This event is premering live right now on YouTube [link] .
This is an interview between @DisInHigherEd's Linda (@LindaCCor) and Corin (@the_tweedy), a trans & disabled individual in academia. Linda is an exceptional host (1/2) #DEHEM21
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And Corin (@the_tweedy) is just an amazing person. One of my favorite disabled peers & friends on the platform and can put into words so many things about the disabled & trans experience that I haven't anyone else do. (2/2) #DEHEM21#DisInHigherEd#DisabledInHigherEd
I've been thinking about this a lot tonight. So, as someone who is autistic, ADHD, & generally neurodivergent/neurodiverse, I heavily struggle with executive functioning. Executive dysfunctioning might be my biggest barrier in life 🧵#DEHEM21#DisInHigherEd
In college, I noticed that I really struggled in my classes when I was taking classes that had no relation to one another. For instance, if I took biology & English together, it was a nightmare. I had trouble switching topics & even thinking styles. (2/) #DEHEM21
After a few semesters, I started trying to plan my semesters so that I took similar courses & courses with similar cognitive styles together because task-switching became a nightmare for me. I got an accommodation to register early for classes (3/) #DEHEM21#DisInHigherEd