It’s apparent to me that Singh is using contempt for political discourse as a method of attracting support.
We criticize CPC for being cynical and negative, what about NDP?
Half naked in a shower, wasting water, a blank vacant look of contempt.
This is supposed to attract voters? Who wants support from disaffected youth with cynical outlooks and zero regard for the dignity and respect required of a global leader?
Obviously JS does.
Who wants their kids inundated with cynicism and pessimism about their future? Obviously JS believes this is a strategy that will win him favour by “dissing” (disrespecting) the role of national leader.
Kenney’s sadistic experiment with our kids was halted by the drop of the writ. O’Toole wouldn’t want absolute chaos to impede his chances and interrupt his election narratives. But that ship sailed July 1, 2021 when Kenney removed most restrictions and covid mitigation.
Many of the most loyal conservative voters are sick, or dead. Some will have lifelong covid related complications. Many of them are under 40.
And Edmonton hospitals are no service zones for the people who actually live in Edmonton.
Yesterday I was alerted that my name and a personal photo were being dragged through the mud in an effort to discredit me, my integrity and create serious doubt on my identity as a Métis woman. This is known as a character assassination or more colloquially, a “take down”.
I’ve written about identity politics and even shared that my identity has been attacked by people with hidden agendas.
I’ve even profiled some of the mobbing on Twitter. So people can witness how aggressively abusive some people become when living in an echo chamber you breach.
But those attacks have always been public. Directed at me and I don’t like when others defend me because it’s pointless and makes them a target.
I enjoy an intellectual verbal joust every now and then. It’s a flaw in my character. I’m ok with it.
I will never forget how much this election costs since it’s repeated ad nauseam several times daily by opposition leaders as a dig against PMJT.
I’ll gladly contribute my taxes to pay for an election that gains LPC a majority. I’d even pay extra.
I’m so tired of O’Toole’s coded language saying he would never interfere in provinces decisions regarding covid.
If we didn’t have an election called and federal intervention in Alberta, we would be in much more severe conditions. It’s plenty bad enough already.
That is what O’Toole is saying. “Respecting provinces jurisdiction” is code for “laissez faire” or leave them alone. If Kenney implemented policy that killed people in large numbers, O’Toole is saying clearly he would not intervene on Albertans behalf, or any other province.
If people actually read a few books, they would already know what’s happening. They would recognize what Mulroney is referencing to a crowd of concerned libertarians needing reassurance O’Toole is going to deliver them “freedom & liberty” to reap a Canadian resource harvesting.
CIA backed Pinochet coup d’état in Chile 1973 was the beginning of libertarian redesign of democracy to suit the needs and wants of the very wealthy. A model further perfected over the years.
Nancy Maclean “Democracy In Chains”. Maclean reveals the architect of the libertarian Disaster Capitalist (anarcho-capitalist) movement funded by Koch Brothers, Mont Pelerin Society and CNP: James Buchanan. The source of Public Choice theory.