bad stuff happens to our marine environment causing more cancers in fish, more loss of plankton & krill, more irredeemable toxic impacts affecting humans & wildlife, etc. etc. etc. - There Is No Turning Back, there is No Fix - We will all be up sh*t creek without paddles. 2/
We have already caused great harm to our oceans with nuclear weapons testing, dumping of nuclear assets by governments into oceans, allowing the nuclear industry to dump nuclear waste into our waters, and ongoing radioactive waste leaking from & intentionally dumped by TEPCO 3/
What sane person can say that allowing TEPCO JGov to dump any amount of radioactive nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean over more than a decade is scientifically sound?
I mean, think about this - salmon runs severely diminished, ocean fish / marine life getting cancer. WTF? 4/4
"The core of the rocket, which China launched April 29, has been predicted to come back to Earth "around May 8,"" ~ US Space Command… Possible locations of landing of China's space junk throughout 8 May (thread).