Okay, today on @TableTopGails, this is a very short one, but I got two surprise boxes on the #MagicPorch today and I just opened them up and both are WOW.
I don’t believe either has been shown anywhere before, so prepare for a bit sneak peek from @wizkidsgames!
I was confused for a moment, because @wizkids also makes non-clip minis, and this doesn’t say Heroclix right away, but this game IS standalone, OR can be played with other Heroclix. It is from a recent mega-event in the comics (which I haven’t read yet!).
Apparently, it’s a Kree/Skull invasion with designs to destroy all animal life on Earth…some of these characters I don’t know, they might be kinda amalgam-style hybrids, or maybe Skrull versions of heroes?
Great look, the Heroclix paint jobs are lovely. TASKY!
For example, not sure who this guy is, he looks kind of like a Super Skrull that’s X-men-based. Or who this lady is…the game will explain it, I’m sure, but it’s fun to hear it from readers.
People ask me all the time where to start with Heroclix, and these boxed sets are my recommendation, everything you need is included, but also, the maps are usually outstanding. This one has six high quality double sided map boards…perfect for starters or veteran players.
This is an incredible set, the quality is just as good as the recent Wonder Woman set. Additional components are custom dice, rulebook, reference cards, what look like scenario cards, effects markers and more.
A great set for new players and grizzled players alike. Cool!
Next is a thing that came in a box the size of a Kia Sportage. It’s MASSIVE.
Here’s the box top with a pen for scale.
It’s huge and the box is incredible, it looks like a six headed dragon.
I am nervous to open it…it may be too big to fit back in!
Okay, I’ma open it!
Guys, pardon my crappy photography, but here are the pieces. They are GORGEOUS.
Wow…it literally assembles in seconds.
And it’s five dragon heads of awesome!
Imagine THIS at your next D&D or Pathfinder game!
Your players will pee their breeches!
Okay, that was fun, can’t wait to play EMPYRE! And that dragon is going somewhere cool in,my house, dammit.
For legal blabbery…I was given these items to review, I am not paid to mention or endorse them, all opinions are my own (though I tend to focus on the stuff I like!). These threads are not monetized, I just like sharing cool stuff and hope to encourage people to try games!
Thanks, everyone! Check out @wizkidsgames for easy entry into miniature gaming and more.
Just check #TableTopGames threads, look for a game that sounds intriguing, and try it.
You’ll be happy, I promise. :)
Bye, all! Thanks for following!
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Every year on his birthday (which is today), I write a little letter to @JoeQuesada, wishing him health and happiness for him and his family. We have not spoken in person in years.
In that note, every time, I thank him for asking me, out of nowhere, to pitch for Deadpool.
Because I had a comics comedy column on CBR and I made him laugh. He used to read the column on the phone to friends. Garth Ennis didn't have email, so he called him long distance to read one about Garth TO Garth.
Even when I made fun of JOE HIMSELF, he would laugh about it.
So every year, I say something to the effect of, "Thank you for taking a chance on me, and for opening the door that had made my life's dream come true over and over."
And he always says something humble and sweet, that I make it happen myself.
I have been thinking this forever but this morning it really hit me.
@stephenking is a badass.
Just a combustion engine. Love that guy.
There have been a dozen times where the thing getting me through a tough time was simply having a Stephen King novel or anthology or movie adaptation to enjoy.
When I was a kid, the very first novel I ever read (I was probably a little young for it) where the cast was all female and took all roles from villain to tragic hero and everywhere in-between was Carrie. To this DAY, I still haven't read many novels that can make that claim.
I hear all the time, and have thought it myself, why does the world fear and hate mutants, but love the scary-looking oddballs in, say, the Fantastic Four?
Here is a thought about that.
The Fantastic Four comes to save you.
You look out, and you see standing around you;
A woman who disappears
A man on fire
A rock-like golen creature
and the ultimate stretchy body horror.
You look out and see
A great-looking guy with sunglasses
A beautiful woman with a cool fire bird effect
A goddess controlling a storm
A slightly hairy Canadian.
Why are citizens afraid of THIS four, and not the others?
When I was in second grade, our teacher read us, over the course of several days, an adaptation of Cool Hand Luke.
None of us knew anything about prisons, Southern culture, road gangs, prisoner abuse, or crime in general, really. We were seven years old, and enthralled.
I remember, NO ONE missed school after the first day.
It starts with Luke, played by Paul Newman in the movie, getting drunk and busting up parking meters, for no good reason, so your introduction to him, in a child’s’ view, is bad, not revolutionary.
Spoilers, but Luke ends up paying a heavy price for simply not being able to go along with what he is told to do, the falsehoods he is told are true. It is inevitable, even as kids we knew there would be no happy ending.
And we know it was wrong, the escalation. As kids.