To EVERYONE who messaged me on Telegram, I just spent the last 40 minutes replying to 267 of you. Everyone got A wave, Hi & or A personal message from me of peace, love & light..
Everyone, it's going to be alright. It gets so much better.
The ONLY reason evil is doing any of
This to you is because I was Born & Am helping you see clearly.
DJT, John & the Military have been standing in the way of evil getting to me for A very long time.
Please, continue being still & WATCH how all of this unfolds & REMEMBER, not all Musicians, actors/Actresses,
Politicians, Military personnel, police/fire or anyone else on the world stage has been awake to what corruption was doing to them. Not everyone knew their were strings over them like the N' Sync video ..
Continue to LOVE yiur neighbors/ones standing next to you, more today
Than you did yesterday ...
Selfless unconditional Love is what saves the world..
Be LOVE, because LOVE has WON.
• • •
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There is no coincidence that RIGHT BEFORE the REAL election results come out & all the fraud is exposed, [THEY] are going to try & put Harris or someone else in the seat. Whoever [THEY] try to pout in before ALL
1.) There was NEVER A "Virus" in the beginning.
2.) Evil told everyone there was A virus when there wasn't one & they should get tested.
3.) MANY got tested with tests that showed positive NO MATTER WHAT, Even if you just had the flu.
4.) DNA Harvesting.
5.) MSM Propaganda outlets instilled FEAR Purposely to try & get everyone to panic about some "Deadly" virus that was only the flu & fake galse positive tets.
6.) VACCINE panic
7.) Vaccine was/is the VIRUS & people got fooled into injecting themselves.
8.) Now, the REAL cure
That has existed will spread far & wide..
9.) The TRUTH about who has been apart of this mass depopulation attempt will be coming out along with arrests.
10.) W.H.O. Will be exposed for who THEY really are.
11.) Those who were given altimadums at their jobs/careers
What I Am asking is, would it be possible if someone could take the song above & put A little TWIST to it?
What do I mean by this? Let me explain. This thread may bay A little long, so I do hope ANY & ALL artists out there have the
So what I mean by this is, 'When the Woman comes around' ..
One of THE MOST IMPORTANT things in life that God has taught is HOW to fall back in LOVE with LIFE again & fall back in love with YOURSELF again. So many songs were written about what God had to do