gonna attempt an open-source type of investigation here today. I've been talking with some people about the likelihood of gore videos/sites and their fans being cultivated and groomed by certain groups for certain purposes.
to that end, we found a few examples
probably the most obvious one being Luka Magnotta, who was an enthusiast of deranged videos; he later went on to murder and cannibalize Jun Lin in Montreal (which, Montreal)
"After a video allegedly depicting the murder was posted online, Magnotta fled the country"
"He was previously sought by animal rights groups for allegedly uploading videos of himself killing kittens."
there's a long history with Magnotta, right?
here's another one, one of my mutuals posted it today I think
"The Health Department had initially brushed off a complaint filed in August 2017 by a Vancouver, British Columbia, woman who was associated with NXIVM and said she was traumatized from a bizarre experiment in which Porter showed her videos depicting graphic violence in 2016."
"The state charges accused Porter of gross negligence for the studies that included a "fright study" in which he would show subjects the disturbing videos while they were hooked up to a brain-activity monitoring device."
back to Magnotta, the police arrested the owner of a gore website over Magnotta's snuff film - the owner was a Slovakian named Mark Marek
Lake and Ng allegedly sold snuff films, too
does anyone remember that article that the navy was showing people mutilations videos in order to desensitize them?
I know I'm jumping around, but if people want to add to this, feel free.
legend has it, this infamous snuff film compilation was made by Magnotta
according to this French dude who watched it, it's got basically the worst shit literally imaginable
"self-mutilation, gratuitous ultra-violence, terrorist executions (perpetrated by child warriors), fatal road accidents, torn bodies, beheaded children, extreme hedonistic practices, voyeuristic exhibitions of deceased people (famous or anonymous), animal snuff, bestiality..."
or, by another telling, it was created by Magnotta's friend?
there's supposed to be stuff on there that I don't even want to type out. but the point of all this is that this would be a network that people would want to monitor, right? and possibly recruit from, the theory goes
this video came out in 2015 and then popped up again in 2021 because of this redditor's meme
the op appears to be, uh, interesting
"This website reveals the name of the creator, Clinton Teale. u/throwawayiceberg also found a description of Teale on Tapatalk, a French web forum, which reveals that she was in a relationship with Luka Magnotta in 2015."
so someone who made such an infamous insane snuff film happened to be dating a future serial killer. tell me, do you think they were on anyone's radar?
"Dr. Narut was quoted by a reporter, Peter Watson, as saying that the Navy training involved forcing men who were selected for their “passive‐aggressive personalities” to watch Increasingly horrific films of killing and maiming so as to generate detachment toward violence."
"According to the newspaper, Dr. Narut said that Navy psychologists had picked men for commando‐type operations from among submarine crews, paratroops and “convicted murderers from military prisons.”"
"Dr. Narut said that the training took place at the Navy Neuropsychiatric Laboratories in San Diego and at the United States Navy Hospital in Naples, Italy, where the doctor works, according to The Sunday Times."
"He said that he could make a categorical denial that men had ever been trained as assassins at either center."
glad we settled that
@Dakota045143812 is the previously unnamed co-conspirator for a lot of this stuff. we think there's a lot more to the idea, like maybe the prevalence of gore and goatse being more than just trolls messing around, type of thing
please feel free to chime in or add to this theory, everyone
so, I've got JD Salinger content in the pipeline, but this was given to me by a listener who's also an Antiques Roadshow superfan - a letter between JD Salinger and a woman he met on a cruise to Cuba in 1948
here's the bit: it's from Salinger pretending to be his dog writing to her dog, you know, to flirt
as the story goes, this was 1948, so Salinger was on the rebound, and I guess this was 1940s culture or something