At @usenix they talked about the vulnerabilities of popular #Node.js programs and demonstrated several security implications too. 👊
Check it out:…
Creating a rapid and safe-type development with #Prisma is easier than ever! Thanks @daniel2color !
And finally, catch up on how Elastic APM works, how its Node.js agent hooks deep into web apps. See how web frameworks make it possible to perform tracing more smoothly than you might think. @emanuil_tolev is giving away all the secrets!
Prepare yourself for the top 3 videos from September about #React.⚛️ Get an insight into testing, visualizations, and writing videos with Remotion. @yuriymatso@ReactJSChicago@sebbykurps
First up: @zackderose's video at @AngularAir. Zack built an ‘animation system’ for an #Angular app, where top-level routes slide to the right or the left, based on an order configuration property.