Bolstering Bidens sophomoric speech at the UN about a socialist utopia that likely wet the panties of most college undergrads (I suspect both the guys and girls are now wearing panties), Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation has released the COVID Charter.
It is a Utopian manifesto for a world “ from fear and want”. Shah is probably one of the Global Elites useful idiots, much like Biden and many other world leaders. The Charter is a road map for the Great Reset.
Comparing this to the post WW2 Atlantic Charter of Roosevelt and Churchill, this "New Atlantic Charter" is the next layer that commits countries to take the steps necessary to vaccinate the entire world and prevent the consequences of climate change, wrapping 2 wet dreams into 1.
The Great Resets Development professionals have responded to these challenges by focusing on “human security,” defined as people having “freedom from fear and freedom from want, with an equal opportunity to enjoy all their rights and fully develop their human potential.”
Transnational problems are also impossible for markets, governments, or multinational institutions alone to address. So, an international governance organization is key to remodeling the present to better control the future.
The IMF and World Bank will have to respond more forcefully and be given more latitude to shift international GDP to countries in need. This means foreign aid (your tax money) controlled not by nations but the globalist bankers.
People around the world are growing not just poorer but also less secure, and theyre calling this process "The Great Divergence". The solution is to hand over individual, state and national sovereignty to a group of global elite in an effort to make everyone more equal.
The great divergence will also undermine the global response to climate change. Handing over that responsibility to this core group of global decision makers is their solution, and funny, you dont get a say. Your leaders have already signed on or are simple pawns.
The overarching idea of this charter is to hand over the management of transnational crises, as they put it, which they say will become more frequent. These crises are currently covid and climate change. Hunger, hyperinflation, & housing are all already in the pipeline.
They say "To protect everyone from the dual threats of the pandemic and climate change, the world must commit to a COVID charter for bold, measurable actions that boost human security."
"This plan begins with restarting convergence: the world must urgently close a resource gap of trillions of dollars in developing and emerging economies."
Physicians and Scientists hold a conference concerning cause of death after COVID-19 vaccination & Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines. Non organic particles and metals actually found in vaccine.
Present were also lawyers that state that this is a precedent for legal action as these findings raise questions about who is doing the controls on these vaccines. Frequent reference to the BioNTech vaccine throughout conference
AnyVision’s president, Amir Kain, was former head of the Israeli defense ministry’s security department, and one of its advisers, Tamir Pardo, is a former head of the Mossad spying and assassination agency, according to Haaretz.
AnyVision's activities in Israel and the West Bank were enough to even cause Microsoft to divest, and actually led to a Holder led Investigation into their practices, though Holder came back ho-hum on any finders as to not upset the Israeli's.…
This sets these areas up for an influx of Corp. owned (Blackrock) SFR's. Long term this reduces upward mobility as ownership decreases, any rentals are to be locked in by law for 3yr periods so you lose 3yrs of equity which can become cyclical and a part of the areas landscape.
What was once an area of individually owned homes becomes an area of SFR's that can grow at a rate of 4 to 1 based on the new regulations. While this provides more housing, it becomes a locking mechanism for economic class for many, many people.
Some will always be able to make more $ at work and one day buy a home, but the traditional wealth building path of home ownership wont be how its done for a vast majority of those who end up in the 4 to 1 SFR's that this will invariably result in.
Interpretation: Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people.…
Findings: Between 11th–25th June 2021 (week 7–8 after dose 2), 69 healthcare workers were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 62 participated in the clinical study. 49 were (pre)symptomatic with one requiring oxygen supplementation. All recovered uneventfully.
They all belonged to the Delta variant, and were phylogenetically distinct from the contemporary Delta variant sequences obtained from community transmission cases, suggestive of ongoing transmission between the workers.
Short thread:
Recently had a convo with a family member who is under 50 with no comorbidities, fair health, and still asking about vaccines. I tried to put it in a nutshell. Both sides will dislike my response I expect.
The chances of adverse reaction (upfront, no long term studies) to the vaccine is like 0.0021. Fairly small. But it happens, and may certainly be underreported. But for now, thats the # we have. ~600k of 300M doses.
That family members chances of death from covid well below <1%, as well - and their personal chances of contracting it is fairly low bc they're a hermit with fastidious hygiene practices.