Today Business planning session we have @TinoeFrampton talking about Sustainability For Non Profits #usawaclp#uiclp #
What does sustainability look or sound like for non profits across the board and why it’s important to build it into our programming. @TinoeFrampton #usawaclp#uiclp
It’s crazy how these statistics are a truth across the board for a lot of people and non profits. Building a sustainability plan is key to longevity and impact @tinoeframpton #usawaclp#uiclp
The biggest contributor to sustainable is a very dynamic and focus corporate governance for the organization. If there is no strong focus on it, funding will always be a problem @TinoeFrampton #usawaclp#uiclp
The Non Profits Starvation Cycle... how can we build and structure our selves for long term and also in the dry times for our non profits. @TinoeFrampton #usawaclp#uiclp
To some people numbers or data might be just a shock but we can interpret and add stories to your reporting of your work @ano87mari #usawaclp#uiclp
Let us use videos, data, stories and photos to advocate and tell of our work... we are living in a world that is more visual inclined and using visual forms @ano87mari #usawaclp#uiclp#femaleleaders
You need to choose the story you want people to know. Spend about 60% speaking about the issues you are passionate about. @JosephMunda #usawaclp#uiclp
Stories are what build brands and when we need to tell those stories first before anyone else writes them. Being a community leader you automatically becomes an expert or point person and people identify you with that cause so tell that story
How do we Monitor and Evaluate our social impact business and non profit programs with @merchoks1 #usawaclp#uiclp
We are all running programs and social impact business and the one thing we want is effectiveness... M & E is there to measure that’s effectiveness as you are implementing your programs @merchoks1 #usawaclp#uiclp#womenleaders
M & E helps you to evaluate, adjust and implement things along the process. Projects fail at times because we can not evaluate or measure that effectiveness @merchoks1 #usawaclp#uiclp#femaleleader
There are several frameworks that deal with the children, women and vulnerable groups. It’s paramount that you understand your constitution and know what it says about the policies around your work @lucychivasa #usawaclp#uiclp#womenleaders
So they are policies both local and international, the constitution and then they are frameworks and agreement that government has signed and adopted. It’s important that we know these instruments @lucychivasa #usawaclp#uiclp#womenleaders