Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Angular

Most recents (24)

Mar 22nd 2023
🅰️ #Angular signals 📡 are all the hype and for a good reason!

As with every new thing, it will take time to learn how it works, so there are many misconceptions like...

🤔 Angular signals will make #RxJs obsolete

Let's build a better understanding to find an answer!

🧵 1/4
The most important difference is that

📡 signals are SYNC, good for
✅ derived state (vs ngOnChanges)
✅ local component reactive state, eg inputs

🔁 #RxJs is used for ASYNC (can be sync)
✅ async orchestration
✅ latest response (race conditions)
✅ cancelation (perf)

🧵 2/4
Signals & RxJs are optimized for handling different parts of the overall state management

Because of that the optimal real-world solutions will likely include both combined using provided interop

✅ fromObservbale
✅ fromSignal

We can get the best of both worlds!

🧵 3/4
Read 6 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Generator function* in JavaScript:

A thread 🧵

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #Angular #reactjs #devbubble
In JavaScript, generator functions are a special type of function that allows you to use the yield keyword to pause and resume the execution of the function.

#100DaysOfCode #NodeJS #CodeLife
They allow you to create iterators, which are objects that can be used to iterate over a sequence of values.

A generator function is defined using the function* keyword and can be invoked using the yield keyword.

#100daysofcodechallenge #NodeJS #reactjs
Read 9 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
Memoization: Using Proxy in JavaScript

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #rarely_used #devbubble
Memoization is a technique used to optimize the performance of a function by caching its results for a given set of inputs.

#100DaysOfCode #reactjs #Angular #NodeJS
The idea is that if a function is called multiple times with the same input, it's more efficient to return the cached result instead of re-computing the result each time.

#100daysofcodingchallenge #reactjs #Angular #NodeJS
Read 9 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
Data virtualization: With Proxies in JavaScript.

A thread 🧵

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #rarely_used #devbubble
Data virtualization using Proxies in JavaScript refers to the ability to create virtualized data structures, such as virtualized arrays, that load their data on demand rather than loading all data at once.

#100DaysOfCode #ReactJS #Angular
This can be useful for improving the performance of an application when working with large data sets.

In this Eg., we create a VirtualArray class that takes in two args- the length of the array & a loader function.

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #NodeJS #ReactJs #Angular #devbubble Proxy - VirtualArray in JS
Read 8 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
WeakMap in JavaScript

A thread 🧵

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #rarely_used
A WeakMap is a map that holds weak references to its keys.

This means that the keys are eligible for garbage collection if there are no other references to them.

This feature can be useful for implementing caches or other similar data structures.

#reactjs #Angular #NodeJS #js
A WeakMap is a special kind of map where keys must be objects and the map doesn't prevent garbage collection of its keys.

You can think of a WeakMap as a map that doesn't "own" its keys, and therefore doesn't keep them alive.

#100daysofcodechallenge #100DaysOfCode
Read 9 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
In #Angular Typed Forms, the `get` method takes a string with dot-separated control names, and returns a fully typed value. How is this possible?

We can actually parse the argument at compile time, using the magic of #TypeScript template literal types! Let's see how it works. 🧵 let party = fb.nonNullable....
Imagine you have a type listing various products, and you want to automatically generate a type for corresponding database columns.

We define a template literal type called DatabaseColumn. It takes any subtype of string, and maps each element onto a string with a column prefix. type Products = 'Food'|'Clo...
The previous example generates a string type by concatenation. However, can we also go the other direction, breaking apart a string type?

The answer is yes! Using the `infer` keyword, we can implement a simple parser. This `ProductFrom` type extracts product names from columns. type Columns = 'Column_Food...
Read 5 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Hoy en un nuevo episodio de Twitter es mi #StackOverflow, os traigo una duda de #Angular ❤️, que entre que soy junior y hace 🔟 meses que no lo toco aprox. lo tengo un poco oxidado. Dejo la duda por aquí, os cuento mis sospechas y a ver cómo lo resolvemos. #typescript #it
Aquí tenemos el menú que estoy intentando implementar. Este sería el HTML del componente public header. Teóricamente debería funcionar. #angular #programacion #typescript
Aquí tenemos el módulo de Layout, que creo que es por dónde puede estar el problema, pero no acabo de identificarlo. #angular #programacion #typescript #frontend
Read 8 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
#RxJS 🐉es una librería básica para trabajar con #Angular ❤️. ¿Quieres aprender a trabajar con esta librería GRATIS y DESDE CERO? ¡Adentro HILO 🧵! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #frontend #programacion #software
En menos de 1⃣ hora, @domini_code nos hace una magnífica introducción a los conceptos básicos de #RxJS, a través de ejemplos prácticos. MUY recomendable. #frontend #angular #programacion #typescript #software
Este vídeo de Laith Academy da una introducción a esta librería, abordando los conceptos más básicos de una forma muy masticadita. 1⃣h para meter los pies en el barro de #RxJS de forma apropiada. #frontend #angular #programacion #typescript #software
Read 9 tweets
Oct 17th 2022
Understanding directive composition API in Angular 15
@angular #angular #angular15 #typescript #javascript

It’s one of the most requested feature from the Angular community since 2016. (From Angular 2 onwards)

Create a stand alone directive and add some functionality like css style
Add it in the component declaration using
`hostDirectives` property
Read 11 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
#Angular #techtalks were in the spotlight this September with an overwhelming number of videos featuring experts from all over the world. This time we hand selected the top 5 of them for you to pick up all you can. Enjoy!…
1st: Let's talk about the Jamstack architecture and where Angular fits with @Tzmanics…
2nd: @DecodedFrontend will share with you different error handling strategies in Angular that will help you to solve 80% of possible scenarios that might occur in your applications…
Read 7 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
Bienvenidos a mi twitter profesional. Aquí encontrarás contenido relacionado con #programacion 💻y #psicologia 🧠. ¡Sígueme para no perderte nada de este contenido! Aquí te dejo todos los hilos que he ido haciendo, con muchísimo contenido útil y gratis. Hope it helps 😉⬇️⬇️⬇️ #it
Read 22 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
Te dejo un HILO 🧵con los 5⃣ mejores recursos para #aprender #Angular ❤️ desde cero (Y GRATIS). ¡Sigue leyendo! #informatica #frontend #typescript
Aquí tienes un tutorial de casi 5⃣ horas de @domini_code dónde aprenderás desde los conceptos básicos de #Angular ❤️ hasta crear una aplicación sencilla para ponerlos en práctica #informatica #frontend #typescript #javascript
Si buscas algo más avanzado, aquí tienes un curso de 1⃣7⃣h de @freeCodeCamp dónde vas a ver desde lo más básico (introducción a #TypeScript 💙, introducción a #Angular ❤️) hasta conceptos más avanzados como Routing Avanzado, Formularios Reactivos...
Read 9 tweets
Aug 22nd 2022
If you are still using ng-deep to style child components you really should consider the alternatives.

Host styling, content projection, and CSS variables are all potential solutions for this common problem.

Let’s explore the options below 👇

#Angular @Component({   selector: 'expansion-panel',   template: `   @Component({   selector: 'expansion-panel',   template: `
First a couple of words why we need ng-deep in the first place.

In Angular, component's styles are encapsulated within the component's element so that they don't affect the rest of the application.

That has a side effect of making it difficult to style child components. @Component({   selector: 'child',   template: `<div class=&q
To alleviate this issue, Angular provides an ng-deep selector which pierces the encapsulation of the child component.

All is good then?

Not really, the selector has been deprecated for years and is not recommended by the official docs. @Component({   selector: 'child',   template: `<div class=&qThe shadow-piercing descendant combinator is deprecated and
Read 9 tweets
Aug 10th 2022
🔥 Easiest guide you will find online for this!! (A Long Thread🧵)

#Angular #web3 #Metamask #Ethereum #javascript Image
1) First of all, we will begin with installing all the packages we need

npm i web3 crypto-browserify stream-browserify assert stream-http https-browserify os-browserify browser url os-browserify process -S

Then we add this bit of code to the respective files Image
2) Then we create a service using Angular-CLI
ng g s metamask

in this service, we start by creating a basic getter for our wallet info which returns wallet connection status and its address. Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
Another month has passed so we’re back with the most watched #Angular #meetups from June.

Dive right into internationalization, inject services, smart apps, libraries, providers and much more. Extend your knowledge with the highest-rated #techtalks.…
Introduction to Internationalization in Angular via @marktechson

Mark Thompson covers in 15 minutes how to internationalize and localize an #application in #Angular to do exactly what you wish for!…
New Way to Inject Services in #Angular 14 via @DecodedFrontend
Let’s have a look at some base use cases.…
Read 8 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
Are you a #JavaScript #developer looking for ways to improve from day to day? You’ve come to the right place! Bury yourself in encryption, testing, closures and many more talks from #JS experts all over the world.…

The Art of Writing Secrets - Encryption for JavaScript Developers via @WomenWhoCode @jischr
Jen Schreiber is a Senior #SoftwareEngineer . In this talk, she introduces you to encryption in JavaScript- all you need to know.…
#JavaScript Tests in #Node, the Browser, and CI via @rob_rich
Watch as Rob live-codes sync tests, async with callbacks, promise-based tests, and async/await tests. He crafts tests in Node, tests in the Browser, and unit tests that run from CI.…
Read 9 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
(1) Sigo trabajando con el clon de Gamezonia (desarrollado inicialmente en #angular para #react y hoy me he metido con el carrito de compra.
He cambiado la perspectiva de cómo lo hice antes y ahora en vez de un menú lateral, tengo un componente a página👇
(2) completa y hago en principio la gestión sin comerme mucho la cabeza. Guardo todo en un localStorage y gestiono con varias acciones dentro de un custom hook (useCart) y bueno, por el momento guay, mejorable pero seguimos avanzando.
Esto lo meteré en la librería👇
(3) "react-shop-ui" que estoy desarrollando y que todavía no quiero compartirlo oficialmente, ya que quiero documentarlo todo bien. Esta librería es el clon de ng-shop-ui:… que use para agilizar el proceso en el curso de MEAN+GraphQL y así enseñar👇
Read 8 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
¿Quieres saber cómo está el mercado de talento #tech en Latinoamérica? (incluyendo salarios)

@getonbrd lanzó su reporte anual con datos de:

23,000+ trabajos
900,000+ aplicaciones
250,000+ professionales

❤️ RT

🥷🏽 ¿Cuáles son los skills más solicitados por las empresas?

En programación en general:

💛 #JavaScript de primero (obvio Boby)

2️⃣ #CSS, #Git y #React peleándose el segundo lugar

🇺🇸 "English" en un sólido tercer lugar. Image
👩🏽‍🎨 En Diseño / #UX

El primer lugar es una pelea a cuchillo entre @figmadesign y @Adobe

Seguido de #UIDesign, #wireframes y @sketch

Y por supuesto Inglés. Image
Read 13 tweets
Dec 2nd 2021
The fundamental problem of #web #development:

Turning trees into tables and back

(Thread 1/6)
It may seem simple as you may have some data in tables (hello, MySQL) and you want them on a web page (hi, <table>). But you start joining data from other tables and you end up displaying a tree in a table. How? You never know how to do it until you try to use that. UX!

But if you have tree-data, tree-database (hello, Mongo), and tree components on website, you still need tables to present the data of similar structure. It's all 2D and are brains are trained to get information presented as combination of 2 axes. Hello, tables!

Read 7 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
Après des mois de travail à distance imposé, notre bureau #Montpellier se réinvente pour accompagner notre transition sur le modèle d'Hybrid Workplace : nouveaux espaces de collaboration et de visio-conf, nouveaux espaces de travail #flexoffice et nouvelle déco ! 🔽 thread !
Le télétravail existe depuis toujours à Hawk, mais force est de constater que durant ces deux dernières années il a pris une part prépondérante dans notre quotidien. Notre organisation future sera un modèle hybride où télétravail, présentiel et remote cohabiteront harmonieusement
Le flex office, pour ou contre ? Chez Hawk la réponse a été quasi-unanime : POUR 👍 ! Parfait pour booster le foisonnement d'idées et favoriser l'émergence de solutions innovantes.
Et pour soutenir ce changement, quoi de mieux que des nouveaux espaces de travail modernisés ?
Read 7 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
It’s already October? Don’t forget to check out last month’s most popular videos of #Angular. 👀
Congrats @ngconf @WomenWhoCode @Frontend_Love 👏…
At first, let @ManfredSteyer guide you through the implementation of #Micro-Frontends into several projects he has been involved in the past 🧐…
Don’t miss out on the making of Capacitor Flux with #NativeScript by @nathanwalker197 & Osei Fortune in this next video:…
Read 7 tweets
Sep 8th 2021
Got a few new gigs coming up.
#freelance #developer #fullstack #node #react #next #jamstack #webflow #remote

A thread.
Webflow developer - More here >>>
Sr Full-stack Node, React + Next Dev [Open application] More info here >>>
Read 7 tweets
Jun 24th 2021
Check out our top 3 #Angular meetup videos from May below!…
First up: @John_Papa's talk at @pluralsight. John talks about all the news regarding the #Angular framework, tooling and the developer experience.…
We love collaborations! @AngularDutch, together with @AthensAngular and @ngbrum held a joint #Angular meetup with @mgechev and @JoostK discussing topics like the state of Angular and the libraries in Angular 12.…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 2nd 2021
Already *before* the #Angular announced the deprecation of protractor, 64 % (!) of Angular devs used @Cypress_io, @rainerhahnekamp tells us at our meetup.
Here are some more stats!
+ @nrwl_io's #Nx has you covered as it provides Cypress support (not only) for #Angular out of the box!
Read 4 tweets

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