"Knockdown of PTBP1 FAILS TO CONVERT brain astrocytes into neurons in vivo״ cell.com/cell/fulltext/…
Why is this negative finding of such interest? mainly because two recent high profile papers reported that PTBP1 knockdown converts glia to neurons to treat #Parkinsons Disease, see following links
Our own findings, still in preprint form, find roles for PTBP1 in adult sensory neurons, suggesting caution is required with PTBP1 knockdown strategies in vivo, regardless of whether one is reprogramming glia or neurons... biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
Preprint alert: @StefanieAlber et al discovered PTBP1 expression in ADULT peripheral neurons, with roles in sensory function and regeneration, transporting regeneration-associated RNAs to axons. Why is this so interesting? (1/6) biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
The dogma is that PTBP1 should NOT be expressed in mature neurons, as it is downregulated as central neurons mature. So finding it in adult peripheral neurons is intriguing. (2/6)
PTBP1 is a splicing factor. Finding it outside the nucleus and trafficking RNA to axons in an injury-regulated manner is a new role, with interesting implications when thinking about the different regeneration capacities of central versus peripheral neurons. (3/6)
Manuscript accepted! Congratulations Dr. Marvaldi @LetiziaMarvaldi !! With a great team, @nico_panayotis @StefanieAlber @TerenzioL and many others not on Twitter, and a fantastic collaboration with Michael Bader’s group in Berlin. Thanks to all!
Full details will follow when published, but for now: 1) 'Tis a new topic for the lab' (and NOT COVID-related) 2) It was 6 years work 3) The 1st & 2nd authors @LetiziaMarvaldi and @nico_panayotis are on the job market and you would do VERY well for yourselves if you recruit them!