Pia: The Ghost of Dr Carl Jensen Profile picture
Calling out nuke propaganda & nuke pushers because life is precious #NoNukes banner 👆via Korean anti-nuclear artist. I am Pia. Dad's 'Obit' from Rep Thompson👇
May 2, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
#Opa!!! @UCLA Have you lost your mind?

Hold them accountable @ACLU

UC Board of Regents 1/


Gene Block
Darnell Hunt +

Apr 21, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
"Debating @UNRWA’s Future: Navigating Educational Reforms in Gaza" @UN @antonioguterres @UNICEF @alhaq_org @AlMezanCenter @majedbamya @hzomlot @StanleyCohenLaw @AlJazeera @truthout @MWLOrg_en #edu

Disgusting how israel inserts itself at every turn... themedialine.org/mideast-daily-…

How many people named Clint Van Winkle can there be? Is he Islamaphobic?
Mar 24, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
"The Good Fight - Season 4 Episode 02: The Gang Tries to Serve a Subpoena" ends with a small business getting razed even though there was a court order halting that action. Reminded me of day I saw a parcel of a proposed development in Cotati getting 1/gomovies-online.cam/watch-tv-show/… bulldozed even though City Council and Planning deliberations were still in effect and no permits to clear the land had been issued. I, and everyone fighting that development in our small town, were incredibly upset that a corporate power thought they could run roughshod over 2/
Mar 19, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I am deeply disappointed by my birth country, the United States. I am a second generation American having grown up with 'American' values. Born in '61. Parents introduced me to protesting for human rights, early on. And, I am deeply disappointed by American politics now. 1/🧵 My parents weren't the 'run of the mill' folks, no. They cared about others. And they taught me to care, especially when our human rights, anywhere, are threatened by oppressors, profiteers, or others who seek to 'extract' what they can for profit. 2/
Mar 14, 2024 6 tweets 6 min read
Oil rig companies in the Leviathan / Levant fields offshore Palestine (#OPT) have a history which includes violating emissions / discharge agreements. Obviously fining these companies is not effective. 🧵 1/
Noble 👇

"The deadly proximity of the Leviathan gas platform The offshore processing plant, as currently planned, has potentially dire health and ecological consequences" "The wastewater will flow into the sea, no matter what" 2/ blogs.timesofisrael.com/move-the-levia…

Feb 28, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
@CemetaryCorvid @ZainAbbadi11 I understand that israel's grotesque policies and assaults on Palestinians is deeply painful ... zionists are causing me a lot of anger and anguish as well. I almost joined the US Navy because civilian jobs were scarce in the early 80s. I chose not to because I couldn't betray 1/ @CemetaryCorvid @ZainAbbadi11 my conscience. I was walking to the recruiting station after having shed the 15 pounds they asked me to lose. I was wearing my sister's 'hand-me-down' button up navy pants, feeling really good about myself and then... I thought, WTF am I about to do. Even though there were 2/
Feb 18, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
"Following are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks [translated from Hebrew], today (Sunday, 18 February 2024), at the start of the Government meeting:" Image The Butcher of Gaza has spoken. Since the zionists think that the intl community attempts "to unilaterally force a Palestinian state on Israel" (which is *not* the case as far as I can ascertain), & has proven time & again that they desire the wholesale extermination of 1/ 🧵
Jan 9, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I am not religious. I am spiritual. I believe humanity has power beyond imagination. I have premonitions that manifest.

In crisis we come together, regardless of opposition from governments & corporation & the war machine.

For argument's sake, let's say .. there is a god. 1/ In the current battlefield over war and land and zionists' claims that Palestinians are not human, or less than human. Whatever.

Who is the evil entity in this scenario?

The one that commits horrific crimes against others?

The one that rises up, like the sea to resist 2/
Jun 9, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Why do these people at #Holtec (BOD & Copr Leaders) think it is OKAY to Dump #Pilgrim NPP's nuclear waste into the #HudsonRiver? Who are they to threaten East Coast #Fisheries and people? holtecinternational.com/company/leader… 🧵🌊🎏 #CapeCod ImageImageImageImage more #Holtec leaders ImageImageImageImage
Jun 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
More Russian terrorist apologists blocked 🤦‍♀️ ImageImage They are so crude... this one tweets religious stuff, too.

WWJD or say? Image
May 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
"On Monday, residents of Montevideo protested in front of the President’s residence against the raising of the limits for chlorine and sodium in drinking water. The state water company has begun mixing brackish water from the Rio de la Plata..."🧐 globeecho.com/news/europe/ge… I was in MVD a couple days ago. I tried the water at the hotel and it was awful. Not drinkable. Maybe because of chlorine and sodium?
Apr 24, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Youth are becoming more involved every day that another climate tipping point or extreme weather event happens. They do what they can.

What do they need, though?

A @UN that acts on policy that changes how UN members respond or not to global crises.

Abolish Veto rules. 1/ I’m 60 yrs of age & have political experience & research skills acf.org.au/open-letter-ra…. What I 👓:

* UN is compromised by internal policies/practices & externally by profiteers & media.
* UN framework is outdated & vastly irrelevant to current conditions.
* UN has no teeth. 2/
Oct 20, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
"European Parliament resolution on the climate, energy & environmental State aid guidelines" europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document… "currently impossible for civil society to challenge State aid decisions taken by the Commission under Article 108(2) TFEU, which may contravene EU #law" #Loaded Some highlights:

* "having regard to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the Aarhus Convention),"
* "having regard to Rule 132(2) and (4) of its Rules of Procedure"
Oct 10, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
"Sumiko Hatakeyama begins the roundtable with a useful summary of some of the main themes in Political Fallout, situating the book in relation to other key works as well as to recent events like the 2011 debacle" at Fukushima networks.h-net.org/system/files/c… #genpatsu @BeyondNuclear @napf "Once these investigations revealed the dispersal of radioactive fallout around the planet, scientists and government officials were forced to confront how dangerous these exposures might be." #nuclear #atomic #bombs #weapons #radiation #radioactive
Oct 6, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
With so many documented failures, how does @iaeaorg justify allowing TEPCO JGov preparing to dump radioactive nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean?

If allowed to do so, which would prolly violate many international treaties & marine laws (UNCLOS, London Convention +), and... 1/ bad stuff happens to our marine environment causing more cancers in fish, more loss of plankton & krill, more irredeemable toxic impacts affecting humans & wildlife, etc. etc. etc. - There Is No Turning Back, there is No Fix - We will all be up sh*t creek without paddles. 2/
May 6, 2021 8 tweets 7 min read
"The core of the rocket, which China launched April 29, has been predicted to come back to Earth "around May 8,"" ~ US Space Command businessinsider.com/us-tracking-un… Possible locations of landing of China's space junk throughout 8 May (thread).