There was a lot of debate about keeping Resurrection, and it looks like it's still in.
Physick is still there too.
Switching over to gameplay with the Summoner revamp. Regarding egi glamours, you can see Carbuncle, but the Egi could still take Ifrit-Egi's form, etc. Image
Ifrit has a long-cast spell and a rush action you can execute. Based on a given encounter, you would want to activate Ifrit during a phase where you are confident you can get a long cast in.
When you first summon Ifrit, Garuda, or Titan, they will have an initial action they deploy.
Titan bestows a lot of of fast cast abilities, and you can move and cast at the same time.
Garuda bestows a lot of placement-based abilities. Once all three have been summoned, it's time to summon Phoenix.
Utilizing all three summons will be key to dealing damage sufficiently, you can't just use one summon over and over again and meet a sufficient damage output.
There was a lot of debate on how to review Summoner, but there was a desire to move towards damaged focused around the summons. It's much more mobile now.
Moving on to healers, there are new actions that apply single-target buffs will be added to each healer. Cast time for offensive spells will be reduced. The limit break area of effect will be expanded to 50 malms.
In general, offensive actions will have a 1.5sec global cooldown. Casting tended to eat into the GCD, they're hoping to reduce the cast time for offensive spells that would relieve the frustration and stress.
• White Mage
A functionally and visually distinct restorative field action will be added. Functionally, it is a very basic evolution. White Mage is considered a "pure healer" with high healing output.
A higher tier of Holy will be added, which contributes to the accretion of lilies. Fluid Aura has been removed. Divine Benison will become a charged action. A straightforward and smooth transition to Endwalker.
• Astrologian
This job will be balanced more towards a "pure healer." Diurnal Sect and Nocturnal Sect will be removed, and basic healing actions will be adjusted to have the same effects as they would under Diurnal Sect. Neutral Sect will still have some barrier properties.
The effect of Divination will be changed, and the seals used for new enhancements applied to self. It was adjusted away from a "luck of the draw" feeling. You can use it any time, but depending on the seals it allows for enhancements to be applied to yourself.
Redraw will no longer be a charged action, but every time you Draw you can use it once. Minor Arcana will be adjusted. An AoE spell added that has both healing and offensive properties.
They wanted Astrologian to have an analog to Holy, but the characteristics aren't exactly the same. They debated whether to remove the Stun from White Mage's Holy, but felt is was characteristic to the job.
• Scholar
They have adjusted towards a "barrier healer" type. A unique job action which can enhance the party's movement speed even during combat will be added. There wasn't too much to change here, but they did change the behavior of the pet.
The buff can't be perpetually used, as it would be too powerful. You can see in the Job Action video that the Scholar is running a bit faster due to this ability. It's similar to Sprint but doesn't overlap with Sprint.
It's part and parcel with a defensive buff. There will be a powerful enhancement that can be used on a single party member.
• Sage
This job possesses all the actions essential for a barrier healer. They're able to attack enemies and heal a designated party member simultaneously. They draw upon unique resources for healing/enhancements and attack magic. Image
As you attack you can designated party member to receive healing simultaneously. When you hit an enemy there is a chance to inflict a DoT. The 'Adder's Gall' can built to execute instant barriers. 'Icarus' is a gap closer for mobility.
Showing off Sage gameplay now. Image
As the Sage attacks, the designated party member is healed.
"It might take a bit to master, but once you get the hang of it, it is quite fun."
This includes the first part (!) of the live letter that discussed the job adjustments.
Time for a 20 minute break!
Back with part 2!
They want to clarify something from earlier regarding Summoner: Carbuncle is the base form of the egi and you can glam it to other forms like Ifrit-egi.
Regarding Raid Finder matching for Savage duties: parties will include one pure healer (WHM/AST) and one barrier healer (SCH/Sage).
Yoshida mentions other types of categorization, but if they added more it would increase the time in which duties are matched.
Regarding the Party Finder, the healer category will be split between "pure" and "barrier" healer. A new option for players who have yet to receive weekly completion rewards will be added. Image
Search results will no longer include parties you cannot join due to the "One Player per Job" requirement. This was an issue Yoshida ran into during his "Stroll with Yoshi-P" broadcasts.
Duty reward adjustments where trials with weapon drops will now drop a weapon coffer in addition to the original weapon reward. With so many jobs on the roster, they will keep the randomized drop in addition to a coffer that includes a token for a weapon.
The fourth turn of high-end raids released up through 3.x will now drop a weapon coffer in addition to the original weapon reward. Applies to Coil, Coil (Savage) and Alexander (Savage).
High-end raids released up through 4.x will now drop gear and accessories in the form of coffers, as in Eden (Savage). Applies to Coil, Coil (Savage minus accessories), Alexander (Savage), and Omega (Savage.)
Conditional enhancements can now be separated as a new separate category in the HUD layout. Conditional enhancements refer to "proc"-type buffs. This new category is in addition to the present enhancements, enfeeblements, and other categories for status effects. Image
Being able to separate out the procs or "conditional enhancements" you can move them around as need be, or place them near your job gauges. Or, if you wanted to make them larger for increased visibility, etc.
New settings have been added to the Character Configuration menu regarding ground targeting functionality. You can press an action button again to place a target circle and prevent cursor from moving beyond ground targeting range.
Section of the Character Configuration menu where you can adjust these new ground targeting functions. Image
Quick example where the target can't be placed beyond it's area limit:
A new feature has been added to the party list UI where you'll be able discern which target your allies are attacking or reviving, etc. Image
This only applies to parties and it doesn't work on alliances just yet.
This adjustment will help avoid players in the same party attempting to raise the same member by mistake.
Health bars will be displayed even when incapacitated. This was previously available through the "Always" display setting, but will now be the case when using the default "When HP is below 100%" setting as well. Image
This was added to avoid situation where players may not notice incapacitated party members.
Unreal trials will be temporarily removed. With the race to the new cap, there needs to be more care with how they are adjusted so that the overall balance works out. They will be reintroduced in Patch 6.1 with new content.
Belts will no longer be equippable or obtainable via duties and item exchanges. Belts equipped by player characters and retainers, as well as those in the Armoury Chest, will be given to the Calamity salvager (and can be retrieved individually).
All other belts will remain in your inventory as-is. Affixed materia and signatures on crafted belts will remain as-is.
A ring serving as a substitute for the Speed Belt obtained in Eureka will be implemented. Speed Belts in your possession can be exchanged after the release of Patch 6.0.
Up until 6.0 (Endwalker), you can materia extraction, buy/sell them on the market board, turn them in for leves, supply missions, or obtain them a coffer containing only belts. Yoshida: "PANTS FALL DOWN NOW"
After 6.0, you can retrieve materia from belts, sell them to shop vendors, desynthesize them, turn them in for expert deliveries, or discard them.
Regarding the downscaling of values, the difference in gear attributes from levels 50 to 80 will be reduced.
Overall HP and damage values will be reduced. The potency of meals, medicine, and materia will also be reduced accordingly. The downscaling is roughly 1/5th of current values.
Adjustments to maintain balance with consideration for downscaling of various systems. Yoshida looked at the content with the downscaled numbers, it doesn't change too much and is rather quick to get used to.
There may be some enemies in past content that players might feel are a bit more tough, but the difference is only slight.
Yoshida repeats the reason why the downscaling is necessary, he comments about FFXIV growing a lot recently, and these adjustments are necessary for the long-term growth of the game, potentially up to 10 years. So this maintenance of these governing system is required.
When using the Undersized Party option, the 'Enhanced Echo' effect will be applied to bring the difficulty balance in line with previous patches (enhancement strength will vary by duty level.)
EXP gains will be downscaled. Additionally, EXP previously earned from standard dungeon enemies will now be earned from dungeon bosses. There's no disadvantage here, just an adjustment to when that EXP drops.
The team made sure to look at the growth curve from A Realm Reborn through Shadowbringers, and the adjustments have been made to keep those on track.
Now moving on the third section of tonight's letter.
Well, after 10 minute break that is! Please locate your belts.
Resuming now!
Certain items will no longer be obtainable as HQ. This prevents the unintended procurement of HQ items via gathering and other activities, reducing overall inventory bloat.
Items that will no longer be available as HQ:
• Gathered items.
• Enemy drops.
• Token exchange materials.
• Non-craftable materials obtained from certain content.
These items will still be "HQ from 6.0, but will not increase crafting quality nor provide bonuses upon delivery. These items cannot be traded or sold via the Market Board but can be reduced to normal quality for those purposes.
Items still available as HQ:
• Crafted items (including intermediary materials)
• Gear
HQ crafted items and gear will remain functionally unchanged after the release of 6.0 (Endwalker.)
Actions and attributes that affected HQ yields when gathering will be adjusted (primarily changed to affect item yield). For fishers, there will be a different parameter separate from "HQ." The size of the catch affects what you gather and is being considered.
Quests, challenge log entries, and achievements requiring HQ items will be adjusted. These changes are also part of streamlining the game for a long-term life cycle beyond Endwalker.
More information about this topic will be shared in the next Live Letter, scheduled before the release of Endwalker.
Teleportation fees will be adjusted. Specifically, they will be recalculated for 6.0. The maximum fee is 999 gil right now. The calculation is now measured by the distance involved - some will exceed 1000 gil while others will get cheaper. Image
There will be different options for teleport tickets, some of them will apply to certain distance limits and so on. More to come in the next live letter.
Why does this exist in the first place? As part of preserving the in-game economy, to collect gil as players acquire it in the field.
Lore-wise, these fees maintain the aethernet networks so that you aren't displaced in the lifestream and go floating off, etc. We're travelling to Old Sharlayan where this technology was invented, so maybe we'll get more information about it there...
The Aethernet UI will be updated, where you can see locations within Ul'dah on the left and the map on the right. Image
You can also click on the aethernet icons to instantly teleport to those locations within this menu.
Onto miscellaneous updates: progress towards Fisher's Intuition will remain even after logging out. This is largely in reaction to the automatic logout that was re-implemented due to the large amount of players coming to FFXIV.
Automatic logout will persist after the launch of Endwalker. The team is still seeing record numbers of players in all regions and that they are continuing to break records. The team apologizes for the inconvenience, but this will be necessary to continue.
Due to the urgent need to address server congestion, the Data Center travel system is scheduled for implementation after Patch 6.0x. The team wants to focus on alleviating congestion and improving performance of the servers. Yoshida apologizes for this delay.
Yoshida saw the excitement from players looking forward to this feature. They really wanted to deliver this feature, but the projected influx of players would make this extremely hard to deliver and prevent the team from addressing critical server issues.
The team is still on track to establish the Oceania data center. Yoshida says it was a struggle to procure and ship the equipment necessary. There aren't any significant changes to the plan nor should it affect existing players.
Yoshida says he has seen comments about using cloud computing, and they have explored this option for the last two years, which includes testing with a major partner.
There were bottlenecks, but ultimately, they couldn't make it work. It would have cost them more and stability wasn't guaranteed. Various factors led them to pull out.
However, through that testing process, they found that the high-speed/high-security database server and the zone server weren't compatible in facilitating this process.
Now moving on to the announcements section of the letter.
Final Fantasy XIV will be at Tokyo Game Show - specifically October 3rd at 21:00 JST. Yoshida will be taking a light-hearted trip to a public world and visiting player estates in "A Stroll with Yoshi-P."
"The Appeal and Potential of RPG" featuring Hironobu Sakaguchi and Naoki Yoshida will broadcast at TGS on Friday, October 1st, at 5:00pm Pacific.
Letter from the Producer Live #67 will air on November 5th at 7:00pm Pacific. Topics include updates to crafting, gathering, system-related adjustments, and the new PvP mode.
A weapon design contest is being held, where entries must be submitted before Monday, October 4. The grand prize winning submissions will be implemented in-game.
The Collector's Edition digital upgrades are discounted by 50% until Thursday, September 30th.
'Time and Again 2: Final Fantasy XIV Raid Dungeon Themes' releases on September 30th. Includes 33 tracks from various dungeons and raids. ImageImage
'Endwalker 7-inch Vinyl Singe' will be released on November 17th. It includes the theme song "Endwalker" and includes a download code for an MP3 version. Image
'Dollfie Dream Y'Shtola' is a collaboration between Volks and FFXIV. Pre-orders start on 9/17 with delivery scheduled for late December in 2022. Priced at $980. Image
'Perfect Alexander' t-shirt goes on sale 12/18. ImageImage
Great Serpent of Ronka and Fat Cat massage/backscratchers. ImageImage
Scheduled to release in February 2022.
Acrylic Job Stands for Reaper and Sage will release in Feb 2022. Reaper and Sage job pins will also go on sale then. ImageImage
Available in Japan only, a 2022 calendar featuring artwork from the game will go on sale. Image
The FFXIV x FFXV collaboration ends October 18th, 2021. novacrystallis.com/2021/09/final-…
The FFXIV x DQX collaboration will return on October 19th and run through November 11th.
In closing, Yoshida says thank you for tuning for such a long period today, but there's still a lot more information to share in the next letter.
There was good news to share and unfortunate news to share with the delay of data center travel, but Yoshida shares that they are focused on delivering the Endwalker expansion.
Regarding Endwalker, Yoshida is hoping people will be impressed with what they have done. It's the close of the Hydaelyn/Zodiark saga. That being said they want this to be a look toward the future and the next 10 years. It feels like a new start - new things on the horizon.
That wraps Live Letter #66. Thank you for following our coverage tonight! We'll have a summary up shortly.

• • •

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More than 100 players will be able to join like in Eureka, but it won't play like it.

They're planning on adding actions unique to the area.
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