With changes in Brazil’s Fake News Bill in the pipeline, lawmakers must firmly reject the traceability mandate. It undermines users’ rights and key principles of privacy and security on end-to-end encrypted apps. @orlandosilva@DepBrunaFurlan 1/6 eff.org/deeplinks/2020…
@EFF As we pointed out: the traceability mandate moves companies away from the privacy-focused engineering and data minimization principles that should characterize secure messaging apps. 2/6
@EFF A far more proportionate alternative to investigations was already presented, relating to targeted and substantiated preservation warrants for metadata, provided there’s no association with the content of communications. 3/6 jota.info/opiniao-e-anal…
@EFF The proposal also aims to safeguard privacy-by-design implementations by not allowing requests that exceed the scope and technical limits of the service. 4/6 jota.info/opiniao-e-anal…
@EFF Since the Senate’s debates, national and international organizations, experts, and UN and IACHR rapporteurs voiced the serious implications of the traceability mandate for human rights. 5/6 plfakenews.direitosnarede.org.br
@EFF It’s time Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies reject the traceability rule (art. 10) taking into account the many risks and fundamental rights involved. 6/6 eff.org/deeplinks/2020…
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Com mudanças ao PL de Fake News em consideração, a rastreabilidade deve ser rejeitada com firmeza por parlamentares. Ela compromete direitos e princípios-chave de privacidade e segurança em apps com cripto de ponta-a-ponta @orlandosilva@DepBrunaFurlan 1/ eff.org/pt-br/deeplink…
@EFF Como já apontamos: a obrigação de rastreabilidade afasta as empresas dos princípios de engenharia e minimização de dados focados na privacidade que devem caracterizar aplicativos seguros de mensageria. 2/6
@EFF Alternativa bem mais proporcional a investigações já foi apresentada, relacionada à ordem judicial fundamentada e direcionada a pessoas específicas para a preservação de metadados, desde que desassociados do conteúdo das comunicações. 3/6 jota.info/opiniao-e-anal…
EFF joined a letter from civil society organizations urging the UN Human Rights Council @UN_HRC to denounce the human rights violations facilitated by NSO Group’s spyware as highlighted by the #PegasusProejct. accessnow.org/letter-un-hrc-…
The letter also urged the UN Human Rights Council @UN_HRC to act within its power “to investigate and prevent further violations linked to the sale, export, and use of Pegasus spyware and cases of targeted surveillance.”
EFF has raised the alarm for years about tech companies selling their surveillance and censorship products and services to repressive regimes. eff.org/deeplinks/2019…
Students are some of the most surveilled people in the U.S. Now, artificial intelligence is being used to determine whether their behavior online is an indicator of a threat to themselves and others--and reporting them to their school.
Yet, AI-driven student surveillance software flags a high percentage of false positives, begging the question whether the benefits outweigh violating students’ privacy.
As Hina Talib, associate professor at Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in New York, said, “Privacy is a developmental milestone for teens.”
THREAD: In addition to the drastic restrictions it places on a woman’s reproductive and medical care rights, the new Texas abortion law, SB8, will have devastating effects on online speech. eff.org/deeplinks/2021…
The law will create anti-choice trolls: a class of lawyers and plaintiffs dedicated to using the courts to extort money from a wide variety of speakers supporting abortion rights.
SB8 is a “bounty law”: it doesn’t just allow these lawsuits, it provides a significant financial incentive to file them. It is an attack on many fundamental rights, including the First Amendment rights to advocate for abortion rights and to provide basic educational information.
Ecuador: @LaPosta_Ecu ’s investigation about open source developer Ola Bini’s case unveils key political interests and implications entangled in his criminal prosecution.
According to the investigation, the Swedish-born developer’s detention in Quito’s airport in 2019 as a “Russian hacker” was a government response to the leak of the “INA papers,” a corruption scandal involving former President Lenin Moreno. 2/6
Four different sources confirmed attending a meeting where high-ranking government officials were informed, before his detention and prosecution, that Ola Bini was not the leak’s suspect they were looking for. 3/6