Lack of explanation is a characteristic of bad, or fake, science.
There's no Covidian rational explanation for Spain's so-called 5th wave.
Neither for its increase, nor for its decrease.
Because it's a fake wave.
Let's check Covid Szienze's Usual Suspects:
Restrictions (from OWiD) were flat/slightly decreasing all thru 5th wave.
No easing caused increase, no tightening provoked decrease.
Now, with the lowest restriction level, soft decrease continues.
Nothing to blame here, then.
Delta Force Våriant appeared~25/5, &grew steeply from~13/6
For a full month, until~27/6, cases plateaued down nonchalant to Delta spread,including 2 weeks of STRONG increase
Suddenly,at 40% of Delta share,it explodes
But when it reaches~100% (MAX danger) cases went DOWN QUICKLY
Delta share growth rate (purple) was bigger when cases ignore it more
When it was growing the most, cases were plateauing
Once it becomes predominant ~100% EPIDEMIC RAPIDLY DECREASED
Now, with only Delta Force circulating, cases keep softly decreasing
So, Delta's not to blame
Last Covidian usual argument is vaxing
It has constantly grow all thru previous plateau, hard increase and the lately fast/slow decrease
It affects cases at Narrative demand.
It's used as explain for cases decrease, and silenced for cases increase
No relation at all is visible
One possible explain at the sight of all this could be that vaxing couldn't help controlling Pandemic UNTIL July~21; and then, with ~48% vaxed, Herd Immunity was reached, and thus, the decrease.
But Herd Immunity IS NOT REACHED, saying so is Covid HERESY
So vaxing's no explain
Lacking explain for WHY this wave happened, Fear Narrative answers with some lame Covid absolutely ludicrous 'reasons':
People behave Irresponsibly, but just sometimes, at demand
It doesn't matter Irresponsibility (basically young people partying) hasn't stopped GROWING
A joke
So, 5th wave lacks any rational explanation under Covid faith, with all supposed parameters implied proven clearly NOT related to cases development.
But there's one thing that PERFECTLY fits in trends & dates with cases:
True Deniers are those ignoring none of the Covidian parameters explain this wave, and trying lame excuses for the OBVIOUS and perfect relation between test performed and cases
I've waited a Covidian explanation on WHY 5th wave came&went away
It never arrived
Because it's FAKE
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El viceconsejero vasco de Salud lo cuenta muy claro:
"El pase Covid no es una medida con fines sanitarios,sino CÍVICOS"
Puedes aceptar que no tiene nada que ver con la Pandemia,y decidir con cuidado si estás de acuerdo con esa herramienta de control;o seguir negando la Realidad
Tras balbucear sobre el nombre, termina enfático en Certificado QR.
Incluso bajo la mentalidad covidiana, donde lo importante es la vacunación, serviría el papel, portable en formato digital, para probarla.
Para el control total, no tanto.
Para eso hace falta una aplicación.
Crees racionalmente que debes vacunarte? Enhorabuena, #héroe, corre a hacerlo
Pero piensa BIEN si también quieres colaborar con un sistema que pretende monitorizar cada movimiento, cada contacto, que realices; y que se intenta implantar sin una explicación adecuada.
Basque Country second Health Authority tells it clear:
"Covid Passport is NOT a health related measure, but CIVIC"
So, it's definitely not about any virus.
You can accept it, and carefully think if you want to join in this unknown new control tool; or keep denying Reality.
After some babbling on the name (passport, green passport) he finally emphasise QR pass to describe it
Even the mad Covid 'safety' mentality could be satisfied with the vaccination itself, for which a paper certificate is good enough
Not so good for universal constant control
Do you think you must get vaxed?
So good, do it, #hero
But, are you SURE you want to have a new digital ID document, you've to use for everything, leaving your contact trail, your contacts; your privacy for a constant unclear control?
El informe diario del Ministerio de Sanidad en su versión de viernes, incluye hoy un nuevo cambio
El último fue antes de empezar la Ola de los Jóvenes
Desaparecida la 5ª ola, incluyen un nuevo zoom
Un nuevo énfasis
Parece que empiezan a apuntar a los niños, lo único que hay ahí
Cuando segregaron los datos por grupos de edad no había nada reseñable, una capacidad predictiva BASTANTE sospechosa
Ahora, una ridícula ampliación en datos más que evidentemente anodinos no presagia nada bueno
Llegará la ola de los niños cuando se apruebe la vacuna para ellos?
Las TVs llevan días preparando el terreno
De repente hay que Doblepensar que hablen de contagios en los colegios, después de un curso entero recalcando lo perfectamente seguros que habían probado ser
Los muertos oficiales, en rojo, tienen por tanto su fecha real de infección estadística en la curva verde.
Estás infecciones letales tienen exactamente el desarrollo de la epidemia general
Aplicando el factor de mortalidad, podremos saber el total de infecciones en cada fecha.
We've studied MANY parameters proving Spain's 5th wave was a completely Human Artifact, let's see one more and it's consequences:
Unfitting between cases and deaths, both created artificially and intentionally to LOOK like an outbreak.
Bad intention, lame performance
There's a way to calculate true infections from death data
Basically, there's an statistical known chance to die for each X day after death. If you do it for every death, you'll find the statistical lethal infections at their time
The True Curve
In red, official 5th wave deaths
Green, lethal infections to produce them with the known infection/death timing
Full epidemic will be a parallel elevation of this green curve.
Height depends on 1/lethality but shape (trends, peak, bending points) remain exactly the same.