I've been reporting on -- and denouncing -- the growing repression of free speech in the west for two decades. Often it's done by the left, claiming ideas they hate are racist, misogynistic, transphobic, etc. and must be prohibited. But so often the targets are Israel critics.
Censorship is a strong human temptation. That's why the US Founders guaranteed free speech. We all have a tendency to view ideas we hate as so dangerous they should be banned. But if you don't stand for the principle in *all cases*, it's worthless:
The fact is many professors in the west have been fired or otherwise punished for criticizing Israel. GOP governors have passed laws punishing US citizens for advocating a boycott of Israel. Pro-Palestinian students are routinely punished on US campuses.
The left defends its censorship by claiming speech isn't really speech: it turns into "hate speech" when it becomes racist, transphobic, etc. Many on the right do the same with Israel critics: that's not speech but anti-Semitism! You either reject this framework or you don't.
In 2014, the Univ. of Illinois withdrew its faculty offer to Steven Salaita, a Palestinian-American professor, due to his tweets criticizing Israeli bombing of Gaza. Nobody can claim the rationale of faculty and students defending this is different than left-wing campus censors:
One of the first cases of Facebook censorship I reported on was FB banning Palestinian journalists and activists when Israel demanded it. The primary US target of this censorship now is the right, but anti-establishment leftists are also often targeted.
The Young Turks published a ten-minute YouTube video last night purporting to refute my critiques of CIA, insisting CIA is a law-abiding organization subject to the control of the President and the laws of Congress.
The funniest part is their channel is called RebelHQ.
American and British liberals are absolute authoritarians, which is why few things anger and concern them more than technologies that empower uncredentialed serfs to communicate ideas to one another without the control of superior benevolent corporate & state authorities.
Fourteen state Attorneys General -- all Democrats -- just sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg demanding to know, based on "whistleblower" Frances Haugen's documents, why FB hasn't been censoring more content more aggressively.
The Chair of House 1/6 Investigative Committee, @BennieGThompson (D-MS), demanded *on 1/7* that FBI put anyone at the Capitol **on the no-fly list**, one of the worst abuses of the first War on Terror. This Committee is a civil liberties menace.
I've been working for weeks on this article outlining the violations of the Constitution and other legal protections by this Committee -- not just in its behavior but its very existence.
Civil liberties have been trampled in the name of 1/6. This Committee is the worst of all.
One might think @ACLU would have something to say about Congress hauling private citizens before them to be interrogated about their application for a protest permit, and subpoenas to telecoms to get communications records of protesters. But they will not alienate liberal donors.
I really wish people would read the Supreme Court's McCarthy era cases. The Court demanded answers from Congress on why they had the right to investigate private citizens' Communist associations & plots given *only* DOJ has the power to investigate crimes. Congress' reply, 1957:
The Court -- both during Congress' McCarthy probes and before -- stressed that while Congress can issue subpoenas to help write new laws or exert oversight over the Executive, compelling private citizens to answer about their political acts is particularly dangerous and dubious.
The most recent Congressional Research Service report on the limits of Congress' power to investigate -- and there are real limits! -- made clear that the exact excuse given by the 1/6 Committee (we need to know!) is exactly what is an invalid ground for investigating Americans.
This is the most repellent part of this CNN debacle with Rogan. I understand that young journalists refrain from saying what they think out of fear: that's the climate of the industry.
But Gupta has total career security: why would he so publicly relinquish his dignity this way?
One of CNN's longest and most prominent commentators, Sanjay Gupta, *admitted* CNN lied about Joe Rogan.
But *not one* CNN host admitted this let alone apologized for it. Instead, they forced Gupta to go on air and backtrack.
CNN's model is to lie. How much clearer can it be?
This is the 2nd example just this month showing conclusively that these media corporations *purposely* spread disinformation.
They spent weeks lying to Americans that the Biden emails were "Russian disinformation," then *ignored* the new proof from @SchreckReports that they lied
CNN and @DonLemon are pathetic. There is zero ambiguity they lied about Joe Rogan. They told viewers he took horse dewormer: a 100% lie. He took the human version of ivermectin prescribed by his medical doctor.
But as I said, lying is not frowned upon at CNN: it's encouraged.
It's true that ivermectin is not approved for treatment of COVID. That has nothing with the lie CNN told.
They said Rogan took horse dewormer. He didn't. And CNN and Don Lemon are such little people, with so little integrity, they can't admit they lied.
This is what I said earlier. In these corporate outlets - and I know, because I worked with several - they know their audience doesn't mind lying if it's aimed at their adversaries. They want that! CNN knows their audience doesn't want a retraction: