We've studied MANY parameters proving Spain's 5th wave was a completely Human Artifact, let's see one more and it's consequences:
Unfitting between cases and deaths, both created artificially and intentionally to LOOK like an outbreak.
Bad intention, lame performance
There's a way to calculate true infections from death data
Basically, there's an statistical known chance to die for each X day after death. If you do it for every death, you'll find the statistical lethal infections at their time
The True Curve
In red, official 5th wave deaths
Green, lethal infections to produce them with the known infection/death timing
Full epidemic will be a parallel elevation of this green curve.
Height depends on 1/lethality but shape (trends, peak, bending points) remain exactly the same.
True epidemic escalated Curve (red), forced by official death data, can be compared to official cases series (blue)
First and main incoherence is BEGINNING date.
If deaths are true, epidemic should have begin rising by the end of MAY.
Official Cases only rose in JULY's 1st days
For having the supposed death toll, epidemic should have turned up, with Nature signature smoothness, ONE FULL MONTH before the abrupt cases growth.
Do you know what began to growth dramatically at July?
Oh, yes, politically decided number of tests.
Another problem is height.
We've used, in the 1st graph, Spain's full Pandemic mortality.
Height obtained, with ~35K true daily infections Vs the ~16K officially detected can be explained by only partial detection.
But we have to consider vax mortality reduction, haven't we?
For the officially declared death number and timing, vaccines effectivity, and vaccinated population percentages, resulting infection curve should look like this, peaking at a shocking 350K daily cases.
It would DWARVE 1st wave real infections.
Definitely, an Impossible.
So, we have absolutely incompatible death/cases series, and deaths/vax death protection.
Add this wave (after 1½ year & FOUR outbreaks, in Spanish melting AUGUST) must be WORSE than 1st to produce noted death, but went undetected for 1 FULL MONTH
And, magically, it matches tests
What we see is a very dirty, and quite lame, Frankenstein man-made wave.
The childish mechanism is a controlled increase/decrease testing curve, at epidemic shape, and, 2 weeks later, u know, change death criteria for including huge numbers of all-causes deaths into Covid toll
It satisfies the ignorants and fuels media, but falls as a joke at maths:
1st mistake, epidemic waves occur way more harmonically, with infections growing ~3 weeks prior to deaths
Covid Faith expects 2, also manipulators lack knowledge to anticipate properly nature soft changes
Apart from speeding death, wave faking is NOT a question of just adding death to toll: people died!
2nd mistake is not considering WHEN those people die, and how many, are compatible with the rest of the narrative (lethality&vax effectivity), as if ANY death bump meant the same
The WORST consequence is that this (so lame at the very first contact with math analysis) manipulation CAN'T BE CASUAL
It sadly reflects a VERY CROOKED POLITICAL INTENTION: keeping fear alive and force youngsters into vaccine
Para demostrar la falsedad de la 5 Ola pueden valer más los contraejemplos que la explicación.
La perfecta correspondencia IA/test es excusada por el trøll covidiano como un milagroso éxito de adaptación del número de test a los casos.
Creemos un Brote y veamos.
Utilizaremos la longitud y altura de la 5ª en semanas, y la distribución de Gompertz, que @MLevitt_NP2013 ha demostrado brillante y definitivamente para las olas de todo el mundo.
Su resultado de Positividad queda quedaría así.
Probaremos 3 estrategias de test
Una es la respuesta inevitable del trøll: se hacen más test cuando se encuentran más casos. Sobre un suelo, se añade el rastreo en función de los casos encontrados
Las otras son la política real de test española, aplicada en 2 momentos distintos
Sometimes a countersample is better than the explanation
So, let's go Counterfactual
We'll design an outbreak
It'll have the supposed height of Spain's 5th wave with Gompertz develope observed in waves all around the world, as brilliantly showed by @MLevitt_NP2013
We set the 5th wave 16 weeks span for trying 3 testing scenarios
A constant testing floor, increased with tracing, depending on cases found
The ACTUAL testing policy used in Spain's 5th wave, politically decided, for the other 2
We'll check their dot clouds&linear regressions
This is the SUPPOSED policy used: we do more test cos we found more cases
We notice Cases/Tests look UNRELATED
Very different cases results for similar test numbers: it reflects the test policy divergences with the outbreak developing underneath
Los límites Covid son arbitrarios e inalcanzables
Ved la gráfica/chiste Riesgo de Rebrote de Cataluña
El enano tamaño de los límites sitúa 1 año ENTERO, en el que tuvimos de todo, en la estratosfera del riesgo
Hasta 20x el MÁXIMO
Valores inútiles, sin relación con la epidemia
Así todo
La incidencia que cualquier año hubiera sido NO Epidémica sería un mínimo de riesgo MEDIO en todo el país. Para Canarias, valores inferiores a los científicamente considerados epidemia cualquier otro año, serían RIESGO MUY ALTO (máximo) Covid
Porque esos límites arbitrarios no se eligieron para medir, anticipar o contagiar la Pandemia
Se eligieron para no ser alcanzables y mantener el miedo muy alto, para generar frustración y sensación de fracaso, que se dirige sobre los grupos que se desea presionar: los culpables
This is a Cataluña Region graph with their own bombastic parameter (outbreak risk) limits
They're PERMANENTLY dwarved by Reality, despite completely different situations occurred.
Of course the region has NOT being at extreme risk during the whole last year, from August '20
No medical consequences, like hospital pressure or deaths easy over an extreme limit
Important DECREASES are grossly over the outbreak danger limit:
An impossible to accomplish fantasy
What is the use for limits, meant to explain, foresee & control Pandemic; that are constantly overpassed at so high levels, that they render ludicrous and useless all the way thru?
It definitely CAN'T be Epidemic watch, as its own curve shows:
Everyday is Armageddon
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas se ha encontrado con un problema por culpa de las restricciones Covid. Sus reuniones celebradas en Nueva York deben realizarse según las exigencias, paranoicas en ese Estado, de la Pandemia.
Una de ellas, el infame Pase Covid obligatorio.
Pero claro, entre los líderes mundiales hay algunos que NO están vacunados y otros lo están, pero no con las vacunas kosher para Estados Unidos. Así que habría que prohibirles el acceso. A la plenaria de las Naciones Unidas.
Como eso no se le hace a un líder mundial, lo sabe todo el mundo, han encontrado una solución, no sé si me humillante o descarada.
Los Líderes se regirán por un Sistema de Honor, que básicamente supone que se saltan a la torera la exigencia de Pase, y van donde tengan que ir.
Los No Vacunados son un elemento importante en la comunidad:
En servicio de la Ciencia se exponen valerosamente al Todopoderoso Covid para servir como Grupo de Control.
¡Apoya a tus No Vacunados locales!
Puede resultar un concepto extraño, tras 18 meses pasando de la Ciencia en cuanto a supervisar con grupos de control la efectividad de todas y cada una de las restricciones y medidas, incluso ignorando los existentes: como Suecia
La ley Covid: lo que diga el modelo (del miedo)
Es el momento de que algunos mantengan esa llama científica, esa Flor de Generosidad, esa gallarda indiferencia en Primera Línea de Pandemia, en la trinchera frente al terrorífico virus con 0,2% de mortalidad
Como Liquidadores de Chernobyl merecen todo nuestro cariño y respeto