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Oct 6th 2021
This event is premering live right now on YouTube [link] .

This is an interview between @DisInHigherEd's Linda (@LindaCCor) and Corin (@the_tweedy), a trans & disabled individual in academia. Linda is an exceptional host (1/2) #DEHEM21
[Quoted tweet]
And Corin (@the_tweedy) is just an amazing person. One of my favorite disabled peers & friends on the platform and can put into words so many things about the disabled & trans experience that I haven't anyone else do. (2/2) #DEHEM21 #DisInHigherEd #DisabledInHigherEd
And I'm with @LindaCCor that @the_tweedy's research area is awesome! #DEHEM21
Read 4 tweets
Oct 3rd 2021
Hi, I’m Tara. I’m a multiply disabled social psychologist currently on (extremely extended) unpaid medical leave from my Banting postdoc at UBC.

My life lately has been dominated by the consequences of having severe, refractory relapsing polychondritis (RP).

🧵 Photo from September 2020 o...
Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is an extremely rare autoimmune (& potentially also autoinflammatory) disease that attacks cartilage & cartilage-like tissue throughout the body. I had symptoms for decades but was only diagnosed in 2020.
My RP has caused tracheobronchomalacia (TBM).
What TBM means for me is that my lower trachea and mainstem + subsegmental bronchi collapse when breathing out. My collapse is at 100%, and I now require positive pressure ventilation nearly 24/7. So that means using a BiPAP or ventilator throughout the day & night. Graphic of two diagrams/ill...
Read 15 tweets
Feb 1st 2021
February 2021 is Black Disabled Empowerment in Higher Ed Month (#BlackDEHEM). After #DEHEM last October, we thought it was time to focus on the intersection of race & disability. We will be taking a break from our general content for the month. (1/2)
We are very excited to share the thoughts & experiences of those that live at the intersection of Black & Disabled.
#BlackDEHEM (2/2)
Bonus: We want to thank all our followers, supporters, & members of our community for helping us create this space - no matter your background. We recognize that we have this space & thus we should take what time we can to talk about the inequities that exist (1/2)
Read 4 tweets
Jan 13th 2021
Together as the Disability Section of @PublicHealth, we stand in solidarity and appreciation with our community partners. This thread will help you to connect with our partners while sharing their statements on the recent events within our country 1/

Thank you @CDRNYS and to each
CDR advocate that works towards full integration, independence, and civil rights of people with disabilities. 2/…
Thank you @ccd4pwd for bringing together the largest coalition of national organizations to advocate for federal public policy for children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society. 3/…
Read 8 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
Thank you again @riley_ilyse for inviting me to guest lecture in your course. Speaking on intersectionality and inclusion on disability in higher ed was amazing. Watching a Zoom webinar afterwords of an Angela Davis event, the joy turned to despair as disability was left out. 1/
There is a Black healing space afterwords, but there is no healing in those spaces for me. I mention Black and Disabled. I have said words that don’t belong together, that don’t make sense, that evokes a reality that they don’t want to realize. We don’t fit in that truth 2/
Black people are raised up strong and resilient because of everything we face in racism. Brought over as slaves we work twice as hard to get the same rights and opportunities as white people. I work twice as hard because I am a woman, yet 3/
Read 21 tweets
Oct 29th 2020
And for my last tweet before heading off to a physio appointment (as one does): I want to talk about professional development for disabled folks in higher ed.
This month of #DEHEM takeovers and panels has featured a lot of conversations about mentoring. It's clear that there is a huge gap when it comes to mentoring disabled students/grad students/post-docs/early career scholars/etc... I'm not going to re-run those polls.
Mentoring is a pretty broad category, so I want to get specific: what do disabled folks need from mentors in addition to the usual stuff? (This poll is obviously a super partial list, so please continue the discussion below!)
Read 7 tweets
Oct 29th 2020
Hello all! This is Corin (aka @the_tweedy, any pronouns) and I am so excited to be taking over the @DisInHigherEd account today as part of Disabled Empowerment in Higher Education Month! #DEHEM
For those who don't know me, I'm a PhD candidate in geography at UBC and an instructor at Langara College. I study cats, gender, and domestic space, and I teach Langara's intro to human geography course.
I'm also (proudly! vociferously! unapologetically!) disabled. Among my many diagnoses that lead me to encounter ableist barriers in higher education are EDS, ADHD, chronic migraine, and CFS/ME. (I will spare you the whole list because of Twitter's character limit!)
Read 5 tweets
Oct 5th 2020
The disability community has many common terms/words that may not mean anything to newly disabled folx or allies. We've put together a list of some of these terms/equipment that people may regularly use! Disabled folx, let us know if we're missing any! #DEHEM #Disability101
1. Disability
There are many definitions for disability.
One of the most used is the CDC definition which has three dimensions to it:
1. Impairment
2. Activity limitation
3. Participation restrictions
This criterion is very broad/vague but this makes it slightly more inclusive.
However, this definition does not truly represent the dynamic nature of disability. Two people with the same type of disability can be affected in very different ways.

There is no one size fits all solution to anything got to do with disability.
Read 27 tweets
Oct 5th 2020
We want to share our updated schedule (Last update promise!) Screen-reader version available [google doc]…

We are so happy with the response so far & look forward to continuing our celebration of people with disabilities/ the disabled in Higher Ed! #DEHEM Graphic of the Disabled Emp...
Last week was our (half) week! This included our #DisabledRollCall/ #DEHEMRollCall, Diversity of Disciplines, discussions on NSF GRFP, mentors, medical school and personal statements and of course yesterdays awesome takeover with @codebiologist! #DEHEM
This week is Disability 101 & Intersectionality. We are looking forward to takeovers by @arianaelena97 (Tues), @nolan_syreeta (Wed) & @geomechCooke (Sat), our Fri discussion on Intersectionality, we're sharing our talk from @iscientistconf on How To Be a Good Ally & More!
Read 8 tweets
Oct 4th 2020
Big thank you to Dr Klusza for sharing his knowledge & experiences today! 👏👏

It was an amazing finish to our first (half) week of #DEHEM & we are feeling so grateful!

Make sure you look back on the threads today (we'll link below) &follow @codebiologist
#DEHEM #DisInHigherEd
Thread 2 - Dr Klusza's journey [quoted tweet]
Read 9 tweets
Oct 4th 2020
We have a few poll questions for you. We hope that these polls will also spur on some discussion about disability in the academy.

Don't forget to share these polls with your colleagues and friends by retweeting! 1/

#DisInGradSchool #NDEAM #DisInHigherEd #HigherEd #DEHEM
You can pick "Show me results" if the question doesn't apply to you.

Please feel free to expand upon your answer in the comments below the poll. 2/

#DisInGradSchool #NDEAM #DisInHigherEd #HigherEd #DEHEM
If you are a TA, staff, or faculty member, have you ever received training about mentoring students with disabilities or promoting disabled student success? 3/

#DisInGradSchool #NDEAM #DisInHigherEd #HigherEd #DEHEM
Read 5 tweets
Oct 3rd 2020
Today will be the first of our Discussion sessions!
Take part using #DEHEMChat

NSF GRFP w/@DisabledStem 11am-12pm ET
Medical School w/@Disabled_Docs 12pm-1pm ET
Mentoring w/@nolan_syreeta 3pm-4pm ET
Personal Statements w/@AlzScience 4pm-5pm ET
#DEHEM Graphic for October 3rd Dis...
If you missed any of the chats, check this thread for all of the topics that were discussed.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 2nd 2020
Diversity of Disciplines?#DEHEM
Being disabled, you're constantly told 'you should go into disability studies'. While there is a need for more disability in disability studies, we can do degrees/research in anything!

Tell us about your degree/research👇#ShareYourResearch Graphic - a two-toned blue background with the text diversit
If you'd like to share your research discipline or degree anonymous, please DM us and we will post it in the thread for you!
#DEHEM #ShareYourResearch #DisInHigherEd
*we would like to clarify that we are not excluding Disabled people who study or research disability studies we would love to hear about your study & research too!

We just want to say that there is a place for Disabled people in every discipline and level!
Read 3 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
What do we have in store for #DEHEM? Well, a lot!

Take a look at our weekly schedules and help us get the word out by RTing this thread. You can help us increase #DisabilityVisibility, #accessibility, and #UniversalDesign in #HigherEd! A blue banner along the top reads: October, Roll Call, Week
Let's start off the month with a roll call. Introduce yourself, tell your story, and amplify others! Keep up with #DisabledRollCall and #DEHEMRollCall. A blue banner along the top reads: October, Roll Call, Week
We are looking forward to hearing from @arianaelena97 and @nolan_syreeta during week 1!

Will you be joining us for our event with @DragonflyMH? A blue banner along the top reads: October, Roll Call, Week
Read 7 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
We'd also like to do a thread to introduce our amazing team!!

Check them all out below 👇
#DEHEM #DisabilityRollCall #DEHEMRollCall #DisInHigherEd #IAmDisabledInHigherEd #DisabilityTwitter #DisabilityIsDiverse
Introducing Alyssa (she/her) who runs @DisabledStem! Alyssa is a first-year grad student at Baylor College of Medicine and she has done amazing work with her Disabled In Stem platform!
#DEHEMRollCall #IAmDisabledInHigherEd #DEHEM #DisInHigherEd Graphic displaying an image and bio information. A blue bann
Introducing Amanda (she/her, @FairlyScience)! Amanda is a first-year PhD student at UCLA in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Graphic displaying an image and bio information. A blue bann
Read 12 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
So let's talk about #DEHEM!!

We officially have an updated schedule!! 🙌

A screen-reader compatible full-text version is available as a google doc [link]… Scheduled for Disabled Empo...
Why did we start this movement? @nolan_syreeta and @Ava_Nicole23 could answer that better but in general, we are all tired of disabilities being sidelined and ignored in higher ed and academia.

Many people act like they should get an award for adhering to the LAW.....
Also, disabilities are often forgotten about when talking about Equity, Diversity & Inclusion or just shoved in at the end when someone reminds people about it.

But disability is intersectional by nature because disability doesn't discriminate.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
Good morning/afternoon/evening! My name is Linda (she/they)& I'm part of the Disabled in Higher Ed team who are organising Disabled Empowerment in Higher Education Month! #DEHEM
I am going to 'takeover' the account today to talk about the month ahead & share some of my story Headshot of Linda - a white...
So as I said my name is Linda and I am non-binary so I use she/her and they/them pronouns.

I have multiple invisible disabilities including autism, ADHD and dyslexia. My journey through Higher Ed has been a little bit turbulent as I wasn't diagnosed until my late teens/early 20s
I am currently doing a Master of Science (by research) in Food Science at Univerity College Cork (Ireland) in conjunction with Teagasc (Irish Government Authority of Food and Agriculture Research) as a Teagasc Walsh Scholar. (they funding so what they say is my full title is)
Read 19 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
We are looking for personal stories and experiences (anon or not)! #DEHEM is happening in Oct & we want to highlight disabled stories/experiences - good or bad. For anonymous stories please fill out our google form [link]…
#DisInHigherEd #SharingStories Graphic for the anon storie...
Topics include campus experiences, accommodations, mentors, experiences with lecturers/PIs, disclosure & self-advocacy! This is not an exhaustive list, any relevant topics are eligible!

If you’d like to submit a non-anon story please email us at
We also want to emphasize that this call to stories is for anyone around the world. We want to hear from you.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
Schedule drop!
Disabled Empowerment in Higher Education Month is coming! Let's celebrate the global Disabled in Higher Ed Community of every level - student, staff, faculty, etc.

A transcript of the schedule is available [google doc]
#DEHEM #DisInHigherEd Full Disabled Empowerment i...
Additionally, this month of celebration is coinciding with National Disability Employment Awareness Month (#NDEAM) in the US. Our movement is celebrating disabled voices globally.

Here's the link to the US Department of Labor's page for #NDEAM:…
More on National Disability Employment Awareness Month (#NDEAM) 2020 is that the theme is "Increasing Access and Opportunity". We hope our movement will touch upon this year's #NDEAM theme!

Announcement on #NDEAM 2020's theme from the US Dept of Labor:…
Read 4 tweets

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