A whole-of-house approach to turning our homes into antennas?
"It is my expert opinion that the smart & digital meters cause a significant amount of radio-frequency (RF) "noise" on homes' electric wiring system, therefore transforming them into a whole house antenna."
"The energy consumed by a building can reveal information about the occupants and their activities inside the building..."
especially when our electronics & our bodies are increasingly connected to those buildings & the smart meters that power them, part of the expanding IoT.
Digital Forensics shines a light on the digital surveillance & data-mining being conducted on our electronics, homes, vehicles, and bodies with or without our knowledge or consent.
RADICAL NON-VIOLENCE is essential to all successful resistance imo. Why? Because ANY & ALL violence is used to VALIDATE our abuse & subjugation, demonize valid protest & protesters, validate security force expansion & violence, expand & extend suppression of civil liberties, etc.
To incite the people to violence is the ULTIMATE goal of the oppressor, because it is essential to validating subjugation.
The "game" is RIGGED:
Pharmaceutical companies + stakeholders
• Sell billions+ in products
• ZERO liability
• Product mandates
• Vax passports (digital ID, tracking)
• Retain ability to function in society
• Risk of infection from GMO virus (mild+)
• Risk short & long term side effects from the experimental jab + ingredients
• Vax passport booster requirements
• Lose ability to function normally in society
• Risk infection w a GMO virus (mild+)
PRE-COVID, on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY, a pandemic simulation: "Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership w the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation"
A simulated "news story" about the disease they refer to as "CAPS", begins @ min 16:45:
The second simulated "news story" on the imaginary pandemic CAPS aired in Oct 2019 during Event 201 begins @ min 1:25: