"1984" was required reading for my high school English class and the aspect of it that stood out for me was Newspeak, and the character whose job it was to refine the English language to serve the purposes of Big Brother. Especially how he did it.
The way it worked was he removed words from the language. "Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?" he said at what point, explaining the value of removing words from the vocabulary
This concept has stuck with me, especially as I've learned real-world examples of how limitations on our language influences thought. The famous one is Guugu Yimithirr, a language that does not have relative directions like "left" and "right" just "north" "south" etc
The result is speakers of this language have a much stronger internal compass because at all times they need to be aware of absolute cardinal direction to describe where things are nytimes.com/2010/08/29/mag…
There are others, of course. The way we see colour is influenced by how our culture and language categorizes the difference between "green" and "yellow" for example. Other languages contain details about our relationship to a person in the words we use for them
Language encourages us to create categories between things that aren't absolute, or to fail to notice differences between things if there aren't words to describe those things. It shapes our thought
Growing up, it never occurred to me — nor did I ever learn — that the notion that everyone who gives birth is not necessarily a woman, or that everyone with male genitalia was not necessarily a man, or that people could identify as anything other than "man" or "woman"
It has only been later in life that I've become educated about the spectrum of human identity, and the differences between biology, sex and gender
With this understanding I've also learned new words and terms to help describe and understand these things. "Cis", "gender expression" etc. I have added new words to my vocabulary to better understand the complexity and beauty of the world
But I've also heard people say these sorts of terms are Orwellian. That introducing new words and vocabulary to our language is a form of oppressive Newspeak
But what I remember from 1984 is that Big Brother didn't want to add words to the English language to repress thought. He wanted to remove words. He wanted to limit communication to the most simplistic form possible in order to reduce and eliminate free thought
It's a pretty obvious point. Here are the Cliff's Notes on it. "A living language, such as English, one that has the capability of diverse expression, has the tendency to gain words and therefore broaden the awareness and knowledge of its speakers." cliffsnotes.com/literature/n/1…
Overall, the inclusivity movement has been about adding words to our language to express a broader range of possible human experiences, and the backlash against it has largely been based on an insistence that English remain static, with little to no evolution.
anyways, /thread
Ugh ok maybe a bit more. It occurs to that a lot of the backlash to this stuff is people don't understand that it is additive rather than reductive. For example they hear "people who give birth" and think that is being used *instead of* "pregnant women" or "mothers" and object...
... because they think their identity is being erased. The way I understand it though is that it is additive: you can be both a person who gives birth AND a pregnant woman AND a mother, or you can be a person who gives birth AND non-binary. It is allowing for MORE ways of being
But if you limit it to "pregnant women" you are removing those other possibilities. You are being limiting in the way people speak about their experiences. I do get it can sometimes sound awkward but part of that is what we are used to and part of it is just tryna figure it out
Anyways ok yeah now /thread, I think.
With gratefulness to those of you who stand up and tell the world who you are even when the world tries to disagree
1. You can 2. This is not a good-faith way to start a discussion around inclusion 3. Further to both 1 and 2, one of the top 100 Bilboard songs right now is literally titled "Woman"
Also I can't be the only one to notice DiManno's language choices: if you say the wrong word you are "clobbered" or "bludgeoned". Ok.
Cariboo-Prince George debate up now. NDP, PPC, Conservative, Christian Heritage, Liberal and Green
Q1. Vaccinated Canadians can’t enter the U.S. What would you do about this?
Todd Doherty, CPC: The Liberals have mishandled this pandemic
Garth Frizzell, Liberals: We have a high vaccination rate, US is our friend, end is in sight
Jeremy Gustafson, PPC: We need to strengthen relationship with US and you can still fly there
Leigh Hunsinger-Chang, Green: U.S. is a great partner, and we don’t get to dictate what they do
Prince George Chamber hosting two riding debates tonight over Zoom. Up first is Prince George-Peace River- Northern Rockies. Liberal, Green, PPC, Conservative, NDP and Maverick parties taking part. Link here: business.pgchamber.bc.ca/events/details…
Q. Should we be in an election? Everyone but Liberal says no. Conservatives try to claim NDP were working with Liberals too much, NDP says Conservatives and Liberals are same
Q. Should we have vaccine mandates? NDP Cory Longly starts by calling out PPC candidate Ryan Dyck for being at a protest in Fort St John today. Liberal candidate says yes, a soft mandate needed. PPC Ryan Dyck says he is encouraging people to protest but not at hospitals and…
Ok I'm to post a list of answers to frequent responses I've gotten to talking about the long (hour+) wait time experienced at some voting stations in Prince George simply so I can direct people to it. Thread follows... cbc.ca/news/canada/br…
1. This was not just a matter of timing. It happened over the course of multiple days. I confirmed this with multiple voters, poll workers and my own two eyes and ears — people were continuously waiting more than an hour and on more than one day
2. The fact that you went to some other voting station and did not experience a long wait time does not negate the fact that people at these stations DID. They do not have the option of going to alternate voting stations
Prince George School Board leadership resigns following report into systemic racism: "I can no longer be part of the Board of Education or a system that this report has shown to be racist, a culture of fear, and broken." cbc.ca/news/canada/br…
"As a First Nations Leader, I can say that my voice was not meant to be at the table," says Trent Derrick, a member of the Gitxsan Nation who resigned as board chair. cbc.ca/news/canada/br…
Also resigning is vice-chair Shuirose Valimohamed.
"The system is not built for minority voices in elected positions or leadership. It is built on holding the white supremacy ideology. The Special Advisors Report shows that."