This weekend feels like seeing a Cat 5 hurricane bearing down on a remote island on Fri evening, knowing we won't hear for some days until power & telecom are back, praying for few deaths & devastation when they're out.
Except we're not a remote island in open ocean. We're in Alberta, supposedly a modern society.
The hurricane has not passed. We've just had outer bands pass through. Rain, wind, storm surge, etc.
The 250 km/h eyewall is still coming. Major casualties. Hail & Devastation.
Modern society? Let's compare AB to City of Chicago
Oh yes: R, test positivity and cases showing 2 Albertas. Cities going down, Zones going up.
Problem: we all need the same Hospitals. Whether we come from the upper 3 curves, or the lower 2 curves.
Shown with/without Alberta Avg.
We have record Hospitalization, in every way:
• ICU Surge Capacity
• non-ICU Wards like Internal Medicine taking COVID-level ICU patients to save lives
• transporting patients from one Zone to another to use every last bit of capacity
HCW breaking, to slow AB dying.
Weeks ago, I was critical of Alberta Health showing Surge Capacity growing, thinking it was unachievable because you can't just clone record numbers of:
• Respiratory Therapists
• Critical Care Nurses
• ICU Docs
• Pharmacists
• Anaesthetists, etc.
like it's a video game.
I'm one of the many voices saying you can't keep stressing healthcare workers to deal with this kind of workload.
But our CMOH, Health Minister du jour, and Premier keep doing it.
I work with many of these people in @PopAlberta. Under huge stress, they are innovating too.
@PopAlberta One innovation? Putting ICU-level COVID-19 patients in non-ICU Wards like internal medicine.
I relayed @NeejaB work with a team of devoted people, which is happening in every major hospital.
But cancelling surgeries doesn't magically clone ICU staff.
I'm an engineer/project manager with background in electronics manufacturing.
• New product introduction, starting from zero, to pilot, to ramp up. All the problems you face as you grow.
• Bringing on other plants to add capacity/enter new markets. The stress of transferring.
These amazing people are doing it all simultaneously:
• from 80 people on 24 July
• to 1061 on 24 September
• 13.3x in 2 months
• using multiple sites
• try raising capacity of any manufacturing or organization process that fast
Imagine rush hour traffic 13.3x in 2 months.
These are human beings in our hospitals, not wireless telecom in a factory. They're about as fragile and perishable as a "product" can get.
And we're still not seeing how complex this picture.
Last week AHS CEO Dr Verna Yiu said deaths were making room for new admissions.
At the same time, I was working with a skilled "data wrangler" in Edmonton, who uses Tableau to illustrate complex concepts simply.
@jkparker taught me how to show the daily admissions, average daily deaths, and running count of patients in ICU.
So, looking at her Tableau, you can see:
• the running count at end of day understates the problem
• our Healthcare workers have to handle 50+ admissions PER DAY
• and absorb a rising AVERAGE of 11 deaths per day
• daily admissions fluctuate widely
• one day 53; next day 17
Last Friday, you got to see me cry on YouTube.
This Friday I got to watch my dear new friends, who are doing laudable work to save lives in Alberta, artful innovation and brute force pushing themselves.
Some were crying. Some numb. Some stoic. Some ??.
You can't do this to people. It's grotesque & sadistic.
@jvipondmd calls this the #IntentionallyCruelWave
• Not just to people dying.
• HCW breaking to stop it
• Family & friends of people in Hospital
• People whose surgeries were cancelled AGAIN to make room for COVID-19
@jvipondmd Kids age 5-11:
• started school in Sep
• too young to be vaccinated
• rooms with inadequate ventilation or filtration
• inadequate masks, if at all
Look how "Best Summer Ever" changed once school started.
These aren't just lines on a graph. They're people, with families.
But we can't ignore the Deaths happening in our province.
See that jump to steeper rate of death at end August? You can see it better compared to a straight line.
We know, that wave after wave, around world, when you change public health measure, there is a cadence:
• leading indicators change in ~2 wks
• Hospitalization in ~3-4 wks
• Deaths in ~4 wks
So what happened at end July for Deaths to📈~4 wks later?
@kim_siever @BarryHunt008 @alanna_smithh @ByMatthewBlack @PfParks @JMeddings @DanielleLarivee @gilmcgowan @reportrix @DuaneBratt But until last week, when they succeeded at muzzling my friend Nate Pike @TheBreakdownAB (I can't even tag them on this!) as part of their $6m suspected SLAPP, I hadn't looked into it the way I sometimes do.
@kim_siever @BarryHunt008 @alanna_smithh @ByMatthewBlack @PfParks @JMeddings @DanielleLarivee @gilmcgowan @reportrix @DuaneBratt @TheBreakdownAB It appears Orion Registrar Inc certified or re-certified MHCare Medical on 25 Nov 2024 for "Distribution of Medical Devices Class I, II, III, IV".
With the sad news last night that all of @TheBreakdownAB YouTube content would be taken down Tuesday night, I had a look at my favourite guest appearances on the show.
See 'em before they're gone if you're interested.
On 1 Jan 2023, I covered GoA's questionable procurement of masks & respirators since 2020.
I didn't just comment on MHCare Medical's products, but also Orpyx, Shanghai Dasheng, @CAPPEM2 and 3M, and many of my comments are quite positive.
On 22 March 2023, I applied the 5Ps of Marketing to analyze AB Health/ AHS/ MHCare/ Atabay scandal over children's acetaminophen & ibuprofen meds.
Dec 2022 v Mar 2023
I believe more has been revealed on that scandal since, and maybe even recent news.🤔
Happy Sunday. For those looking for the full 17-page Statement of Claim from fired AHS CEO Athana Mentzelopoulos' lawsuit against AHS & AB Health, this CityNews story allows free download without scribd account.
There are parts of the S/C on topics about which my tweets get widespread attention –
especially the overpriced, late and dangerously substandard kids meds that GoA wants you to think came directly from Atabay –
but in reality came through markup middleman MHCare Medical.
On my own initiative, I'll be cautious, at least until Statement of Defence is filed, because I don't want to unintentionally rebut in advance a stupid defence that GoA/AB Health/AHS might rely on.
No idea whether GoA will use $$$ external counsel, as they did in CM v Alberta.
Personal safety was/is a concern for me too, since 2020, because I was proving the Vanch masks did not even meet ASTM Level 1 standard that AHS claimed they did, for over $200m of PPE from Mraiche Holding Corporation.
@kim_siever @TheBreakdownAB @alanna_smithh @JenLeeCBC @ByMatthewBlack @gthomsonink @Lorian_H @SamirKayande @reportrix @TheTyee @nenshi @sameo416 I started that thread on 22 Jan 2022, after responding to Dr @jvipondmd asking about them on 13 Jan 2022.
Raised the alarm to everyone I could, showing my evidence, in real time.
Guess how frustrating it is to me, a professional engineer + parent, to confirm the $$ behind this.
Yesterday, Ministers Fir & Turton trotted out GoA's canned talking points on AB Health/AHS procurement scandal to media and public for the first time, and I wanted to point out certain problems with it.
UCP gov's strategy obvious from their spin: refuse all comment until both the AG's "expedited review" and this internal coverup, I mean investigation, are done.
Then this antidemocratic insistence on "1 question, 1 followup". This isn't the CMOH giving a daily COVID update.
As someone who successfully went to Auditor General + Alberta Securities Commission about Alberta Research Council wrongdoing ~20 years ago, I wanted to share some tips based on what I read in Premier Smith's letter on 8 Feb 2025.
The OAG will not expedite a "review" for anyone. They have disciplined processes to follow, and I hope insiders will give them lots of threads to pull.
We in the public will need to be patient. Good audits & implementation take time. Maybe even years.