dear "owner",
I got this letter written for me. You don't even know the joy I feel for being able to communicate with you. Every day, since that distant day when you put the chain around my neck and locked me in this space,
I dream that you'll come visit me and pet me like you used to do when I was a puppy.
I dream that you come and talk to me, I don't really understand what you're saying, but you can't imagine how much I love hearing the sound of your voice!
I know I've done something wrong,
otherwise you certainly wouldn't have put me here. Excuse! I don't want to be picky but it starts to hurt to have this chain around my neck. Sometimes my neck is numb, other times I'm very itchy and I can't even scratch! I feel its weight every day, the weight of the
loneliness that holds me back.
I want to stretch my legs and run...and how I wish I could do that with you! I would love for you to toss me some balls, then I could show you how fast I am at running and how quickly I brought them. I wish I could see what you see, the world
outside is too big? And are there others like me?
Sometimes I'm thirsty and a little hungry but I bear it in silence because I know that as soon as you can you'll come give me food and water, I know you do what you can, I don't want to bother you, but you know, sometimes
I'd like to have some of yours company.
I know that maybe someone told you that I have no feelings, but look what a lie! You can't even imagine how much joy I feel when someone touches me or addresses me. You don't even know how much sadness and loneliness weigh on me
in the long hours that I don't see anyone. You don't even know the fear I sometimes feel in winter here alone, and I want so much to be close to you.
The other day some strange people came by and started looking inside and pointing at me, laughing and throwing stones at me.
They wanted to come and hurt you. They hit me with one in the paw and yesterday I couldn't get up, but I soon chased them away with my barking. I don't want anyone to harm you…and I don't want you to get mad at me, I promise to do better for you.
I am your most faithful
friend, I will never betray you, I do not hold grudges, and I never take anyone's place, do you have more friends like that in your world? I just wanted a little more of your attention and love, a warm bed in winter, a cool place in summer and your smell entering my nostrils
every day, followed by a smile and a party on my old loin.
I know that one day you will come here and take the chain and give me all this, until then I will be quiet and wait. Just don't take my "owner" too long, because I'm getting old and I'm starting to see and hear
poorly. I lack strength and I don't want to go without living a little with you.
From your "dog"
If you see a trapped dog, print this letter and place it in the owner's mailbox. On behalf of the "chained dogs", thank you.
Author: unknown but animal-loving #GNR#icnf
1/12- Mesmo correndo o risco de ser de novo apelidado de "putinista" (que não sou), aqui vai um conjunto resumido de informaçoes interessantes:
- Tem um rácio de baixas entre civis e militares, dos mais baixos
2/12- de qualquer grande conflito.
- Descontando o primeiro mês de invasão, houve 7.600 vítimas civis em 2,5 anos de guerra. Veja-se a actuação do exército israelita em Gaza – o “mais moral do mundo” (?)
- Milhões de ucranianos fugiram para a Rússia desde 2014, mais do que para
3/12- qualquer outro país europeu.
- A maioria do povo russo tinha uma imagem positiva dos ucranianos, mesmo após o início da guerra.
- Um estudo de 2019 descobriu que 82% dos russos e 79% dos ucranianos se viam mutuamente de forma positiva.
- A maioria dos ucranianos fala russo
O concurso público para atribuição de direitos de prospecção e pesquisa de lítio deverá avançar nos próximos 60 dias, anunciou já o Governo. A DGEG admite a possibilidade de “efeitos nefastos” para a fauna e flora dos territórios em causa, podendo nem haver
Na maioria das 6 zonas seleccionadas para o avanço da prospecção e pesquisa de lítio, existem numerosas ocorrências de urânio e continuam demasiado contaminadas, devido à exploração daquele mineral radioactivnte durante
que, em muitos desses locais, não foi efectuada qualquer recuperação ambiental das antigas minas (56, a maioria, repartidas pelos distritos de Coimbra, Viseu e Guarda). E importa dizer hoje que, as consequências da radioactividade provocada pela exploração de
1/4 Mr. President of the USA @POTUS and Mrs. @FLOTUS , on behalf of animals tortured in water parks, going crazy for loneliness, who commit suicide exhausted of loneliness, confined to half a dozen meters 24 hours a day, Mr. President of EA , empty the tanks and return to their
: ocean or a sanctuaryhabitat. Thanks
Animals are not things... Because they are not things!
Will it be so hard to figure this out?!?
It will be hard to see that they cannot be things when they have hearts, and they have blood in their veins and arteries, and they
have eyes to see, plus all the senses we have, and they feel hunger and thirst, and fear and loneliness, and miss, and that just aren't living beings like us, who teach us so much that we quickly forget in our calculating life.... How to give unconditionally without knowing
1/ 4🐱NATAL é quando um homem quiser; Boas Festas a todos🐱🖤
Quando um Homem Quiser
Tu que dormes à noite na calçada do relento
numa cama de chuva com lençóis feitos de vento
tu que tens o Natal da solidão, do sofrimento
és meu irmão, amigo, és meu irmão
2/ 4 E tu que dormes só o pesadelo do ciúme
numa cama de raiva com lençóis feitos de lume
e sofres o Natal da solidão sem um queixume
és meu irmão, amigo, és meu irmão
Natal é em Dezembro
mas em Maio pode ser
Natal é em Setembro
é quando um homem quiser
Natal é quando nasce
3/ 4 uma vida a amanhecer
Natal é sempre o fruto
que há no ventre da mulher
Tu que inventas ternura e brinquedos para dar
tu que inventas bonecas e comboios de luar
e mentes ao teu filho por não os poderes comprar
és meu irmão, amigo, és meu irmão
Escolhi a solidão para me defender. Eu me escondo da humanidade que me rodeia, desta humanidade barulhenta e intrusiva. Vivo rodeado de animais, árvores, flores.
Escolhi a solidão para me defender. Eu me escondo da humanidade que me rodeia, desta humanidade barulhenta e intrusiva. Vivo rodeado de animais, árvores, flores. Tenho cavalos, jumentos, carneiros, cabras, porcos, galinhas, patos, gansos, pombos. Então, claro, cães e gatos.
Nem sei quantos são...
Sinto-me muito mais perto da natureza e dos animais do que do homem. Admito que odeio a maioria das espécies humanas. Sou casada com a causa dos animais para finalmente entender a minha existência aqui. Tentando explicar ao homem que o abuso de animais
Justice fails deadlines and is forced to release prisoners
Courts do not make judgments and witnesses invoke a state of emergency in order not to appear.
The fact that there is almost no trial or process instructions due to Covid-19 means that within
a few weeks many of the preventive prisoners, for the most varied crimes, have to be released.
The counties from North to South of the country have not carried out trials - nor those considered urgent - due to the lack of public health conditions. Many of the listed witnesses