The #DailyDickheadDiatribe is underway, and the Dictator himself has graced us with his presence.
I'll keep you posted.
So far we're speeding past the very bad numbers to focus on the naughty unvaccinated people in ICU and on ventilators. Except we're describing them as "not fully vaccinated" read into that what you will.
So we're getting reduced restrictions as of 11.59pm this Thursday - "full roadmap, plus extras" so it seems that the roadmap isn't really a roadmap, just guidelines.
No travel limits, was going to be the 25km limit for that step, but no travel to regional Victoria allowed.
LOL, and we're already watering down the "must be vaccinated" rules to "should be vaccinated" for outdoor public gatherings. Trying to buy off the anti vaxxers, clearly.
He's sounding rather magnanimous today. I bet he's anticipating all the swirly swirlies coming his way.
Now for regional Vic updates. 10 visitors to home, 20 people outdoor gatherings, 100 people outdoor events, 30 people indoor events.
LOL, the "double dose gateway." I bet that got workshopped to death.
Why have we been able to make these changes today? Yes, VERY good question, since we're opening up with 1000s of new cases
So, the Burnett modelling was wrong. So we're going to go with new Burnett modelling 🤦♀️
Hospitalisations less than predicted, stays shorter than predicted.
LOL, and "COVID normal" gets another mention. "Stop bullying our nurses by using the health care system you're paying for" also gets dropped.
No mention of the missing 4000 ICU beds so far, but I guess that's to be expected.
People who lost their jobs because of the government lockdown rules and people who also lost their jobs through vaccine mandates should think of the nurses who still have jobs. Interesting.
Now he's fluffing us for our compassion and conviction.
I wish he'd cop a fkn conviction
If you dropped in from another planet you'd swear Dan Andrews worked for big pharma. Can't believe channel 9 didn't invite him to appear in their get the shot campaign.
"Today is a great day"
I bet he's not saying that tomorrow when the IBAC livestream is up 😂
And wouldn't it be FRIDAY that's the great day, when life actually changes? Spin, spin, spin.
"We do what we say"
Yeah, except when you said your ministers would cooperate with the #RedShirts investigation and you told them not to speak to police, ya fkn knuckle.
Now pretty boy is talking. At least I think he's talking, I'm just so completely bedazzled by his screen presence all I can see are his shifty eyes darting around.
Another one who should probably be wearing a Pfizer jacket, going by his rhetoric.
It sounds like they need us to get vaccinated to make their jobs easier. Which is interesting, cos I thought huge salaries meant you were expected to have a difficult job, but whatever.
Apparently if you're unvaccinated, you're completely vulnerable to severe illness. Immune systems are a thing of the past it seems. Strange statement from a health professional.
Now we're talking about pre-existing conditions. How convenient.
Going over the various LGAs and vaccination rates now, sounds like the bad ones have substantially increased vaccination rates. And we've got pop ups popping up everywhere. Nothing like getting a jab on the street. Unless you're in Richmond, of course.
We're going through vaccinations at record rates, so I guess that's the last time we'll hear the Dictator pissing and moaning about Scotty not sending enough vaccine.
Wish these clowns could remember what they said last week. Might not have wasted millions on the Coate inquiry.
If you're a person who doesn't like to inject themselves with medicines developed in a god awful hurry by mega corporations with no long term safety data, Bretty is very, very concerned for you.
And we're on to questions now.
First up, masks. Unchanged rules, and masks no longer required outdoors at 80% double dose.
State reunified at 80% DD, travel into and out of regional Victoria will be unrestricted, and rules to be unified. Expected around cup day.
LOL, "Give it ten days, and it will change" - Story of the last 18 months.
Sydney people can travel to regional Victoria, but Melbourne people cannot, and that is absolutely evidence that Melbourne is full of COVID, and Sydney isn't. Nicely done, Rachel.
LOL, "The things we have missed the most"
Here's the number 1 thing, Premier: Living according to rules written in acts of parliament, where the people's representatives can intervene to stop shitty rules from being made, including in between elections.
Here we go, "every Victorian should be proud today"
Because why? You chose today to make an announcement about what starts next Friday? Arbitrary AF.
LOL, "This is a good problem to have" - referring to the modelling being overly pessimistic.
Yet when Frydenberg was overly pessimistic about how much job keeper was needed, the leftards had kittens.
"You get vaccinated, we will open up" That's Dan's "fundamental agreement" with the Victorian public.
Show us the contract, dickwad.
"97% of people in ICU aren't fully vaccinated."
Waiting for a switched on journalist to ask what % of those people have other serious health conditions.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Still waiting
"Oh, if you get vaccinated, you will be at less risk, and that will be enduring"
Bookmark that one, for when the "booster shots" rhetoric comes along.
LOL, FMD he's already talking about boosters. Incredible. Speechless.
Apparently "challenging" is too challenging for Dan.
Raise your hand if you've had a challenging task at work on less than half Dan's salary
Now the tricky question of international travel into and out of NSW comes up, and elicits some nervous laughter from the Dictator. He know's he's got problems with that one.
We're going to push that one onto national cabinet, so they can argue in private.
And Dan finally seems interested in acting as a single nation again.
Funny how everything is about vaccination status, and natural immunity doesn't get a look in. Again, smacks of big pharma bonuses in the background we aren't privvy to. "Danger of spread" is the issue, surely.
LOL, "we want the least impactful thing possible"
Except when you made lockdown rules that trampled on Victoria's human rights, despite legislative requirements that you do so via "the least impactful means possible"
Fuck right off, Premier.
Dan will have "all sorts of options" when you've finished doing what he says. Wow, thank you master.
Dan is now trying to weasel out of opening up with higher cases than initially modelled, and he's just waffling. He asked for doom and gloom modelling, now he's trashing it.
Dan gets a good question about vaccination status of 12-16 year olds, and doesn't have an answer. Tried to get clever by changing step 4 of the national plan, but doesn't have the numbers to share? Please......
Good work, Sumeyya.
Oh here we go, I'm not going to lockdown to protect people who won't protect themselves, I'm just gunna discriminate on private health status, and lock those people out.
Talk about an arsehole pretending to be a rose.
LOL, imagine the enomous privilege of "accessing the vaccinated economy because you're double dosed"
Please be sure to give Dan a swirly swirly for today's extraordinary generosity.
We had lockdowns because we didn't have a vaccine. Correct.
Yet lockdowns ended last year, without a vaccine. How the hell did that come about? Surely a sharp journalist will pull him up on that?
Now Dan gets asked about ruling out further lockdowns after these vaccination targets are met, and he refuses to rule them out "in a targetted fashion."
The Dictator just can't relax the iron grip.....
"It's a matter of common sense" is getting a good run today. Even Dan realises there's a limit to the complexity/absurdity of lockdown rules.
And even Haloween will be governed by common sense, apparently it's meant to be a "click and collect" affair.
Now he gets a good question about the state of unemployment in Victoria, and doesn't have anything solid to reply with.
But he's confident we will get back to pre-pandemic levels, although if we don't, it won't be from a lack of trying.
Apparently we're about to become one of the most highly vaccinated communities in the world, despite having one of the lowest fatality rates per capita, pre-vaccines, anywhere in the world.
A fair question would be "Why is our price per COVID death so high?"
Dan getting pushed on major event sizes, and can't provide certainty at this stage, clarity will be coming in the future.
Also getting asked about the assistance for such businesses ending. "We stand ready to support them" but no guarantees coming. "We'll continue to work with"
Now a question about the big migration program getting tossed about recently. Dan's uncommited so far, have to wait and see.
"We don't dig money out of the ground like some other states" - Yeah well you banned fracking and made brown coal nonviable, so that's a fair statement.
Now Dan's got the shits with Rachel, cos she's asking if NSW policies will entice students to go study in NSW. Very fair question, you can tell by how shitty he is 😂
Even though Dan doesn't want to second guess what the Federal government might do, he's going to guess they won't be letting anyone in without a double dose, citizens with returning rights not withstanding.
Asked about the possibly now useless Mickleham quarantine facility, "We'll have Mickleham for all sorts of reasons" - Bookmark that statement too.
"If we'd had it last year, we might have a different story" says the guy who bragged about hotel quarantine being his brain child 🤦♀️
Now questions move on to the return to school.
He's had a lot of feedback that because kids have been out of school for so long, a staggered start is a good thing.
Yet we don't use that argument for part time prep when kids start school. God he's hopeless.
Rachel asks about any pushback from health authorities when these steps were brought forwards in the roadmap. Very clever, probing the level of control Sutton is still holding over policy. He's clearly had feedback that the public don't like public servants running the joint.
And now somebody has directly asked about Sutton's level of power, post 80% double dose rate. Dan refers to the permanent pandemic legislation.
blather, blather, blather, get vaccinated, tens of thousands of appointments available, blather, blather, stop hating nurses, more blather.
Sometimes this bloke says more than anybody without saying anything. It's probably one of his chief skills.
Funny how acutely aware Dan is of how tired nurses and doctors are, but seems rather oblivious how tired the public are of being told what to do, without any of the advice being released.
Now Dan gets a question about how many vaccination exemptions have been granted, Dan has NFI, says Sutton probably doesn't know either, likely a question for the Feds.
Now Sutton is up for questions. And ouch, that's a good one. "Is hospitalisation less than expected because Delta is less serious than expected?"
Sutton totally dodges it, just refers to modelling being adjusted.
ICU occupancy is substantial.
Yeah and how much less would it be under pressure with the 4000 beds Mikakos and Dan promised us, eh? I bet Sluggo doesn't go near that little factoid.
Sumeyya asks why cases are still high compared to NSW at the same time with respect to vaccination rates.
Sluggo replies that our lockdown is shorter. Completely ignores that it was launched FAR earlier into the case spike. Sumeyya really knows how to put them on the spot.
Sutton is forced to concede that lockdown fatigue exists, although he's not exactly putting up his hand to own it, and he totally does. His record on almost any metric compared to the NSW pandemic is pretty ordinary, and he must know it.
"We must maintain that social licence"
WTF does that even mean? Social licence? That's cult talk.
Now it's back to blaming vaccine supply for Victoria's woes, when a Denmark comparison comes up. Good question about why double vaccinated were restricted here, but not there.
Now it's back to the Devil Delta, which cannot be defeated by Sutton super powers. Brett not the man for all seasons or variants apparently.
Brett gets a mask question about masks at hairdressers, taken on notice.
And here we go - "When will the unvaccinated have the same full rights and access restored to them as the vaccinated?"
In the fullness of time, too early to say, but not this year.
Can't wait for his kids to get jabbed, but wants to wait for the safety data. Pity that couldn't apply to everybody.
Was it ever realistic for the Burnett institute to model for those drastic hospitalisations?
Sutton says he's surprised by the high vaccination rates. WOW. You've only been pushing them 24/7, and inflicting restrictions on those who don't. And you're surprised? FMD......
What's the rationale for outdoor masks?
"We'll be dropping that at 80%" - Yeah, cos you don't have a rational sounding rationale.
"Do you have evidence for outdoor transmission?"
Sutton gives evidence from overseas 😂😂😂😂😂
So not at the protests then? Good to know.
WTF is with this "social licence" crap? This is just fancy language to hide authoritarian rules. People who use such language should get egged every time it passes their lips.
And that's all for today, the bullshit fest is finally over.
Stop being naughty people, and go get vaccinated before you kill somebody who is already vaccinated.
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So it's #IBACday! Again.... Time for another serve of #OpWatts. Returning to the stand for another round is Rick Garotti.
I'm going to be using more abbreviations to try and get more content in each tweet, as it will work better with drawn out sections of questioning. See below.
CR - Comm. Redlich
CA - Counsel Assisting
W - Witness
AS - Adem Somyurek
MK - Marlene Kairouz
RS - Robin Scott
NE - Nazih Elasmar
KV - Kaushaliya Vaghela
HH - Hussein Haraco
SACOV - Somali Australian Council of Victoria
BMR - Bracks/Macklin Report
CCB - Corrupt, Cheating Bastards
And we're up!!! Good morning Mr Garotti!
CR reminds him he's still under oath, asks if there is anything he wants to challenge or correct from yesterday, that's a no, and it's straight over to CA for the first question of the day. #OpWatts
Garotti isn't a good witness. He was clearly wanting to be a big player, whether he actually was or not, and is trying to downplay himself to the commission.
But they are having none of it, and keep referring him to previous statements, and evidence they had locked and loaded that Garotti wasn't aware of.
One thing shines through yet again. Labor's internal party culture is/was rotten AF, and they don't learn from their mistakes.
Much of these activities can't be recalled in any detail, because they were so run of the mill they weren't remarkable enough to be memorable. And the commissioner once again brings up #RedShirts to clarify that the witness of the day was aware of it, and nothing changed after it
Almost time for the #IBAC hearings to start again. This will be the live tweeting threat for #OpWatts. Will be using the following abbreviations:
CR - Commissioner Redlich
CA - Council assisting
W - Witness (Rick Garotti)
WC - Witness council
Waiting for the stream.....
And we're off and racing! The commissioner now going through the formalities with the Witness and his council.
Today's witness is the former mayor of Banyule council, and I think we're going to hear more about ethnic branch stacking today via the Somali association #OpWatts
And it's question time! And some boring questions to the witness about the summons. Number 2021187. So presumably that's summons 187 issued in 2021. Interesting. I presume that's all IBAC matters, not just #OpWatts
I'll start the #OpWatts thread here, although still waiting for the stream to start. I'll be using abbreviations today to make things easier and cram more in.
W - Witness
CR - Commissioner Redlich
CA - Council Assisting
SC - Somyurek's Council
And with that, stream's up!
Today's witness (W) is Adam Sullivan, a former staffer of Adem Somyurek. CR is now running through the formalities of the day.
Witness to be asked about employment, duties, party political work, factional activity, processes/manipulations, ALP membership #OpWatts
(cont) falsification of documents, ballot papers, public funds used for party activities.
Very much the same stuff Byrne was questioned about, and quite a thorough list.
Witness now being sworn/affirmed, then we're away! #OpWatts
OK and we're back live with #OpWatts at IBAC. And interestingly, it's a (Continued) cross examination of Byrne by Somyurek's council.
And we're back into the text messages, with a perjury warning to spice things up.
Here we go......
We're getting into text messages regarding the evidence given yesterday about Somyurek's assistance/non interference in the Dandy council mayoral race.
"The dipstick Jen" 😂😂😂😂
"To remind him who runs the show" 😬
Council suggesting Byrne is the chief, not Somyurek #OpWatts
"Where we cut Michaelson's throat" - spicy texts.
Council pushing hard that Byrne is the master, Somyurek the apprentice.
"Was Michaelson a potential threat to you?" - clever question to push that angle, but Byrne not delivering the ideal response. #OpWatts