⭐️Glucose is often normal / a bit high (rather than low/normal seen in SK)
⭐️Does not respond to glucose supplementation alone, often insulin needed, often higher doses than you would normally expect (fixed rate may be required)
But why worry?
😱The associated acidosis / tachypnea may be mistaken for worsening COVID➡️potential increase in treatment and/or delivery
😟The compensation for acidosis may be lost if sedated/intubated ➡️ worsening in biochemistry when pt already sick
So the lesson here?
⭐️Have a really low threshold for checking capillary ketones (urinary ketones lag behind and are not sufficient) in 🤰 with #COVID
⭐️Particularly if tachypnoeic / reduced oral intake
⭐️🧐at that gas! Look at the CO2/B ex / HCO3 (not just pH); they are v good at compensating
⭐️Consider insulin if ketones trending upwards, may need fixed rate
⭐️Particularly worth watching for when giving maternal but particularly fetal steroids