A lot of first generation college graduates are now making over $100k, but given starting points, debt and family obligations, are just working on setting up a decent living for themselves and their kids.
I still think that as long as taxes target income more than wealth, it makes it harder for those coming from poor families to firmly establish themselves in the middle class.
"If Richard Spencer was marching for women’s rights, I’d have no issue marching next to him."
Fascists feast upon weak mentalities to harm their victims.
No, you absolutely never need to think it's a good idea to march with Nazis.
This isn't even such a foreign discussion, as eugenicists were complaining in Quillette that if we support women's rights to choose, we should stop opposing their own eugenic ideology so strongly.
If it's your march and a Nazi shows up to march with you, you should make it clear you don't want to associate with Nazis.
In almost every phase of civil rights struggles, for over a century now, Jews are blamed for planting ideas in the heads of black folks who apparently can't think.
It was a theme during segregation and you see it today still with the (((Soros))) stuff.
Anti-Semitism and anti-black racism almost always goes hand in hand in America. White supremacists will make common cause with one against the other when convenient, but that alliance will always be conditional on it not yet being your turn.
Genetics certainly plays a role in who you are as an individual. What that means in the society you live in is completely dependent on the way people choose to structure that society.
In other words, your individual genetics don't *cause* your social outcomes. The society you live in and how it's structured does.
We can take a Polygenic Risk Score that predicts being a teacher even with high accuracy and restructure society such that those with the highest scores never become teachers.
Acknowledge genes, but let's not get carried away with claims about genetic causality.
For those who don't get me, my point is the two things have nothing to do with each other, and condemning college students in order to condemn Republicans is not logical, but clearly ideological.
It's as silly as those who blamed "wokeness" for the Taliban retaking Afghanistan.
A good thread on what many people were seeing and how this often works.