Short thread.
There is a relationship between the opioid crisis and available organs for transplantation. As overdoses increase, organ supply increases in a significant way.
The opioid crisis appears to have contributed to a decrease in the number of persons on the waiting list for all organs. Rule outs and Disqualification criteria for organs have been changed during this timeframe as well.
Since fewer organs are now disqualified because of quality that is deemed to be unsuitable for transplantation, more transplantations are occurring.
The dramatic increase in the rate of (Overdose Death Donors) ODD utilization was striking, and it has increased concordantly with the rate of overdose deaths.
In spite of the public crisis that the opioid overdose epidemic pushed by China through cartel controlled ports has created, the impact on organ transplantation and the unintended consequences of increasing the number of donor hearts is noteworthy.
Only through a continuation of this public health crisis can we continue to provide organs at the current rate in which they are available in the US.
Off-Guardian made a crib sheet for you when discussing Covid. Providing a condensed version. Full article below.…
Part I: “Covid deaths” & mortality 1. The survival rate of “Covid” is over 99%. Government medical experts went out of their way to underline, from the beginning of the pandemic, that the vast majority of the population are not in any danger from Covid...
2. There has been NO unusual excess mortality. The press called 2020 the UK’s “deadliest year since WW2”, but its misleading because it ignores the massive increase in the population since that time. A more reasonable statistical measure is Age-Standardized Mortality Rate (ASMR)
When people say "Deep State" they often only refer vaguely to those they suspect of corrupt, controlling influence. They may cite a Bush, Clinton, or other long serving official. But there is a list.
A list of those responsible for 20yrs of failures. A list responsible for the downfall of the U.S., Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, the drug war, border crisis, the destruction of rights, the deeming of 1/2 of American citizens as "Domestic Terrorists", and the Biden Laptop.
This is that list. These are those people. They have led failed policy efforts, covered up crimes, destroyed our domestic existence, and pushed total fake 100% nonsense stories into the news cycle for decades. Russia Russia Russia. Hunters Laptop. WMD's. Assange criminality.
Injectables can involve monitoring of seizure like activity in the brain, potentially assist with pacing in the heart, fertility, monitor internal temperature, or even gastric motility. The potentials are endless. Great strides could be made here and benefit billions.
But it all depends on who is leading the charge in this area of research. And the worlds foremost researcher in nano technology related to syringe injectable technology is... Charles Lieber. You cant make this stuff up.…
Drone warfare is on our doorstep. JNGC has been, for 1yr+, attempting to use drones to carry out attacks. Theyve been mostly unsuccessful. They use small, commercially available units and C4. Stark contrast to Black Stork who used a large, heavy lift unit and petrol bombs.
Physicians and Scientists hold a conference concerning cause of death after COVID-19 vaccination & Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines. Non organic particles and metals actually found in vaccine.
Present were also lawyers that state that this is a precedent for legal action as these findings raise questions about who is doing the controls on these vaccines. Frequent reference to the BioNTech vaccine throughout conference