It's trivially true that being bullied has a non-zero heritability estimate.
Yet I think there's a lot wrong in suggesting that a person's genes *cause* them to be bullied.
The actions of others should not to be attributed to being caused by your genes.
I think this comes down to the definition of the word cause by the way, and unsurprisingly, there is no consensus on what it means to cause (ask the philosophers).
We all have some of our own intuitions as to what we envision when we think of cause though.
If having genes that make you wear glasses can be said to *cause* bullying, then don't our genes cause us to be raped, murdered, or face racism?
I don't know how we can draw the line without it seeming arbitrary. That may be why the word cause is itself so fraught. Tough one.
A white professor insisting he has the right to use the n-word to his black students and they shouldn't be complaining is probably a lot worse than the white moderates MLK was complaining about.
But of course he faces no real consequences.
Always interesting who these Cancel Culture Warriors tend to choose as their great examples of the horrors of "cancel culture".
Fighting for the rights of white men to say the n-word without complaint.
A lot of first generation college graduates are now making over $100k, but given starting points, debt and family obligations, are just working on setting up a decent living for themselves and their kids.
I still think that as long as taxes target income more than wealth, it makes it harder for those coming from poor families to firmly establish themselves in the middle class.
"If Richard Spencer was marching for women’s rights, I’d have no issue marching next to him."
Fascists feast upon weak mentalities to harm their victims.
No, you absolutely never need to think it's a good idea to march with Nazis.
This isn't even such a foreign discussion, as eugenicists were complaining in Quillette that if we support women's rights to choose, we should stop opposing their own eugenic ideology so strongly.
If it's your march and a Nazi shows up to march with you, you should make it clear you don't want to associate with Nazis.