2- "But the lack of tangible progress ... are testing the legislative acumen of a president who prides himself as a consummate creature of Capitol Hill."
Lol imagine writing "creature of Capitol Hill" like it was a positive attribute.
3- "Biden is coping with House Democrats ... as well as senators who prize their independence and may be impervious even to presidential pressure."
1- Recently watcher the movie “Shattered Glass”, about reporter Stephen Glass & the numerous stories he literally made up for then prestigious “The New Republic” in the late 1990s.
2- … independent publisher “fact-checking” of stories often just means the final story matches the reporter’s raw notes.
If an enterprising reporter makes up notes or is being fed bs; welp, it’s considered fact-checked.
Glass did this for years before he was busted (cont).
3- And it wasn’t just “The New Republic”. From the linked article:
“..the compelling wunderkind who had seeped inside the skins of editors not only at The New Republic but also at Harper’s, George, Rolling Stone, The New York Times Magazine, and Mother Jones.”
1- "I was just one more example of our country’s tug and pull between fantasies of a post-covid summer and the realities of our still-raging pandemic, in which even the vaccinated can get sick."
2- "I had a breakthrough case of covid-19 — despite my two shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the second one in April."
"Where did I get it? Who knows."
At least this reporter doesn't scream at the unvaccinated.
3- "We had flown across the country, seen friends, stayed at a hotel, eaten indoors and, yes, even gone to a long-delayed wedding with other vaccinated people."