🐱Sociologist 🐱 (¯`✿´¯)❝ I HATE TREASONS & I DON'T FORGIVE THAT ❞ (¯`✿´¯) ✿...Last but not the Least, I LOVE what loves brings and give All of MYSELF..✿
Aug 20, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
1/12- Mesmo correndo o risco de ser de novo apelidado de "putinista" (que não sou), aqui vai um conjunto resumido de informaçoes interessantes:
- Tem um rácio de baixas entre civis e militares, dos mais baixos
2/12- de qualquer grande conflito.
- Descontando o primeiro mês de invasão, houve 7.600 vítimas civis em 2,5 anos de guerra. Veja-se a actuação do exército israelita em Gaza – o “mais moral do mundo” (?)
- Milhões de ucranianos fugiram para a Rússia desde 2014, mais do que para
Sep 10, 2022 • 8 tweets • 10 min read
O concurso público para atribuição de direitos de prospecção e pesquisa de lítio deverá avançar nos próximos 60 dias, anunciou já o Governo. A DGEG admite a possibilidade de “efeitos nefastos” para a fauna e flora dos territórios em causa, podendo nem haver
@jpintocoelho60@Rebelo_ErguerTe Benefícios económicos .
que compensem o impacto ambiental.
Na maioria das 6 zonas seleccionadas para o avanço da prospecção e pesquisa de lítio, existem numerosas ocorrências de urânio e continuam demasiado contaminadas, devido à exploração daquele mineral radioactivnte durante
Sep 20, 2021 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
dear "owner",
I got this letter written for me. You don't even know the joy I feel for being able to communicate with you. Every day, since that distant day when you put the chain around my neck and locked me in this space,
I dream that you'll come visit me and pet me like you used to do when I was a puppy.
I dream that you come and talk to me, I don't really understand what you're saying, but you can't imagine how much I love hearing the sound of your voice!
I know I've done something wrong,
Aug 10, 2021 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
1/4 Mr. President of the USA @POTUS and Mrs. @FLOTUS , on behalf of animals tortured in water parks, going crazy for loneliness, who commit suicide exhausted of loneliness, confined to half a dozen meters 24 hours a day, Mr. President of EA , empty the tanks and return to their
: ocean or a sanctuaryhabitat. Thanks
Animals are not things... Because they are not things!
Will it be so hard to figure this out?!?
It will be hard to see that they cannot be things when they have hearts, and they have blood in their veins and arteries, and they
Dec 23, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/ 4🐱NATAL é quando um homem quiser; Boas Festas a todos🐱🖤
Quando um Homem Quiser
Tu que dormes à noite na calçada do relento
numa cama de chuva com lençóis feitos de vento
tu que tens o Natal da solidão, do sofrimento
és meu irmão, amigo, és meu irmão 2/ 4 E tu que dormes só o pesadelo do ciúme
numa cama de raiva com lençóis feitos de lume
e sofres o Natal da solidão sem um queixume
és meu irmão, amigo, és meu irmão
Natal é em Dezembro
mas em Maio pode ser
Natal é em Setembro
é quando um homem quiser
Natal é quando nasce
Jun 5, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Escolhi a solidão para me defender. Eu me escondo da humanidade que me rodeia, desta humanidade barulhenta e intrusiva. Vivo rodeado de animais, árvores, flores.
Escolhi a solidão para me defender. Eu me escondo da humanidade que me rodeia, desta humanidade barulhenta e intrusiva. Vivo rodeado de animais, árvores, flores. Tenho cavalos, jumentos, carneiros, cabras, porcos, galinhas, patos, gansos, pombos. Então, claro, cães e gatos.
Justice fails deadlines and is forced to release prisoners
Courts do not make judgments and witnesses invoke a state of emergency in order not to appear.
The fact that there is almost no trial or process instructions due to Covid-19 means that within
Dec 27, 2019 • 7 tweets • 6 min read
1/7Dedicated to the British Government #UK🇬🇧 & Ms. Judge Vanessa Baraitser, in the certainty that your conscience will dictate the case of Mr. JULIAN ASSANGE: #FreeASSANGE🇦🇺✊⏳
Excellent text by Federal Judge Raquel Domingues do Amaral:
«Do you know what rights are made of, my 2/7 young people?
Do you smell it?
Rights are made of sweat, blood, rotting human flesh on the battlefield, burned in bonfires!
When I open the Constitution in Article 5, in addition to the signs, the statements in legal language, I smell old blood!
I see heads rolling from
Dec 21, 2019 • 7 tweets • 8 min read
Values such as compassion, respect, humanity have been lost. When U look at a Christmas party, remember that the prisoner of the year is still forced into silence in boundless pain. Christmas is all year round, at a time marked by capitalism I couldn't keep silent #FreeASSANGE⏳
"unroll" @threadreaderapp
1/5-By the right to freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom to be born human, if one understands Mr. Assange's silence here is the greatest poem in the world for the whole year.
When a Man Wants
You who sleep at night on the sidewalk
Nov 14, 2019 • 10 tweets • 9 min read
1/8 Mr. Assange's ideas
It is from the world of physics that their greatest intellectual references seem to emerge. In the interview with Obrist, he begins by explaining his intellectual relationship with physicists such as Werner Heisenberg & Niels Bohr.
“I developed an analogy 2/8 to explain how information flows around the world to cause certain actions. If we want another state for a more just world, the question is, what kind of actions produce a fairer world? What kind of information flow leads to these actions? & then where do these streams come
Nov 5, 2019 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
Expert and clinical examination of Julian Assange by Portuguese expert
The forensic expert was part of a team composed of Professor @NilsMelzer , United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Psychiatrist Dr. Pau Peres.🐱🌏 #FreeASSANGE🇦🇺✊⏳ sicnoticias.pt/especiais/2010…@NilsMelzer Portuguese doctor who examined Assange says « isolation causes physical and psychological disturbance »
Duarte Nuno Viera was part of the team that examined the physical and psychological state of the #WikiLeaks founder 🐱🌏