US Chamber of Commerce:
Sat - We are the biggest boosters of the infrastructure bill. Should have been passed 6 years ago.
Tues - We oppose the infrastructure bill.
The fact that the Chamber of Commerce will abandon its publicly announced position in order to stay aligned with Republicans says much about its supposedly nonpartisan status
There isn't much of a difference between the Chamber of Commerce and the GOP. Look at its executive leadership: stacked with people with deep Republican connections without a countervailing Dem influence.…
Chamber of Commerce released a statement denying the story. But saying they are trying to kill the reconciliation bill. Doesn't say what they will do if Dem leadership succeeds in connecting the two.
The underlying ethos here is Jacksonian populism: the idea that public work requires no special expertise or discretion, and must be subject to close political control.
This is the ethos that ushered in the spoils system, mass corruption and incompetence.…
The problem with the Jacksonian view is that public work is actually hard (simple tasks get privatized).
Teaching is complex, and to be done well requires professional expertise. For expertise to improve performance you have to give teachers discretion to use it.
One irony I didn't have room to include is that the anti-CRT advocates connect CRT theorists to diversity training as a big gotcha. But actual CRT theorists are themselves either doubtful of such trainings (Crenshaw) or certainly didn't model them in their own teaching (Bell).
Bullshit performs different tasks:
*conveys sophistication, a reassurance that “this is a smart man, an intellectual"
*establishes conspiratorial beliefs
*provides coded language that signals in-group membership.
*denies any simpler alternative explanations
*enables branding
What is amazing about this diatribe is that the President of Claremont makes no effort to disagree that Eastman plotted to overturn the election. Or to distance Claremont from it.
Instead he argues that political scientists have no right to weigh in on the Eastman memo!
She doesn't play by Washington's rules! (Apart from centering her political identity on keeping an archaic Senate rule)
She has spreadsheets! (But won't define her policy positions in a way that facilitates negotiation).
The substantive reporting in this bit sort of underlines a) the incoherence of her position - limit tax increases but wants lots of expensive stuff b) what she actually disagrees with
The full list of words that the sponsor of the newly passed “CRT” bill in Wisconsin warned were illegal.
These make clear it’s Not about an obscure legal theory: it’s about blocking discussion of systemic racism. 1/3…
The trigger words that Wisconsin legislators say can’t be included in education include
“Cultural awareness”
If policymakers succeed in scrubbing terms like “white privilege” and “structural racism” from education, how are educators supposed to explain bills like this?…
Anti-vaxxer persuaded COVID patient in Ireland to leave hospital against doctor's advice. Two days later he had to be readmitted. A week later he was dead.…
Normally I don't share stuff about people who passed from COVID, but in this case it reflects how conspiracy theorists are using COVID to push anti-government views with deadly consequences. The "rescuer" was echoing "sovereign citizen" claims we see in US…