"The other 11 people on the task force refused to remove Daszak from their ranks, but agreed to make Keusch their chair instead."
Yep. Disband them.
"On 10 September, [Sachs] learned details of an NIH grant to EcoHealth.. following FOIA requests from @theintercept. Keusch and three other task force members are listed as co-investigators. “None of them reported this involvement with the EcoHealth Alliance.."
@theintercept “Instead of being clearly defined by specific criteria, [COI] became a personal, shifting opinion that I believe was politically motivated,” says Anderson, a virologist who had long collaborated with WIV.
A COI exists when professional judgment may be influenced by a secondary interest. COIs can occur due to personal relationships or intellectual beliefs. Full disclosure to the Editor of all relationships is a requisite.
Failure to disclose conflicts is a form of misconduct.
"Keusch, Daszak, and other members planned to speak with about 50 experts holding a range of views about the pandemic’s origins, promising them confidentiality so they could speak freely."
I consider this a form of witness tampering.
We cannot have Peter Daszak on ANY investigative #OriginOfCovid task force, not to mention him being the chair.
He is a long-time collaborator, funder, and karaoke partner of the WIV. If SARS2 is found to have originated in a lab, this man's identity, future & legacy are gone.
The fact that the other 11 members of @TheLancet task force cannot make sense of this is shocking.
The fact that at least another member is a collaborator of the WIV is also mind-blowing.
I suggest that they all be sent for mandatory responsible conduct of research courses.
@TheLancet I've been chastised for not applying to be part of #OriginOfCovid investigations because I want these to be as credible and non-polarizing as possible.
If future #OriginOfCovid investigations insist on appointing people who believe in natural origins...
Even if you’re convinced that SARS2 emerged completely naturally, it is in your interest that a credible and balanced investigative #OriginOfCovid team is established.
If an imbalanced team is set up, it’s not going to convince people on the other side. cbc.ca/news/health/wh…
Where I’m sitting, I see people tweeting that it’s obvious the virus came from a lab / nature. There are people on each side that are equally convinced that “everyone knows” where this virus came from.
We need a balanced #OriginOfCovid investigation that both sides can trust.
I told @markgollom@CBCNews “Most of the international experts convened on the highly criticized initial joint study with China are back on SAGO. It will now be difficult to convince people that the new SAGO will be much different from the original joint study group.”
“Daszak.. at the center of yet another maelstrom.. a leaked grant application.. controversial experiments that could alter bat coronaviruses in a way that may have given them a “gain of function,” potentially creating human pathogens with pandemic powers.” science.org/content/articl…
Daszak who had been placed in the @WHO & @TheLancet#OriginOfCovid teams did not tell them that he and WIV had engineered chimeric SARS-like viruses with 10,000x higher viral loads in humanized mice, and by 2018 had seen novel cleavage sites they planned to insert into SARSrCoVs.
We need to see all of the communications at EcoHealth and UNC relating to the discussion of novel cleavage site detection and/or insertion into virus in the lab.
@WSJ "At least one international team member had expressed a strong conviction towards the pure zoonosis hypothesis before joining the investigation - when hardly any data about the SARS-CoV-2 virus were available - and was dismissive of the lab-related origins."
Actually, I would use that 99 million dollars to FOIA the **** out of communications among scientists and journal editors outside of China.
Almost every major finding relating to the #OriginOfCovid has come from FOIA'ed or leaked documents, or extremely delayed scientific journal publications or data hidden in the scientific literature and online databases.
We've got the Mojiang mine medical thesis and China CDC director thesis pulled out of a Chinese thesis database by @TheSeeker268
Starting ~27:30min mark, UK chief scientific advisor Patrick Vallance discusses the 1 Feb 2020 phone call with his US counterpart and leading experts, which he says produced the Proximal Origin @NatureMedicine correspondence by Andersen et al. bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0…
He describes his role at this meeting as a bystander and says that’s why none of the emails can be shared- because they’re not his emails.
So the public cannot see the emails informing both US and UK scientific heads as well as the most influential #OriginOfCovid publication.
I also want to know that those emails are indeed as boring as some scientists have asserted. Let’s see them and we can all re-focus our energies on more productive venues of investigation. But for now, it looks like the scientists at that meeting don’t intend to be transparent.