Let's get the #BehavioralScience of booster rollout right. Tips (a🧵): 1) Pharmacies, docs, + - everyone who gave 1st and 2nd doses: queue up (multiple) text reminders to everyone eligible for boosters to spread the news. 2) Tell patients you've got a booster "reserved" for them.
3) Automatically give people an appointment to get their booster shot, and tell them the date/time. Make it easy to reschedule.
Why? Again, the science supports it: jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/… 4) Schedule them on the same day of the week & at the same time of day as their 2nd shot.
5) If you can't automatically offer people appointments, prompt them to choose the date and time when they plan to come in for a booster. While not as handy as a default appointment, evidence shows this also nudges follow-through somewhat: pnas.org/content/108/26…
6) If possible, communicate that the vast majority of people who've been vaccinated and are eligible are eager to get boosters and rushing to do so. Social norms matter. Here's some proof: psyarxiv.com/srv6t/