Hyping up (or just inventing) danger from leftist radicals is how fascists aligned with government power create a permission structure for greater repression. "We have to do it, we're just reacting to antifa!" Putin, Orban, Erdoğan -- always the same. opb.org/article/2021/1…
This is why RW media spins its audience up on ACORN, New Black Panthers, Antifa, or whatever it will be next week. They know the mob needs some excuse, some kind of permission to indulge its hatred & violence, so it says: look at our evil opponents! We HAVE to be like this.
I don't even think it's a Machiavellian thing. I think when Glenn Beck connected all his various enemies & Others on that chalkboard into one grand conspiracy of Them, he believed it! It's something reactionaries need, psychologically. So they project it.
This also explains why, the very second protests over police brutality started, "violent antifa rioters out of control" was the RW narrative. *Instantly.* They all know, instinctively, how to respond; it's like a school of fish.
Here you have the phenomenon unfolding in real time. "We *have* to be autocratic and violent, we have no choice, our nefarious enemies forced it upon us!" (The idea that Christianity is oppressed in the US always makes me laugh.)
For the record, I'm against following people into the bathroom & filming them. But let's be serious: this is the best thing that could happen to Sinema. Is she now or was she ever in any physical danger from progressives? No. They stood at a distance & asked Qs about policy.
Anybody not demagoguing knows that nerdy progressive activists asking Sinema policy questions are not a real danger. But they're enough to prompt a tidal wave of garment-rending about Civility on Both Sides. They're enough to make her just the beleaguered heroine she wants to be.
There's nothing Sinema wants more, & nothing that would be better for her politically at this very moment, than being seen as a brave independent holdout, beset by deranged activists but unmovable in her principles (whatever they are, she won't say).
All right, for ages I've been meaning to do thread on the War on Christmas. I suppose this is as good/bad a time as any.
So here's a thread on the WoC, its underlying structure, and what it reveals about [waves hands] all the other difficulties the US is facing.
I've always thought it's worth examining the WoC more closely, not because it's particularly important, but almost the opposite: because it's so obviously silly & the stakes are so low, it's easier to see the underlying dynamics clearly, w/out strong priors getting in the way.
Sure, I agree with everyone saying that the solution to this is to elect more Democratic senators, but let's just pause & reflect on the fact that that 50 Dem senators in Congress today represent *40 million more people* than the 50 Republicans.
This should be the backdrop to every story about Democratic challenges. At every level of the US system, the voice & power of white rural & exurban voters is amplified. Dems have already won over a majority of the country's voters -- it just doesn't matter.
I wrote this when the climate bill failed in 2010. Same thing then: if you have legislation supported by the public & majorities in both houses of Congress, *that ought to be enough*. It is ludicrous that you can accomplish all that & it's "failure." grist.org/politics/if-yo…
We will now shape US policy according to the arbitrary, idiosyncratic, empirically & theoretically unsupported changes to this popular bill made by one conservative old white guy elected with under 300K votes. Great way to run a country.
Here's Manchin's memo. He wants to strictly means test any money spent to help poor people, but he wants to keep fossil fuel subsidies intact. static.politico.com/1e/ef/159cabd5…
Keep in mind: he says he's worried about spending too much. He says he's worried about debt. He says he's worried about inflation.
But he wants to keep fossil fuel subsidies intact.
Boy it would be SUPER awesome if some DC reporter asked him about this contradiction.
One thing this statement makes very clear is that Manchin spends most of his time surrounded by rich old white conservatives. Not just the big stuff, there are tons of little tells throughout -- little habits of thought & rhetoric. He is fully in that bubble.
Note the central self-contradiction, so familiar from right-wing rhetoric that we barely notice it any more: 1. We're in a "brutal fiscal reality," we can't pay for existing programs, inflation is on the rise, BUT ... 2. we can't raise taxes on the wealthy.
Are we headed for a situation in which the US media does a both-sides on the value of democracy itself? Yes. Yes we are.
I once wrote a piece with the subhed: "Journalism cannot be neutral toward a threat to the conditions that make it possible." But ... apparently it can! vox.com/policy-and-pol…