L'IoT (internet des Objets) est connu mais maintenant il y l'IoB, l'internet des Corps (Internet of Body, Internet of Behaviour)pour leur système de contrôle total et leur nouveau système bancaire (et la crypto monnaie) (Suite)
La puissance de la 5G+ peut bien sûr être bien plus forte quand on voit les câbles alimentant les grandes tours surtout après un black out où ils vont remettre la pleine puissance sur les tours...(Suite)
🚨The "invisible government"/ Empire has been decoded now.... Teddy Roosevelt told us about it before it spread all over that world but at the time, there was no mass awakening ! From 2021, you have understood the false duality they had created.... (Continued)
and which maintained you in a forever circular absurd cycle (the horizontal bar of that cross + with equal branches). It is high time to disconnect from that prison, an illusory prism and leave them all/ disconnect from all... (Continued)
Come back on the right path which is the vertical bar of that cross, follow the unique and solid Djed Pillar leading to the door on top of it that "no man can shut". Focus on it. You all have been equipped with a pyramidion on top of your inside "pyramid"... (Continued)
@Godschild1267@IloMagyar 1- The Jesuits altered that calendar on purpose, they delayed their Event to be "biblical" with the New Moon in the realm of Arihman/Lucifer. Their realm starts AFTER the EquiLux, on the 27th. They announce their program in that way, it helps its global broadcasting... (Cont)
@Godschild1267@IloMagyar 2- The tilt in the darkness, really starts the day AFTER September 26th because the day of the EquiLux, forces are Equal (50/50).
Remember we had the image on the clock given by the last Moon at fullness in our realm... (Cont.)
@Godschild1267@IloMagyar 3- On September 21st, it was stopped at 108 ; 10:08 is 1:50 if you invert the hands of the clock (the Moon is a mirror) and the full-Moon was indeed at 1:55 (in France).I was out celebrating the last days of our realm split into two before we take it back ... (Cont.)
🚨 Humans are Humans, they are not honeybees obeying their transgender Queen (they put that character on stage to be credible). Well their pyramidal system, their Ponzi scheme, is over. Behind heir "Drohne"/ "Queen" , the physical personas, is AI which is powered by the Humans...
2- Stop with the Fable of the Bees ! It is symbolic and was associated in lower Egypt with immortality and resurrection and they played on that. Hence it became the emblems of the Merovingians together with the lily and it was revived for a short time with Napoleon....
3- They have never stopped reasserting their might to anchor deep in Human minds that they were "the chosen ones"once they had killed the Agnus Dei, Mary and enclosed her ashes in the Ark of Covenant ! ....